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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Thats when you know you are fishing crazy...basically for me, my aim is to catch one fish...everything from there is just a bonus...if you can get skunked and still have a good time, then that is everything.
  2. whats confusing to me is that these guys go to dominican...start both getting intensely itchy feet...start to notice blisters and other crap appearing on their skin...and then say hmmm i guess i should go see a doctor?! lmao what the hell
  3. glad you guys caught some decent ones. Maybe your friend will get addicted and you will have a new fishing partner
  4. gonna need to be a real sharp shooter to hit those blackflies lol
  5. its still around, my brothers buddy just cashed out 1.5 million out of one...pretty nuts! Ive done all of my trading through one as well, its always nice cashing out tax free!
  6. holy heck, wasnt around for the weekend and this thread took off... to give you guys way too much info about my life lol just to show you my situation and give you a better profile of myself. My mortgage is for 60% of the value of my home, my home was built last year...anything breaks, thats the responsibility of the condo corp...one thing i should be wary of is increased condo fees. (worth noting) I own a truck with 40,000click on it that is fully paid off, however it is a dodge...which has had to go into the shop for warranty work 3 times now lol so good heads up on this one. 5% of my income goes to retirement, which my company matches as our retirement savings plan. dont smoke, dont smoke the herb either, barely drink aside from a very casual beer. No credit card debt or any other debt/payments owed. Would be looking for a starter boat, definitely not trying to shop for anything probably over 17 feet, but would want my money spent on getting a powerplant that can get 3 guys around easily...so probably over 100hp so that jacks up the price a bit. I guess one way to protect myself from any major hit is to ensure that i get a good deal buying used...that way if something really did hit the fan, im not taking a major hit on the used vs new depreciation...i.e. you can go buy a 30k boat brand new...something happens and you have to sell a boat with 3hours on it for 20k...or you buy a used boat with 30 hours on it, for 20k, and then sell it for 18k with 50 hours on it. Anyone here have experience buying boats from the states? What are the rules about that? I know that right of the top, that buying a used bass boat from the states is going to get me wayyyy more bang for my buck than up here...or at least thats what ive seen shopping around online and heard from some members here...what about the taxes/will the bank still give you that loan for whatever you want even if you are purchasing something from the USA?
  7. This...this...and this.... dude looks like he could literally be toronto's best D man...imagine him in 2-3 years....
  8. You are way too late to the party if you are only interested in weed stocks now...the time to invest was a year+ ago. Everything else now is just Bull and inflated. One of the most important parts of identifying a good stock? Look at its cost per earnings and actual evaluation...when it comes to weed stocks, somehow every single one of these companies would literally have to increase their revenue streams by over 1000% to even come close to realizing the value of their shares at this point...aka impossible.
  9. 3% seems a lot better than 15...but holy cow the difference between 3 and 9 is insane? I cant even get close to even considering a lund or alumacraft...seems like only a 60+ year old executive can afford those things these days...insane how much they are asking for them...even crazier is that they somehow cost 50% less about 15 years ago. Aside from my mortgage payment Im close...hence why im starting to look...and thats the one thing that kinda bothers me is that Im not a huge believer of financing toys...but in this day and age of any boat basically costing at least 20k, how can one expect to ever buy one unless you make 500k a year+ I mean in all honesty, who is mortgage free at 30 years old? Is the expectation not to have a boat until you dont have a mortgage...thats a tough pill to swallow! I havent even looked at the potential of getting a HELOC loan...how do they place a value on the price of your home anyways? i.e. my home is going to cost about 50% less its in orangeville for example. I live in the city of Toronto so everything is ridiculously inflated.
  10. Hey Guys, As i approach 30 years old, ive been considering the fact that for the amount that fish, it wouldnt be too far fetched of an idea for me to finally go out on a limb and purchase a starter boat for myself to upgrade from my tinner. Basically my idea would be to get a used bass boat/v haul with livewells, a starting battery etc etc. Of course I would love to simply go out and purchase a boat private sale, but I dont really have 15k sitting around. A bank loan would be an option pending how high interest rates are from a boat dealer? Aside from my mortgage I am finance/debt free. The idea of a monthly payment for a boat is starting to seem like a reasonable idea. My question relates to financing a used/new boat. You see a ton of ads for cars and what their purchase finance rates are, but ive been trying to research what financing on a boat looks like and the lack of information is astonishing. My question for you folks is what is the standard purchase finance rate for a new/used boat, what rate was available when you bought your boat? I checked out Nitro's finance calculator, but it applied a base finance rate of 15%...surely that cant be accurate, can it? that seems insane. Any info that you guys can provide would be awesome. Thanks,
  11. treat investing like a job...if you spend a lot of time watching stocks and trends and reading, you can make money at it...if you just throw money at hearsay...you will go broke. Ive made a few plays in the last few years simply done on "ideas" that the general populous had not fully grasped yet. The recession bail outs, BP oil spill, the legalization of weed to name a few.
  12. January/February is when the men are separated from the boys...even during that last cold stretch they were still sneaking points in by making it to overtime and losing...they also were never really "out" of many of those games....As much as Babcock plays it off that he was "oblivious" to the option of playing kadri with marner and marleau, there was a comment he made about playing komorov with kadri...basically along the lines of "10 times a game komorov pulls the reigns on kadri and gets his head back into defense mode" I think babcock was literally waiting till he could feel confident enough that the message of defense first was drilled into kadris brain before he would allow him to be free...sure enough 3 goals, 2 games after going nearly 20 without a goal. I think we sometimes forget that this team literally has the most offensive depth in the entire NHL...hence if you can teach that offense to play some of the best defensive hockey possible, the rest will take care of itself. Gardiner hainsey is starting to look like an absolutely fantastic combo as well...if you can roll zeitsev rielly...or perhaps even upgrade zeitsev and put rielly with a top pair D man...look out.
  13. knowing the effort that one of these reports takes to put together, thanks for taking the time out of your schedule to give us some fish porn...as i was reading I had a moment where I could smell being out on the water on a summer afternoon...only to quickly be brought back to the reality of being at a desk in a cubicle in Toronto lol. Well done!
  14. dont forget when you smash your stick into the goalies head first too!...people keep talking about how he fell on him...look before he fell he smashes his stick into Andersons head.
  15. thing lookin like a pink salmon with brook trout colours, unreal
  16. saw this on the grams...im confused Joey, do you live up north or just venture there a lot?
  17. only time ive caught burbs, sand flats with a deadsticked minnow sitting right on bottom and it was night time
  18. Twitter summed this one up this morning perfectly. 1. A comparison of matthews disallowed goal vs the allowed goal last night 2. Bab's reaction https://twitter.com/TheFlintor/status/956370828521648128
  19. you got a pic of this thing? i wanna see the shape...it haunts me that I cant find another one like it. Bought a ton of daredevils but not a single one moves like that one did...i cant even explain how it darted up down and side to side sporadically while cranking slowly. I find most spoons require you to burn them really fast to make em move that much. Ive got that 5 of diamonds tattooed on the side of my leg! lol
  20. I had a eppinger 5 of diamonds that had just a certain shape to it...somewhat of a wave, the perfect width and length...ive never been able to find another like it since I lost it. That thing had multiple 40+inch pike on it...until one day my line gave out on another monster pike and sure enough I could never find another one again. The thing absolutely danced at low speed, the pike absolutely hammered it, even caught walleye and bass on it all the time too. RIP
  21. send a plate this way thanks,
  22. havent personally had too much of an issue...I have had problems with it knowing my bearing at times, I also have had a couple of experiences where i tracked off of course...but it quickly corrected...if you are driving new water that fast that a quick correction wont save you...The person driving like that probably deserves to lose the leg of their boat anyways.
  23. lol you never know here in Ontario what can happen Could be one of those mornings where you go out in a parka and finish in a bathing suit.
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