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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I looked at both petitions... and the RLTA's petition is started by none other then..... "The No Winter Fishing/500 Sunfish Limit on Rice Lake Petition to Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario was created by and written by Susan Irving ([email protected]). This petition is hosted here at www.PetitionOnline.com as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form." Nice to see the RLTA has only one voice... G
  2. I cannot remember the name of the guy I used... But SoloPaddler let me know about him.. Located in Hamilton. G
  3. This is getting retarded.. I cannot believe you guys believe it is ok to shoot someone for fishing! Be it on private property or not. Do I have the right to shoot you in the face for walking on my front lawn? or eating a cherry from my tree? Taking my last beer? While I agree trespassing is trespassing it does not warrant being shot! And if this landowner had previous issues (none of which have been mentioned) one would think he would have been PROACTIVE in letting the general public know where his property line was. It can be hard to tell, if you are not a surveyor or someone with geotechnical experience in locating "iron bars" etc. I do not think the punishment the land owner dished out suits the "crime" If that is you're logic, then I suppose you are ok with the death penalty being doled out to a 19 year old that put 21 1cent raspberry and only paid for 20, I would hardly call these guys poachers, Dara you said "Have a bit of respect for another mans property or be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." <--- I agree with this.. but does the fullest extent of the law include being shot in the back from a reckless land owner? Who deemed him judge and jury?? G
  4. Looks like Bernie was on the money again!
  5. Here are the original charges... Six counts of Breach Firearms Regulation Point Firearm Assault Possession of Weapon for Dangerous Purpose Assault with a Weapon
  6. It was on the news tonight... as they were in court.
  7. Yup, I just saw it too... and well, If he never shot these guys, how would he know and have to prove that shot cannot penetrate at 70 yards? I saw the wounds suffered by the two guys fishing... sure looked like puncture wounds to me! I saw no scratches whatso ever... which is what you would expect running through the bush, not obvious "pellet wounds" that penetrated their waders, On the BACK of the waders I might add... meaning they were running away and were no threat. I think the landowner is wrong here, and should receive what ever justice the judge seems him to be deserving of. I should add he is now claiming he shot into the air... to scare them. So he admits to discharging a firearm..
  8. It was definatly looking like something could have happened here everything went from calm to 70-90km winds... the sky went green??? an odd colour anyways. something was in the making... Just glad to hear no one was out during it.. as it was pretty ominous.. G.
  9. it appears we are under a wind warning, in the face of a cold front.. I sure hope those that were on the water today are now off of it! 90km winds are nothing to be toyed with! G
  10. call me when the BBQ is warmed up!
  11. I could do that, just do not mind the flies.
  12. ok will do! Thanks Joe and Art! G
  13. is there a possibility it could be the shutoff causing this? reason I ask is because I am using a flex line to the toilet... would the ballcock still cause the copper pipe to vibrate in this manner using a flex line? Should I replace this as well?
  14. Thanks Art.. in full open it makes the noise... but when the valve is almost closed it stops... just figured this out... Sounds like I need to perform surgery.. Thanks! G
  15. For the plumbers on the board. Yesterday when I flushed the toilet it started to make a really funny LOUD hum when refilling the tank... seems the copper line is actually vibrating.. I have tried it again and still have the same issue.. I opened the lid to the tank and it is refilling VERY slowly... Any thoughts? G
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! I see it now! PIKE! G
  17. LOL!! from my experiences last year I saw alot more then just shoulders!.. god I love them European chicks! Seriously though.. I have never heard of a shoulder season.. G
  18. Wayne the tour operator (Tripcentral) said something about shoulder season... I kind of missed it as I was to busy counting the cash I was giving her.... what does shoulder season mean? G
  19. Well I am all booked, and doing the charter thing again, Mike's team last year was awesome, so I am booked. I depart on April 21st returning april 28th... This time though I am flying Sunwing.. Aboard a 737?(So the brochure says) as Opposed to when I flew with Air transat I flew in a A320... After seeing the seating I decided to upgrade the seats to the Emergency rows... I NEED THE LEG ROOM! I will be staying at the Punta Cana Princess (ADULTS ONLY!!!) http://www.puntacanaprincess.com/ When are you booked for and where?
  20. Thanks for clarifying this for me Wayne
  21. I was talking to my travel agent tonight.. as we are in the process of booking a trip to Punta Cana again!... and she told me that somehow skyservice and Air Transat are under the same "wing" so to speak.. and those people that were booked for skyservice will be accommodated by Transat? I dunno... just what my TA told me tonight when I went to book my trip.. G
  22. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
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