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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. i wonder how long their free shipping deal is going to last. They have some good deals on fly fishing stuff right now and I am getting outfitted big time
  2. The whole purpose here is to develop a "circular economy" Extended Producer responsibility is the name of the game. if you are coke, you make packaging and pay an associated fee for said packaging. You need to understand that in capitalism, the customer always pays... The point here is that if there is a levy on packaging, companies always compete to have the lowest pricing. So if packaging becomes excessive and expensive, then the product subsequently becomes expensive and you end up not being competitive. In the same point, the materials that are being recycled are now owned by the producers. there is incentive for them to have their HDPE or LDPE bottles recycled, so that they can buy the bails send them back to their plastic factory and make them into bottles all over again. The Producer now has control of the entire stream and it is more cost effective than using virgin materials. There is still the limitation of what the end user decides to do with a product, especially when it comes to things like hazardous waste. Its your choice to return something like oil to a designated drop off zone funded 100% by industry (Hazardous waste is 100% extended producer responsibility) or to simply dump your used motor oil down the drain. Thank god that majority of people are starting to realize that the environment is something that we need to keep an eye out for so that our future generations will have something left to enjoy.
  3. new pitching coach might be able to figure out his delivery problems...although it worries me with guys like this that the video is simply giving out tells and they have him sorted. the entirety of your delivery can be difficult to change if your pitches are telling that bad. Also Pillar does the make a wish foundation thing last night, brings a girl out to throw first pitch and then steals the entire game...epic
  4. bingo i work for stewardship ontario, we operate on behalf of industry to assist them in fulfilling their obligations to report the quantities of packaging that they supply to the market. Contrary to popular belief, your taxes only pay for 50% of the costs associated with your Blue Box recycling, industry brand owners i.e. coca cola and walmart pay for the other half (soon to be 100%) I can tell you right now, that unless your liquor bottle gets picked up by a garbage picker, it is ending up in a big pile of glass and that deposit is lost forever. whats more of a joke is that the beer store (a government protected monopoly) does not have to pay any of the recycling costs associated with the glass that they put into the market. This means that companys that produce glass packaging are picking up the beer stores bill on their behalf simply because a lobby got them exempt from the waste diversion acts product stewardship section. Also contrary to popular belief, glass is not very recyclable at all. In fact its one of the crappiest recycling commodities of all. It is really rough on sorting machinery and destroys concrete floors inside of the recycling facilities. Put it this way, you might think that everyone takes their empties back, but i can assure you that 90% of people that live in the city without a car (a huge portion of ontario's population) does not return their empties. On last check return rates are somewhere in the 70% range. 30% is ending up in the trash or going in the blue bin or simply being broken.
  5. lot and docking fees can be expensive, dont forget to consider them as well.
  6. this remember people the LCBO and beer store are not owned by the government like they like us to believe. They are corporations that have lots and lots and lots of money. I work in the recycling industry and guess who the only company in all of ontario that doesnt have to pay recycling stewardship fees is? You guessed it, The beer store. "but they have a return system" you might say, well every single other corporation in ontario that has a return system still has to report the volumes of material that they lose...the beer store doesnt though. Its written into the Waste Diversion Act of Ontario. Now thats lobbying power.
  7. lil intel from up on G bay was fishing late october last year, the smallies should have been out over deep humps chasing shiners...nope, they were in 2 feet of water eating up all of the gobies on a rock shelf in schools. we were seeing groups of 5lbers in a total feeding frenzy.


    maybe if you live in a mobile home
  9. our neighbors to the south rip mad lips all spring to me i still dont understand this grand protectionist idea on bass if we are letting people absolutely hammer the walleyes (if it was up to me all fishing would be C&R with limits of a fish for a persons meal per day thats it) maybe im biased? but people dont even blink an eye at people catching and eating piles of walleye, but the minute you catch and release an OOS bass people think you are some kind of criminal. We fish the kawarthas with floats for crappies right on the new growth shallow. Ya you run into bass, but thats where the crappies are. If we are practicing proper C&R with no photos and other Bull no harm no foul IMO. There is way way way way wayyyyy worse going on on the lakes than that.


    someone in this thread totally just had a big fish fry lol
  11. spider wire is friggin garbage its one of those things that ive tried and its friggin just as bad as people actually make it out to be. the stuff burned off a bunch of plastic on my reels? and then it turned into multiple strand dental floss with then bird nested. Just hot garbage
  12. call me crazy but I swear ive watched an episode of uncut angling where the walleye tournament required them to not livewell the fish. they basically ran back to the weighing station and locked in catches as they got them. you outright had to make your decision to keep the fish and have it weighed an measured right then and there as you caught it. There are other formats that could be used for this tournament IMO. But hearing about this garbage is upsetting. Shut it down.
  13. does intellicast have preferences so that I can read this in Canadian? lol
  14. weathernetworks problem is that they have weather stations now everywhere that can read the current temperature and wind speed in a specific spot. They then label it as a "pointcast" where they will give you a forecast for that specific area..but its total Bull because their forecast is actually driven from somewhere totally far away. I.e. if you look in pointe au baril they have a bunch of local businesses running their "pointcast" weather stations...but then you look at their forecast and its from muskoka airport which is down south of huntsville where the weather is typically 100% different than up towards sudbury. Environment canada has my favourite radar for sure though, especially because theres a station up in Britt which is right near PAB.


    https://www.ontario.ca/document/ontario-fishing-regulations-summary read page 13 if you are in violation of this you are breaking the law and can be fined. MNR is second to the Ontario Fire inspector in terms of the ability to do what ever the hell they want. Dont mess with CO's A CO can confiscate your boat, car, trailer and all of your gear under suspicion without warrant. abide by the law people!


    there is a reason that these limits are in place...abide by them eat a few, put a lot more than a few back.
  17. madvilliany totally in my top 4 rap albums of all time
  18. ahahaha to each his own brian no hate here. good on you for having an open mind hahahaa
  19. i had to...its one of my faves...sounds like youve got the kings sorted freshtrax
  20. was out for dinner last night for some fancy pizza at the shop under my apartment in Van city. turned out to literally be the best pizza I have ever eaten in my entire life...omg so delicious and then they really put me out for a loop when they played Hoe Cakes but then it really got me lit when came on... along with a mix of Pusha T, Talib Kweli and some RJD2 and holy crap i havent heard that never dead track since probably like 05
  21. I personally only like super slick when using heavier line. The hum on 80lb regular PP is annoying and super slick gets rid of that. But 10lb regular power pro is my go to for sure.
  22. optics are not good on that one. They played like they were hungover. Just brutal
  23. last time i dropped science in here, i got booed out. Then i started the Hip Hop thread.
  24. http://www.oldreels.com/hurd.htm very cool from the 40's what kind of line is that?!
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