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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Well that is a good story Joe!!! Nice to see service like that! If you know me you know I BBQ ALOT! year round. and my current BBQ gave up the ghost and is no longer worth fixing. I have been doing a bunch of research on the BGE, and from what I can so far... I LIKE IT! That was my one concern with charcoal, was the time it took to get them going... but I do love charcoal!!! and it appears the BGE is a great little unit! Pricey, but good.. The girl at the showroom informed me they are an "investment" lol I have added it to my list. Thanks! hopefully next weekend I will be burning some beef! G
  2. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  3. I've created a monster.. LOL!
  4. While I did not know it, it was funny though! it is very simple to embed video here. when you are watching the Youtube clip under it you will see a little button called EMBED click it. You will see a box containing the code needed to embed a video here. copy the code. post it into your thread. Now be sure you are using the full thread editor, the little button below.... After that you will see a little button on the bottom left, with a + and "click to configure post options" click the +. Beside post options you will see HTML Off by default. Change this to HTML ON - auto line break. then finish you're post by clicking reply as normal. You have now embedded video into your post. Hope this helps! <br> <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
  5. local waste station, Hazardous Waste area. G.
  6. Thanks everyone for their input. I went out looking at them today, man there is ALOT to choose from.... I think I might have found the unit right for me.. but want to do a bit of research on it first.. http://www.bbqing.com/store/shop/showproduct.cfm?id=77&catid=2&subid=18&startrow=1&urlclass=1&html=Signet_70_%3Cbr%3E_with_Rotisserie_and_Rear_Burner_77.html I think $500.00 is a decent middle of the road BBQ... the one thing I always hated about the cheaper units (like the one I am replaceing) is the uneven heat. this unit wont do that... I am also looking at the Crown 90 I was also looking at a charcoal unit (I still prefer charcoal) but they are impractical for whipping up a few sausages or burgers on a whim.. Anyways I am going to read a few reviews etc.. and see how this unit rates. Thanks again everyone. G
  7. Hey Mark! no doubt it has been a long time! I am back on the 1-4 again. Drop by sometime Thanks for all the replies guys, I am going to swing by Chadwicks and Hacks to take a looksee G
  8. Well I am in the market for a new gas grill... it has been awhile since I have had a need to look at them 10+ years.. are there any MUST have features I should be looking for? My budget for this purchase is 0-$1000.00 Thanks in advance! G
  9. Nice pictures, but I think you're brother needs to work on his pike hold. G
  10. TG, I would peg it at 10 to 20.00 per license issued, for duration of the license. I would also want to see other groups paying license fees, however I chose not to open that can of worms here.... If you knew that non resident license fees went directly to restocking our resource so you as a visitor could enjoy it, I doubt many would have an issue with it, as it ensures increased fish populations and higher catch rates. G.
  11. I would increase non resident license fees, and put these funds directly back into restocking programs. I would lobby to put an end to all netting on all fresh water lakes (except the commercial fishing on the great lakes) for all residents of Ontario regardless of skin colour. I would have fines dramatically increased for violations, I would scrap the current regulation literature, and make it SIMPLER for everyone to understand and do away with the millions of exceptions..... I would look at seasons as well, ensuring those fish that are spawning are protected ad allowed to do their thing. I would ensure that all anglers need to have some basic understanding for fish ID, and understanding of our regulations BEFORE they are issued their license. That way locals and new comers to Canada cannot claim they did not understand, dont speak english etc... I think this will reduce poaching as they cannot claim ignorance as an excuse. I would ensure polluters are dealt with swiftly and radically. Business would be held accountable for the damage they are doing to our lakes and rivers. Aggregate companies would be paying alot more then they are now for their license to destroy our precious natural resources. There would be more CO's out in the field, If I was head of the MNR.... things would be alot different. G
  12. with skyservice shuttering service.... prices recently went up... ask me I know.. 200 bucks overnight! Alot of this depends on WHEN you plan to travel exact dates, and weather you are looking for just a flight, or an all inclusive... There are alot of details missing here.. It has been my experience that prices increase when our travel season begins... prices usually begin to increase around November through February... I promise you though... 4 days is hardly enough... remember you are losing the travel time departing and arriving... giving you basically 2 full days... you wont even be unwound yet! While the flight might only be 3 hours and a bit? going from distant memory from my teens... you have to check in 3 hours early, add in the hour of travel to the airport... well you get the idea.. the cost between 7 days and 4 days will be minimal.. my suggestion is to also look at 7 days if doable. If you would Like a contact to a reputable travel agent I can certainly recommend one, I have used her several times and have never had an issue. Infact I just got back from Punta Cana yesterday! Have a great trip Jim! G
  13. ukipolirainians do it seems douG...
  14. Having a son with severe allergies,(insert deadly here) this is not something to be taken lightly... I have one severe allergy myself.. Bees can kill me, and horse flies make me swell up like the stay-puff marshmallow man... Having an itchy palate can happen.... and may not associated with an allergy... However, it can also point to something more serious. But more often then then not, it is just an itchy palate... it happens! Have you been tested for you're allergies? if so, and you are allergic, demand further tests (blood tests for those allergies) as almost anyone will have some redness to the prick tests. in my/our case, our son is allergic to Milk, eggs, wheat, soy, nuts and any of the by products of these items... including chicken (fed on grains) store bought beef etc etc etc... therefor we eat alot of organic products.. beef straight from the farm.. feeding on natural plants and grasses... not corn or animal by products etc.... for an example.. get checked and be sure! allergies are not something to be taken lightly. As they can be life or death for many. G.
  15. Do what the locals do... .410 Then cage the crib up with wire mesh G
  16. Well my son passed in 2002... (an important time marker for me) and was a member for a year or two before that...I think I was a member before he was born in 2000 infact.. Been here along time.... and have had one hell of a ride. If I got paid for the hours wasted on OFC.. I would be richer then Bill Gates by now. I rarely post fishing reports anymore due to the flack received in the past.. But there is NO other place I would rather be to shoot the crap amoungst friends. Ohhh and my answer is common carp. G
  17. I really enjoy the ClubHouse line of Marinades.. not really for their marinating properties, but more for the Awesome taste they infuse G
  18. I am going through something similar, I had an accident last october, I swerved to avoid an accident right in front of me and caused one in the process. (The guy that caused to original accident took off) Anyways I was not found at fault by police. However the insurance company told me they do not follow the HTSA, and deemed me to be at fault. I later received a piece of "registered" mail from the insurance company informing me that they were no longer going to cover me, and to find a new insurer.. I am having difficulty to say the least... G
  19. http://www.canoe.ca/Travel/Microgalleries/googlewater/home.html G.
  20. Nice shots of a nice boat! what are you going to power her with?
  21. Plant them so they are one inch over you're property line. If the neighbour decides to damage you're Cedars, they belong to you, they are on you're lot and would be considered vandalism. knowing cedars they dont really "bush out" too much anyways... but grow up. So I doubt you would have an issue in the future.... Just keep them on you're lot and you have some future recourse if you need it. G.
  22. here is the fight in question.. Dana is one pissed of guy right now! http://video.mmator.com/2010/04/anderson-silva-vs-demian-maia-ufc-112.html Part 2 shows just what an ass he is.. G
  23. Cut into steaks, add some butter to a hot pan, and sprinkle with Lemon Pepper seasoning. Nothing could be more simple. G
  24. it is not a matter of if, but when.... same idea as a RIDE program.. eventually you will be stopped, and checked. Glad to hear you had a positive experience. G
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