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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. You may be correct.... did not think of that... I figured someone out there had a business running servicing this niche.... in a bay or what have you... but I do think you may be correct. G
  2. Thanks Spiel I will look into it
  3. After a preliminary search.... I came up empty handed... Are their Ice Bungalows for rent on BOQ? like their are on Nipissing? I would really like to let the girlfriend experience ice fishing... Any thoughts on an outfitter to use? Thanks in advance! G
  4. If the floor tiles are VCT (Vinyl Composite tile) and Measure 9x9", you can be almost sure they will contain asbestos. However they are only considered Type 1... removal is simple..... spray with water while removing to prevent any fibers from becoming airborne. If the tiles are 12x12" they more then likely will not contain asbestos, but to be safe use the same method... spray down with water while removing them... These tiles will be ok left alone and pose no threat until you try and remove them (Disturb them) As for the Plaster.... even todays new plasters are considered Type 1.... a simple dust mask and a light spray is all you will need... I see no real concern here. (I have my Asbestos removal ticket) Look up the different types of removal for certain types of asbestos. Type 1,2 and 3 G.
  5. I hate all of you..... teasing me with these pics.... I assume my chair was still honoured? did you guys get through a whole song? looks like I missed a good one fellas... Now that everything here is dealt with.... Feb is a definate. G
  6. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Q3WxYSltHGc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  7. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/pkcJEvMcnEg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  8. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/AZka3E37k6w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  9. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/DLbHfOhJNR4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  10. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aAD6lJiHBdA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SsOkqdRHhoc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. and here is one of the reasons why...... a stupid country song.... I kid you not.... heard it on the news today.... since this song became mainstream houseboat sales have gone up 500% <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/V0O0nzkESTI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  13. Port Dover an Sandbanks are separated by about 300km...... I would entertain the possibility of Cobourg... fantastic Beach and a very cool little town with tons to see and do.... all within a minutes walk, great dining an shopping Have fun! G
  14. Nice fish! But Ewwwww and Yuck for consuming them.... their flesh is not good at all.... especially at that size... more pale orange then pink would be by guess.... YUCK! G
  15. and twice the price..... not to mention additional installation requirements......
  16. it says compact car..... not sedan..... the intrepid was far from a compact car.....
  17. Someone that understands!!!!!! we were posting at the same time
  18. Dart = The new Neon...... Ughhhhh no wonder I HATE MOPAR... Wait till all the stupid kids put their Bull aluminum rear spoilers in mismatched colours, ground effects, neon underlighting.... and a sub-par muffler system on these.... add to that the stereos that sound like crap because they didnt deaden the rattling from Chryslers poor fit and finish,...... I cna see it now..... johnny 19 year old... thinks he picking up the chicks in his Dart.... in Yellow..... with a black after market spoiler he bought from Canadian Tire..... tricked out with.... wait for it.... plastic hub caps..... perhaps spinners.... add in some underbody neon... (perhaps Princess auto...) and voila.... instant Gino wanna be..... I wish Chrysler would just die..... Ughhhhh..... they truly are the new Neon.... way to go Chrysler..... way to go.... G
  19. Seeing as how I am in the area now......and I support what you have been able to accomplish.... I will be there.... please send me directions and time of day See you on the date and time specified G
  20. This issue is mostly US related..... seems someone was exploiting DNS servers... so the FBI is shutting them down... Blackout Looming: Thousands To Lose Internet Access As FBI Shuts Down Servers A Server Not Found error message on the Mozilla Firefox Internet browser. www.rt.com On July 9, thousands of Internet users worldwide could lose access after the FBI shuts down temporary DNS servers that replaced fraudulent servers operated by hackers. Major companies and US government agencies are amongst those that could be blocked out, according to the Internet security firm IID. The blackout will affect systems infected with the DNSChanger Trojan, a malware program that altered user searches and redirected them to pages offering fraudulent and, in some cases, dangerous products.Continued below. Last November the FBI arrested and charged six Estonian men behind the malware as part of Operation Ghost Click. These hackers were able to make a fortune off their project, raking in millions for ads placed on their fraudulent websites. On the eve of the arrests, the FBI hired Paul Vixie, chairman of the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) to install two temporary Internet servers that would prevent infected users from losing access to the Internet once the DNSChanger botnet was shut down. These users were advised to take steps to get rid of the malware on their computers, and the DNSChanger Working Group was set up by the computer industry and law enforcement to come up with a plan to phase out the surrogate servers. The FBI was initially planning to shut down their provisional servers in March, but a US district court ruled the provisional servers were to remain operation until July 9. Running the temporary servers for eight months has cost the FBI $87,000. With the looming deadline approaching, estimates suggest up to 360,000 unique Internet addresses are still using the rogue servers, with most of them based in the US, according to federal authorities. Other countries with over 20,000 each include Italy, Canada, India, the United Kingdom and Germany. This is down from the over half a million addresses registered when the six hackers were arrested, but still enough to paralyze the functioning of important websites. At its peak several years ago, up to six million systems worldwide were infected with the malware. The DNS system is a network of servers that translates a web address into a numerical IP address used by computers. Computers affected by the DNSChanger worm were reprogrammed to access rogue DNS servers that redirected them to fraudulent websites. G
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