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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. swimbait on a jig or underspin...do you have electronics? You are going to want them. Lakers arent that shy of a fish, I personally run braid and then a good long leader of mono or flurocarbon.
  2. this just reminds me that i need to get out salt water fishing again some day...nice catch
  3. dissapointing when some of your last trips dont pan out...im really hoping for some luck this weekend, i think ive only got a couple more days on the ice left before the long wait for the lakes to open up.
  4. You know iron, thats funny because my experience with fall walleye is that if im not in my 20 foot "box" im not catching at nearly the same rate...its so precise that GPS waypoint gets you close but its actually visual alignment that gets it perfected. We had a morning last year that for whatever reason I was fishing the front of the boat...i caught 28 walleye that morning, while the rest of the boat caught a collective 5. The other scenario where electronics absolutely changed the game...shoal drop shotting smallies. I have a few spots in late september that are rocks in a giant basins...they are so random that navionics charts sort of mark them but its not very accurate and a few arent even charted at all they were found using a friggin pirahnamax and became honey holes later...they are marked on my units now and ive even autocharted them now so that I actually have an exact "graph" of whats going on down there that no one else in the world probably has. The poorly charted spots show a depth change but dont actually precisely show where the reef actually is...The actual reef itself is probably only 15x15. ipilot helps an absolute ton, especially with the new jog feature on the terrova's...it allows you to stay on target but shift 5 feet to the left right front or back to make sure you work over that one particular spot. Im back to a cable drive now so I will be bringing marker buoys with me to throw down for a visual cue of where the heck i need to be sticking to. The results speak for themselves I used to think electronics were a bit overrated, and in shallower lakes with a whole pile of weeds, imaging isnt as essential IMO...i.e. when im fishing shallow for largies my electronics are basically turned off. But you start fishing that 15+FOW on clean structure, finding deep weeds, random shoals in big bodies of water...I literally owe some of my best catches to my sonar and GPS. My PB walleye, we drove up to the edge of a shoal that once again is very poorly marked, flipped on the electronics found the actual edge of whree the bottom of the basin started to run up...sure enough marked a tank of a hook on bottom, the thing had two bloody fish icons on it...dropped the drop shot down and instantly hooked up.
  5. lol, those rednecks will drive their cars on anything though, my boys were out on 6 inches on scugog on first ice and the boys had their cars out... Gotta love the guys that leave all of their trash on the lake when they take their huts off too. last weekend i saw a guy with his hut up on 2 foot long pieces of 2x6...tied up the shack and just drove off leaving all of his wood and shims...should make some nice dead heads to hit with my lower end come spring.
  6. Would this coverage allow me to enter bass tourneys? can anyone confirm? I should be a member anyways
  7. Frigging adulting is so hard....the way this translates to me is that I have liability coverage up to a minimum of $1,000,000 through my home insurance policy because it has a clause for fur, bicycles and watercraft and this is a standard among all home insurance policies.... does this mean that if I were entering a Bass tournament that I would be able to display this policies liability coverage? Can anyone with actual tournament experience explain how this works? I have no idea how registration for a real tournament even works. The events I have fished have only ever been small friends and family/trailer park/resort operated tournaments.
  8. From what I was told is that because my outboard is over 60hp they couldnt throw it under the house policy it needs its own policy entirely on its own. otherwise I totally would have gone that route. once again I am only looking for liability coverage and unfortunately that is not an option.
  9. I called a pile of places and tried to get just liability and no one would do it. they all want you to buy all of the bells and whistles.... Slightly upset that i'd need coverage to fish proper tournaments if I ever cared to try, but whatever it is what it is.
  10. Jesus manitou, easy on the flashbacks dude! crazy to think this was more than a decade ago...Rock the Bellz 2007! (SORRY FOR THE THREAD HIJACK!)
  11. theres a changing tide in fishing fashion...a buddy and I clued into about 5 years ago that there was a market of fishermen who were somewhat hypebeast/street fashion conscious with absolutely no one catering to them. yes of course bass pro trucker hats and flannel shirts will still dominate fishing fashion as long as folks from texas, alabama and georgia have anything to say about it... But check out the likes of Bass Brigade, Bassers United and Warbaits... My buddy and I made a little bit clothing under the "trophies fishing" banner check the logo on the hat, flat beaks, normal sunglasses lol you get the idea
  12. been very happy with my Spy Discords, ive had them for 4 years they are very comfortable and dont make you look like a middle aged white guy or guy fieri
  13. Thanks for the input guys, im still contemplating but im heavily leaning towards not insuring the boat...I already know that my deductible would be $1,000 and the blue book value is just under $3,000...my premium for the year is going to be over $400 and then id have to spend over $500 just to get the marine survey done...so basically just to get insurance to cover anything id be paying $2,000 of the $3,000 that the insurance company would give me should the boat sink...just doesnt seem like a good investment at this point. if i squeeze two years out of the boat without crashing it...voila im in the green. A co-worker of mine that sails said that theres a possibility that my house insurance would cover some of my personal liability...which is really what i was trying to insure against anyways....I really dont give a damn about the boat at this point.
  14. good point G, this is exactly what happened to the previous owner and the reason for the hull repair. He was trailering and something kicked up off of the road and hit the side of the boat damaging the fibreglass on the left side. He explained that he was pretty upset because he ended up paying a heck of a lot of money out of pocket to repair the hull because it wasnt covered by his truck's insurance.
  15. Sorry mech i thought i quoted and replied to you...a few pages back i talked about how because my mortgage isnt being done through one of the bank's "approved list of 7 lenders" they wouldnt give me a Heloc Spoke to my old man and he was cool with doing the loan for me because he likes the idea of me not using his boat anymore So yes, ive got a loan, but its through my old man so in anyone elses eyes its paid for in cash.
  16. I started asking these questions and they admitted that should anything happen they are going to write the boat off...I also couldnt be bothered to pay the $1000 dollar deductible to get the extra 2 thousand they would give me along with the increased premiums on anything I insure for the rest of my life. I already accepted the fact that even if anything happened to my boat, I wouldnt make a claim because it wouldnt be worth it. My loss if I crash the boat...the boating stats kinda shocked me that they were so low...but it makes a lot of sense, especially on the areas I boat, the only yahoos seem to be on jet skis...surprise surprise...and thats not my responsibility
  17. 1000% ive sight fished so many fish on georgian bay its ridiculous. It really depends on the water you fish, but on georgian bay where visibility can be 30 Feet easily, its awesome to spot fish sunning themselves on shoals etc and be able to pitch to them.
  18. Hey Lew, They are one of the companies that quoted me, they require a Marine Survey for any boat over 15 years old.
  19. Lesson learned....I apologize to everyone here, never read about how insurance companies are trying to take you and then post right before bed. You become a total bumhole and then sound like one when you post. You are totally right cisco, the time to get a marine survey is before you buy the boat. But for the price i paid, theres definitely gonna be some inhereted risk associated with buying a 20 year old boat. I already know that there was one fibreglass repair done to it...the seller was 100% forthcoming, the repair was done close to 6 years ago when he had no intention of selling it. At that time the owner had every intention of continuing to use the boat so he had it professionally repaired and spent a lot of money doing so. He showed me the job the guy did from the inside out and you literally could basically not tell from the inside that it had been repaired aside from colouration and from the outside it was spotless and impossible to see. The owner even provided me with the receipt for the repair because the shop that did it guaranteed it for life. What im looking at now is that I could go get this marine survey done, and they could basically say the boat is uninsurable, and now ive literally thrown away the cost of getting the survey when Im contemplating not insuring the boat at all now anyways. Like hypothetically they say that it shouldnt be insured...and sure enough im back at square one unable to get insurance and out $500 This is how these guys get you, you cant get Liability insurance...you have to buy the complete package for a boat thats blue book is only $3000 thats with a $1000 deductible...so basically i would never claim against the insurance anyways If the boat is totally shot...im out the money i paid for the boat...im using my own judgement and inspection of the boat and taking on that risk. In my opinion I should be afforded that freedom and provided the opportunity to purchase liability insurance that would basically have nothing to do with the mechanical functionality of the boat. I get it, if the boat friggin sinks instantly and all of my friends are in it and we all drown...theres a problem, but like a few pictures of the boat would solve that? Sorry to rant...Cisco if the boat was 30+ thousand I would be 100% on board to get the survey done before hand, but for insurance purposes when all i want coverage for is if someone goes swimming at night in the middle of the lake and I somehow dont see them...I guess i better reverse and make sure they get chopped up entirely at this point ahaha. Great advice though! I tried that Iron, they will only do up to 60hp ....Youd think i was buying a 50 foot yacht lol. Ive done some heavy reading about boat accident stats....basically if you dont drink and boat...there are 42 boat related casualties per year in canada from boating....8(7)% of these deaths would have been prevented had the people worn PFD's....so basically at this point id be insuring myself against the 2 people per year that die in power boating accidents that are wearing PFD's and werent drinking and boating. Seems insane right? I honestly couldnt believe the stats were that low...the large majority of boat accidents are people that are fishing that fall overboard without a PFD or are drunk...not really surprising when you think about it.
  20. an option im heavily considering after looking up how low the incidence of boat accidents is if you dont drink and boat...less than 40 per year in canada. didnt need the survey for "soundness" of the boat, its all fibreglass no marks and the engine runs...what more could I want? not financed apparently its standard for any boat over 20 with any company...i dont need to pay 500 for someone to tell me that my boat is in good mechanical shape...im capable of doing that myself. its mandatory apparently for anything over 20...yawn so stupid you only have to do it if you buy teh boat second hand after 20 years....I already know the boat will float and run, what a friggin scam
  21. Hey Guys, I am trying to get everything set up for the boat that I just purchased and I was notified that because my boat is 20 years old I am required to obtain a marine survey in order to get insurance. Is this for friggin real? If so, where can one be conducted and how does the process work. Also I am open to any info as it relates to this being a requirement for all insurance companies or is it only partial to some? This insurance crap is getting ridiculous with this boat considering its not even a legal requirement. I am basically forced to insure the boat for far more than its cash value anyways....Im reading this marine survey might cost me close to $500?!
  22. heres a solution...go fish the inland lakes that are completely locked up and will be for the next month. Cant say im a huge fan of guys leaving it to the first responders to bail them out if they get stuck out there...but if you really gotta ice fish just go somewhere the ice is safer? I know I will be this weekend.
  23. sounds pretty close to this package 24v system with a 3 bank charger, the electronics in the one picture are off of the boat, ive got my own set of helix's ill be installing. Im just praying the motor holds up! I bought a yamaha in the hopes that it would!
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