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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. LOL! that is what I was doing... the Gusset Clips were not spec'd by the engineer until after the floor was installed... everything needs to be boxed and hung on hangers now... after installing the gusset clips, fun fun!
  2. LOL I am freezing! damn cold in there... and no heaters allowed.
  3. Some not all.. This project is mostly all new construction on the existing foundation. the interior was completely gutted by fire.. as was the roof.. only thing left standing were the outside rock walls. the interior shots I am showing are all pretty much new lumber. With the fir coming from Quebec. G
  4. Lately I have been doing alot of ICI work... and alot of Hospitals.. Here is a respite home (think Ronald McDonald House) I have been working on for sometime... it was pretty much destroyed by fire... So I thought I would take some pics and show you big boy woodworking lol Mark Preece House. Owned and Operated by Hamilton Health Sciences A few tools of the trade... Curved architectural wall Post and Beam Post 12x18 Beam 24x18 Real fun drilling 24" x 7/8" holes dead nuts straight into Douglas Fir... the knots suck and through the bit off plumb Anyways hope you guys enjoyed seeing my days @ work and what I do for a living... G.
  5. Very nice!.. I did my carpenters apprenticeship in a millwork shop (as well as a thousand other things) but.. he was a master wooden shipbuilder from England and kicked my arse daily.. and to this day I thank him.. the miserable wanker/tosser. anyways, very nice Jatoba can be difficult to work with... as it is hard and brittle.. Have you ever worked with Ipe? I have seen this wood shatter with my own eyes on a table saw.. get a little chatter and it will explode like glass.. Be careful with the Jatoba.. as it can bleach in funny ways... (this is why it is not an ideal choice for Hardwood flooring) Nice looking piece of furniture. I assume you used a dovetail jig.. Hard to tell but the mortise and tenon look nice on the front stiles as well. Over all a nice and different looking piece. I would like to see some more pictures in detail G.
  6. seeing as how Nature Vision, Inc is no longer..... I would be very weary... I feel for those with the Aquavu when repairs are required... http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/news.html?d=171509 G
  7. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...earth-core.html G.
  8. Sorry... but I do not understand this... perhaps it is because I am not an avid hunter... But why would you want to kill something that you have no intention of putting on you're table? for the thrill? I can see Deer, Moose, Bear and Birds etc.... but a coyote?.. I fail to see the logic in doing this if it does not feed you and you're family... Killing solely for the pleasure you derive from killing one of earths creatures in not acceptable in my opinion.. anyways i guess we all have different moral values... who am I to try and impose my morals upon you... Happy killing. G
  9. Honestly none of us want to know the lake... seeing as how it is full of intoxicated boaters.... (you) G
  10. not to mention killing the deer and not retrieving it..... seems this guy is up poops creek without a paddle.. G.
  11. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/12...139041-sun.html G
  12. I think while the urge would be there to spend spend spend.. I would invest most of it in a high yield savings account and finally have the bank pay me! (damn you're service fees!) $1,000,000.00 @ 5% equals 60,000.00 a year in interest (if paid monthly)... compound that over ten years (while I work...) I now have 1,600,000.00 earning 5%... $80,000.00 a year would be a comfortable retirement allowance. And I would be retired in ten years @ 43! G Or I would just buy OFC and sit here all day and night... and make you all call me Master and Overlord... it is a toss up..
  13. Could be Chris I have decided I should just give in to the marketing geniuses and drink like all the media agencies suggest me to do..... But to target those waiting for a DD is asinine in my opinion... you do the right thing and dont drive and you get fined for it... either way, the city coffers benefit... G.
  14. dude! awesome report and photos! I would like to thank you for actually being able to see the entire picture! Well done! Beauty chrome! G
  15. I ran across this a few minutes ago... and thought I should share what local Police Departments are doing... tis the season I suppose! either way you get screwed! http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Canada/2009/12...057651-sun.html G.
  16. We have tons of them my way... I can hear them @ all hours of the night.. seen a couple on my neighbours front porch! Eating they dogs food!... brave little buggers! these are pretty mangy looking yotes.. and not looking very healthy. G
  17. Sounds like the Mechanical flasher module (cannot remember its exact name right now..) is sticking due to the cold weather.. It is usually located near the fuse panel.. I know I had problem on a minivan my GF has very recently.. I went to a wreckers and got a new multiswitch thing.... Nope... It was the flasher.. Ohhh and you can get cheaper parts at the wreckers and do it yourself! Anyways good luck!
  18. put that camera in a large bag, then fill the bag with rice... enough to cover the camera... and leave it for a few days or longer G
  19. Jean Chrétien reincarnated! The truth is the truth because it is the truth
  20. I happen to have access to a couple of old rads... should you go that route...
  21. You are more then welcome to bring you're gun here and shoot in my backyard (2+ acres) .. I live in the boonies and nothing but fields and bush surround me (all the corn has been cut down).. people are shooting all the time in my neck of the woods I hear them daily. might be a bit more then 100kms though... I am 20mins south of Hamilton. send me a pm if interested. G.
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