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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Seriously though, computers can think and react at speeds far exceeding that of the human brains capability. Even more so, they dont get distracted by phones the radio or their own personal problems. Have you ever heard of an aggressive computer? I definitely have seen plenty of aggressive drivers. ive also seen countless people who appear to be scared completely chitless behind the wheel driving in the fast lane on the 401 going 70kmh causing everyone behind them to nearly crash. If we had 100% automated driving during rush hour each day we would literally completely rid the entire city of gridlock...pretty crazy to think about right? The implications of that would mean cheaper insurance, better for the environment and more time with our families doing what we want.
  2. I trust a computer more than I trust drivers in Brampton...just saying
  3. sorry its not a real "cap hell" its a financial hell imposed by the cheap A$ owner hahaha i guess you gotta fill seats to make money right? maybe he can ask them to schedule more games against the leafs so that you guys can untarp some seats.
  4. hahaha dammmmmm I just love a team that is in cap hell, with 0 prospects being the classic "pesky sens" of old where they win the last ten games of the season and ruin and chance of getting a good draft pick. Dont worry douchene will go right back to being a bum come October, he better get his rounds of golf in with erik quick, because he will be gone come july.
  5. the good news for me is that I am actually fishing a fishery that got decimated about 10 years ago. I finally figured out the story for a local a couple weeks ago. When i first moved to the area in 2008, there used to be permanent shacks where i fish, I alwasy figured people were just trying to catch walleye, sure enough the shacks dwindled, 3 years ago there was 2, last year there was one until this year there hasn't been a shack on in the area at all and only the odd other person trying to fish, no one with any success from what weve seen. 2 weeks ago a local stopped by to say hello and asked how we were doing, it was early in the day so we had only caught a couple so far and the guy said, "20 years ago, we hauled them outta here by the bucketful, then the local resort put huts up and got their guests to also bring a pile home and now you cant catch any" Suprise surprise a fishery with a limit of 30 fish per day was getting absolutely hammered on a commercial scale. Well last year our sled broke so we wanted to fish somewhere within walking distance, we went out set up and sure enough my buddy hooks into a crappie (the first one we had caught in my area ever) well, we caught the bug and kept going back and sure enough march was a banger. I failed to mention to the guy that last year we were on them pretty good, but the fishery has had a couple of years now with basically no pressure, i think things are starting to turn the corner for it again. If we keep our mouths shut and our internet posts ambiguous and hidden, i think i could end up with a very very nice fishery. We took a total of 4 fish to eat this entire year as a special treat, and aside from that I dont think a single fish has been taken...im sure the numbers will keep increasing every year, and thank god for us because March/april used to be a painful deadzone waiting for May to be able to fish, now weve got some fantastic fishing to tie us over. Being a great lake...i have 0 doubt that we could end up with some stupidly massive slabs in a few years. Ive noticed the best action weve had is on bluebird days at lunch time...The bright spring sunshine might have the plankton on fire? not sure?
  6. ladybird was really good dunkirk was possibly my fave war movie ever...still not as good as the pacific tho but thats a miniseries...so it is what it is black panther was cool but i friggin hate marvel movies so thats partially why it dampened it for me. Get out was one of my favourite movies ever. The most recent star wars was a bit of a dud for me.
  7. Ok size, not absolutely monsters like they get in the kawarthas, we caught a few 14 inchers last year, this year the numbers have maybe been better but the consistency in size is solid as well. nothing under 8 inches and the biggest one caught was 12.5 so we cant complain. 30+ saturday (We lost count, i personally caught at least 15 of them myself) and then another 15 Sunday...the bite was a lunch window too, basically nothing happening early, 11 rolled around and it turned on...1pm my screen was full of crappies and every time i dropped my lure i caught, then it tapered off and totally shut off around 2.
  8. the bite has indeed been hot as of late. We iced 30+ this weekend.
  9. Hey Ron, Where are you located?
  10. the crappies are starting to bite, and weve got 3 friggin feet of ice and counting...brrr its cold this morning, when is ice off? may? Enjoy the river fishing!
  11. lefty is almost like einstein when it comes to fly fishing...He literally had a different brain when it came to fishing, moreso maybe than any other person on the planet. He somehow took things that are notoriously complex and broke them down so that anyone could do it. A great example of this, my father turned 65 this past fall and he is beginning to have trouble tying complicated fishing knots. His eyes are wary and his hands not as sturdy as they once were, regardless he was having great difficult tying to lines together recently, and low and behold I introduced him to the Lefty Kreh knot...if you can find me a more simple way of tying a two lines together, try me. To literally invent knots, but have those inventions be something complicated in the most simple form really speaks volumes to how this man's brain worked. I owe my ability to double haul to lefty's videos...If only I could feel and look as effortless as he did when he casts lol
  12. for the fly guys around here, Lefty Kreh passed away yesterday. My first fly rod was a TFO Lefty Kreh signature! "Dear friends,I am sorry to relay sad information to all of you. Bernard Victor Kreh “Lefty” passed away today in the presence of his family. He passed without pain. He told us multiple times during the worsening of his illness how lucky he was to have so many friends. During these last few weeks he was so sick and without energy that he was unable to respond to any emails and the many phone messages left for him. I can say this was a-great comfort to him. There will be a celebration of his life in the upcoming weeks. We will update you when plans are made. Lefty would want us to celebrate life and not mourn him. During the course of the week that I’ve been here, one thing he kept mumbling was Spirit Springs, over and over. When I asked him, what or where that is, he simply replied, that’s where he’s going, to fishing heaven, to Spirit Springs. He passed peacefully and with no pain. He was surrounded by family and loved ones. At the time of his death, a hard wind shook the house as if he was taking the winds home to my Grandma. As he got me into photography, he once told me he had to carry a camera with him because you never know when something may take your breath away and you want to take it home for later. So on ending this, I know myself and all of you are going to look to the water now, and if you come to a spot where something takes your breath away, I’m going to feel his presence each time and take a photo. That way I can take a bit of the inspiration and his spirit back home with me. Tight Lines, best wishes, and All The Best, Sam and The Kreh Family"
  13. does this unit come with a footpedal and remote? Also does it have US2 capability?
  14. Im in total shock...but not entirely, at the total lack of suggestions...it really seems like my experience with marine mechanics is not that far from the experience of others around here. Weve got a guy in Pointe Au Baril thats pretty good, but the problem is that he doesnt always do all of the work because he also runs the marina...depending on the job, it either gets done right, or gets done terribly. Doesnt sound far from finding a good ski poo mechanic either.
  15. goes to show that even with a good product, running a business takes a lot of intelligence and good business practices. One of those occasions where you have a pretty decent product, but perhaps grow too fast or get ahead of yourself and end up not being able to pay your bills.
  16. holy crepe what an eye, especially coming from a muskoka lake...very very impressive.
  17. really disturbing how the last 20 years the problem is clearly exponentially getting worse
  18. that chart basically shows how global warming is happening lol
  19. ad updated with additional pictures and information https://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/hamilton/bass-boat-1991-stratos-all-pro-with-1996-johnson-v6-150/1339462515?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true
  20. hthm having just done a significant amount of boat shopping myself, In my opinion, you are offering this boat at a ridiculously good deal...so much so that I am shocked that you have had trouble selling it thus far. I am going to just throw a suggestion out there to try and help you out. I honestly think the pictures and details you have provided on your ad are whats holding you back. All of the photos you have provided in the ad make it feel like you are attempting to hide the condition of the boat, while I have a strong feeling that your boat is actually probably in fantastic shape, but its impossible to tell from the pictures that you have provided. Some larger closer shots of the boat I think would should your potential buyers the full details of how well kept the boat really is. One of the best photos that you could provide would be to take a step ladder and take an overhead shot of the cockpit and decks...a few close ups of the condition of the carpet on the front casting deck and another photo of the condition of the rear casting deck, a few photos of the seats, and maybe one of a close up of the engine itself would do wonders for your ad. Consider opening all of the compartments to show that they are not rotted or rusty, that would be great as well. If you are having difficulty with the photos, please feel free to PM me, i would be more than happy to assist you with cropping them and making them look good for a new kijiji post. I could even post the ad for you to give you a hand. As far as boat details go, You will definitely want to provide the year of the boat and the motor, from what i can kinda see...you might have a jackplate? If so, mention it, thats a huge deal, the brand of the onboard charger (how many banks?) does the boat also come with all 4 batteries for the trolling motor and starter? Stainless steel prop? I would also add your compression test results to the ad as well. Once you have added all of these details to the ad, i bet the thing will sell within days!
  21. they are a real eye sore I could go back to the same spot 100 times and finding that random rock in a basin is still like finding a needle in a hay stack.
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