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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. ya and president obama is an african american...of course there are people who overcome, but not everyone is going to be a super star, nor have the intelligence to start a succesful business etc. My father grew up on a farm with no money, joined the military to put himself through school and is now a very successful businessman. So i know exactly what it means to do "it the hard way" but expecting everyone to have that kind of drive, intelligence, and work ethic is a bit far fetched. God I know i dont have the same drive that he has, nor will i ever make a 10th of what he does. The crack epidemic was inadvertently funded by the US government.This shouldnt come as a surprise as they more recently funded the taliban as well. Theres definitive proof that the CIA was funding the contras and then cut funding which caused them to turn even more heavily to the production and distribution of cocaine for funding. You can then move onto all sorts of theories about CIA operatives assisting with the distribution of the stuff...which in some regards is a bit crazy, but in another point to say that the police, DEA and government in miami in the 80's was a group of straight shooters is a total stretch. Perhaps its difficult for you to understand the term "cages" but anyone who has an affiliation for hip-hop culture and music understands the reference. The cages refer to the projects in every major metropolis in the United States that are full of African American's whos grandparents were forced to live in such areas. In some ways it seems like you think the issue with African American's, crime, the incarceration rate and every other social issue facing them is due to laziness? The nice thing is that at least in todays society, for the most part there are more avenues available to african americans, however to deny white priviledge is wrong. This is all happening in a country where its totally socially acceptable to proudly fly the confederate flag...
  2. having just spent 2 days fishing lakers on riggers, Bill is bang on about them not pulling the clip. I use long clip lines and try set my scotty clips as light as humanly possible to the point that an extra crank on the rod releases the clip and the buggers still rarely pull the clip. It takes a lot of concentration to spot the wobble on the rod tip but out of the 5 fish we had on, only one popped the clip. Weve caught multiple lakers simply pulling up lines to switch spoons and realizing that we were dragging a fish.
  3. hate to break it to you...but have you ever heard of watergate? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_involvement_in_Contra_cocaine_trafficking crack cocaine was an epidemic in the American Ghetto. good for you, you were raised with a solid morality. Cant say the same for the huge number of children growing up in poverty with lack of guidance. Kids turn to gangs out of neccesity. Read the book "monster" by sanyika shakur, he describes the reason for turning to a gang was that he never wanted to be the victim of crime again. Once again, white people put the african american people in cages and now this is the ugly reality that we face. I never once said that they cannot overcome...but pointing the finger and expecting easy solutions is not a great answer either. The issue is far far more complex than laziness or being "inherently bad"
  4. its not about being racist, its about the fact that this cycle that you are describing exists because white people started it. The problem is that now they are stuck in this very same struggle. The gang culture and a drug trade that was funded by the United States government holds things in place. Its not easy to come up with solutions, but it is easy to point the finger and say "you should do better"
  5. for your reference Tjames, i spent an entire day 12+ hours up on georgian bay using a minkotta 50lb with an energizer marine battery, we had the 14 foot tinner with 2 guys, a casting deck loaded with gear and the battery still had a quarter power left after 12 hours.
  6. to be honest ive found the complete opposite up on georgian bay. We are catching a heck of a lot, just not getting the size like we did before.
  7. speaking form experience, ive got a 50lb bowmount on my 14 foot tinner...it will get you around pretty good. If you are trying to troll though i wouldnt recommend it. How much would a 4 horse set you back? If you are looking to cover ground use the 4 to position yourself and let the wind do the work. Thats what i do half the time with the bowmount anyways.
  8. a good statement, but what it doesnt touch on is the fact that white people forced black people into "cages" where lack of hope runs deep. You bet that baltimore is full of crime, and you can bet that black people are involved in a dispraportionate amount of crime...why? cause thats where these people are born and raised, their grandparents were forced into the ghetto with no jobs and no opportunities. As biggie smalls says "you either selling crack rock or you got a wicked jump shot" Its easy for us to sit back and say "black people should get their asses up and get jobs" how about if there are no jobs available, how about if your parents are unemployed addicted to crack (funded by Ronald Regan and the contras) Do you honestly stand a great chance? you cant put yourselves in these peoples shoes. The cycle is deep as can be, and I dont personally have the answers on how to solve it. Its hard to say that a kid with a dad in jail and his mom working 4 crappy jobs is gonna work at mcdonalds for minimum wage when there is easier money to be made in the streets. Thats the reality of the urban ghetto.
  9. sorry...how does stun grenading him and then shooting him change the scenario? The only change is that now you are relying on a swat team member to shoot the guy with the potential risk of the cultprit wearing a suicide vest or potentially getting a shot off at the cops. (he was a trained military man) Correct me if I am wrong, but is there any way to incapacitate someone in an open environment aside from a direct blow to their head?
  10. He made it very clear that his intent was to reingage the police in a fire fight. He threatened them and made it clear that his intent was further escalation of the violence and made it very clear that he had no intention of going peacfully. At that point theres no point is putting further police lives in jeapordy, the guy was already miraculously alive after the initial firefight. The police had already attempted to use deadly force but the bugger survived. No harm no foul IMO
  11. clearing up some cap space...they still need a top 4 d...boy i hope its not that russell dude
  12. Multiracial African Americans, make up 14% of the total U.S. population.
  13. and hence, we will see, that an innocent man is unnecessarily dead because he was guilty until proven innocent. Theres plenty of evidence and facts here to show logically what happened. - We have a man driving being pulled over for a basic traffic violation. - The man is not a felon, nor a criminal because he works in a school with kids. - The man is with his family including a young child in the vehicle - The man has informed the officer that he is armed - We have a video of a damn good witness (sitting in the seat next to the victim) making a clear statement of what happened - The witness feels compelled to take video of the situation because she wants to make it very clear that there was malice on the part of the victim - The cop is clearly distraight at what he has just done Those are the facts yet somehow we are still trying to say that we are "on the fence" as to the victims guilt? Thats a bit of a stretch by any length. The only argument to the contrary is that "he was probably reaching for his gun to shoot the cop" like seriously?! The only reason a cop should be shooting someone is if they are being shot at themselves or their lives are in jeopardy in some way. I think its a very very very long stretch to say that this was the scenario.
  14. imagine living in this environment...change is neccesary
  15. give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Thats my point here. The guy gets pulled over for a traffic violation...hes got his family in the car and if you actually watch the video taken by his wife/girlfriend, the cop who murdered the guy is clearly distraught and you can tell he knows he screwed up. He made a very very bad decision based on what i percieve to be a bias. That a black male is dangerous and should be treated differently than a white man...thats the entire situation here, disparity in law enforcement. IMO and the opinion of many others, if the driver is white, hes alive. People are grasping at straws trying to give the cop the total benefit of the doubt...but what about the victim? We have some pretty serious video evidence, but we are all still grasping at straws trying to believe that the guy that got shot is guilty...come on guys Now weve got people that have lost their minds just adding a whole pile more fuel to the fire...this whole thing is tragic as hell.
  16. of course its hard to tell, but lets be honest here...when was the last time that a police officer pulled you over with your family and suspected the worst when you went to grab your license and registration. This simply does not happen to white people. The fact of the matter of the guy getting killed in his front seat is that the cop shot him for no reason at all. You and I and everyone in the world knows that buddy wasnt reaching for his gun to shoot the cop with his baby in the back seat. Lets get serious here. You are close to implying that the police have the right to shoot people if they feel that there is a potential threat, regardless of the fact that there is one or not. Thats a really slippery slope.
  17. live by the gun, die by the gun the entire situation is just tragic and the factors at play here are so very deeply rooted that I honestly dont believe there will be anything remotely close to a solution for a very long time. Its amazing that the plight of african americans continues on to this day hundreds of years later after being forced into slavery. Things took a turn in the 60's but unfortunately the damage was already done. Itd be nice to think that white people could stop being racist, and that black people could somehow overcome, but the cycle is so deep, i really fear that there is no end in site This is really what desperation looks like...people are just going off the deep end.
  18. out of all of the tournaments I have seen the FLW does the most to ensure the livelihood of the fish population. What gets me are the bushleague tournaments hosted by xyz resort or even trailer parks that hold fishing tournaments for residents where there is literally no proper fish weighing and holding apparatuses. The FLW is the least of our worries.
  19. bunk...can i tell that you are excited? you dropped the report on us before even leaving! jealousy doesnt begin to describe the envy that most of feel towards the opportunity you are presented with.
  20. if you follow pump on social media you will note that the purpose of their group is to expose people to fishing (especially kids) who have literally never fished before. So i believe the statement is that 20% of people have tried fishing before. The percentage of people who actually regularily fish...on this board is probably in the 40% range lol. Some people just arent so lucky. Lots of 1 week a year guys kicking around here for sure...not that theres anything wrong with that either. I just wouldnt want to be you
  21. not impressed by merc whatsover here either! pops bought a boat 3 years ago with 50 hours on it...the thing has been nothing but problems since. I dont think wed ever buy a north american outboard again, never mind even a ski-poo...our sleds have been a mess as well. Not impressed...hind site is 20 20
  22. ohio my place is 10 doors down from PC They are less a fishing camp now and more resort for time shares. They actually put up all of the cottages for sale! Cold water really really is starting to feel like the culprit here. I imagine bass in Florida think water in the high 70's is cold. While on GB its july and the shallow bays are 72.
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