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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Not seen all too often in Caledonia... G
  2. Especially on the Grand... it is a poachers paradise!
  3. They could say you were trying to target them.... If you were using baits that are generally attributed to Steelies... So no roe bags, skien, pink worms etc etc etc.. A simple float and worm does NOT mean you are targeting Trout G
  4. Ughh.. problem was I was completely sober, as I was getting over a stomach bug.. I wish I was drinking.. then I have have a excuse for tripping down the stairs! Those stupid boxes have no give to them! Perhaps I need a bit of liquid to help sooth the pain.. Or perhaps a left handed cigarette.. G
  5. Yes I have seen a doc... he said there is little they could do, told be to take some OTC pain relievers watch the use of my left arm, and take it easy... he put some tape on me and sent me on my way.. But the pain in bloody nagging the heck outta me
  6. and a dwarf tied to a chair.... G
  7. LOL.. you jerk you made me laugh! OUCH! G
  8. Hey Guys, I took a tumble last night, falling onto the recycling box I was taking out the the road.. Anyways, I cracked 2 of my ribs.. The pain is barely tolerable... it hurts even more when I breathe, cough etc.. so it hurts all the time lol! I have tried Advil.. and am usually pretty good with dealing with pain... but this sucks! Any suggestions on how to make this bearable? G.
  9. I think it was when people started to see the ads in the the threads.. with a reply of paying for the site somehow..
  10. I agree, and I suggested it to TJ, how is it that larger sites (ie. WC) can do it... there needs to be a disclaimer of sorts for donating...rules are rules. and should be applied equally. also those that sell in the classifieds should be willing to give a bit back given the services that have been provided to them from up until now now free of charge... put a dollar limit on items that can be sold with out the need for "donation" perhaps.... say 300.00 anything above and beyond that requires 5% or whatever percentage you determine. Solid advertisers also need to be sourced.. I realize after talking to TJ that many of the large companies may balk at spending their advertising dollars here... given the possibility for bad press... Berkly etc come to mind. But I think those of use that have been here through thick and thin, multiple board changes and have solid relationships with one another, will chip in as needed. So figure out a way to add a paypal donate button, without sacrificing the forums integrity... imagine if clampit donated 5k.... or if "Dilli" mortgaged his rented apartment/van down by the river... it could be a sticky situation... I would be more then happy to do my part as would a few others it seems. hell I will even click a few ads if they peak my interest! G
  11. That is the funniest post I have seen all night! LOL!!!!!!
  12. you need a cut of meat that is LEAN... eye of round is a good example. avoid the fatty cuts of meat.. as it will cause the meat to spoil. Joey make a mean assed jerky... perhaps talk to her for her recipe! G
  13. NOR do I!!! it was a long time ago!! LOL G
  14. Ughh... just thought of the flip side... lets say there was a paypal link.. and lets say they had to ban a person that contributed... that person "paid" for a service that OFC accepted a donation from to keep him viewing the site.... there has to be a way around this..... Ugggghhhh.... what could the ramifications be? G.
  15. no issue like that here Skeeter... what browser and what version are you using?
  16. well said Ron... we will spend how much on tackle in a season? hell I will donate the price of a Husky jerk... if everyone else would see it this way perhaps those of us that are diehard to OFC pepps dont carp when they buy a lure.... by carp to donate a little to a place you like wo talk about fishing! TJ. setup a paypal account. or perhaps accept a cheque? G.
  17. Hahahahahaha! you should see what I do with my coffee grinds Ron! G.
  18. either way would be fine by me.. I would pay for access, I would also put up with advertising so long as it was not too intrusive... (Canoe.ca comes to mind) G.
  19. I understand what you are saying Bruce, and I agree to a point.. Perhaps it was the delivery of you're msg? Sometime it is hard to express through the written word, what it is you mean.. Are things different now? Yes they are.. Were the changes needed? I believe they were.. Understand IPBoard (The software we are using) is not written just for us.. there are millions of forums just like our out there. As new versions are designed they are designed to appeal to the mass audience, not just our little niche in the market. From a security stand point the upgrade was required, to keep up with the ever changing threats the internet imposes. are there some things I dont like?? Sure there are.. but I also have to remember I do not own this place, it is a privilege that I am able to come here and talk to like minded individuals, such as yourself. You should have seen the old board at the beginning.. I remember those days.. if you think this is bad.. you should have seen it then! pure and utter mayhem! with every upgrade things will change, some good some bad. But every individuals taste is different.. and not everyone can be accommodated, we all have to deal with the changes, no matter what this site looks like, I am here for the friendships I have made, and the chance to meet a few more with people that enjoy the same things as I do... Regardless what this website looks like our love for the outdoors has not changed. G
  20. Wow... who pissed in you're cornflakes? As with everything change is inevitable, it cannot be avoided. I still think the site is professional, and other then the odd growing pains things run pretty smooth here. if you are having technical issues we have an area for that.. just post you're issue there and someone will reply. But to call all the hard work everyone has put into OFC over the many years "Mickey Mouse" is an insult. Once you start to pay the bills perhaps then you're opinion will have more clout. G.
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