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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Mmmmm pike, I like em! does anyone have a good recipe for pickling them? G
  2. is there an echo .....? Board glitch? G
  3. so the skins need to be repurchased for every site update? Ouch! I would balk at that too! One would think they would be compatible with different versions of the IPboard if they need to be repurchased I am content with the default skin... although I did like my old one better G
  4. hey! there was a fishing related ad! Ohhh JOY! so I clicked it.. Something about the "Secret Weapon" but they wont show you what it is LOL! it was an interesting video though... just seemed a little to far fetched for me, as they wont show you or tell you what it really is! Anyways just thought I would post this, as it seems that there are ads being placed that are related to us. G
  5. I kind of like the weird stuff... call me sick and twisted... freaky deaky! G
  6. you guys are on the ball and dont mess around!
  7. wow! sounds like the small business owners are indeed getting the short end of the stick.. especially if it was their taxes dollars that helped build the Eco Centre... bum deal. G.
  8. I have set Firefox to block all ads/images coming from googleads.g.doubleclick.net All I see now is a blank post.. and you are right Wayne... some of the content was questionable. All of the ads were not even remotely related to the outdoors.. mostly marketing and webhosting stuff...with the odd scantly clad women wanting me to visit a fitness dating site, as she shows off her cleavage. Does this site receive revenue every view? or every click? as I cannot see it generating very much income on a per click basis, given the content of the ads. if the ads were related to outdoor related products and services (ie lodges, suppliers, outfitters etc) I would be more inclined to click on something that catches my interest... Dating, marketing and web hosting are not something I am interested in. my 0.02 cents on it.. G.
  9. Merland screwed over a bunch of us OFC'rs on one of our G2G's.... and well many of us will not return. If you like mouse crap in you're cutlery by all means book there....If you like to pay for boat dockage that means nothing then book there... (True story) but there is an alternative... You can also look at Perfect Vu. it is in the same vicinity (5-10 minutes away) and the owners seem to actually care what their guests think about them. Just a thought.. G.
  10. Uhmmm what is with the advert bot? Spam in our threads? is this by design????? G
  11. It wasn't in the past... I as well as MANY other used that skin... I do not understand why it was ok then but not now?... is it something that can be looked at?
  12. Carole... I missed you! Welcome home.. and I hope you are on the mend, I can only imagine how tough things have been. Tough demon to beat... but it seems you are winning! Just know that you're OFC family is here for you... G.
  13. Love the looks of the chat feature!
  14. can we have our old skins back? I am really not fond of the default skin.. and the other available skin is horrible.. ? G
  15. Scooter.... very true. Some have received letters years after buying their boat!
  16. are these lights all on the same circuit?.. is there a possibility of a drywall screw threw the line itself causing the voltage change? I have seen more then one drywall screw through electrical wire causing mayhem G.
  17. was the drywall not primed before you put wallpaper on it? if not bad move on whoever installed it!
  18. by spray bottle I meant weed sprayer.. sorry for the confusion.
  19. you want to know the absolute best way to remove wallpaper? Downy fabric softener diluted with water 2 parts water one part Downey. apply with a spray bottle. Let sit for 5-10 minutes re-apply as needed. I promise you the wall paper will come off with ease using a scrapper. I have removed alot of wallpaper over the years as a GC, and this is a cheap DIY solution to purchasing expensive "removers" Let me know how you made out after using my method. As nothing could be more simple. G.
  20. Here is a VERY good reason why Lowrance Customer Service now Sucks http://bbcboards.zeroforum.com/zerothread/...lowrance-navico G.
  21. Evinrude man.... Evinrude man. G.
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