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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Gerritt


    I really feel for the families in all of this. I know all to well the pain they will forever endure. It is something they will never get over.
  2. How so? I feel your argument is flawed (difference of opinion) Thats what the NFN claim they do... they state they fish to feed their families... So why am I not allowed to do so? Because my skin is a different colour? Instead the law states I have to purchase a license (Tax) for the privilege to bring fish home for the table... and now the government says I am allowed to take even fewer fish home (Even though they taxed me)... I am allowed 2 fish in my possession. While another group could have hundreds.... because they a re feeding their families.. while I as a white man cannot. I feel it is best if I stay out of this thread... going forward I dont want to see it locked up.. Perhaps we can continue this via PM. G
  3. Equality Rights in the Charter Section 15 guarantees equal benefit and protection of the law to people, saying: Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability. Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability Section 15 applies to government, not the private sector You can’t use section 15 to challenge every inequality in life. The Charter controls laws and other government actions. It doesn’t control private citizens, businesses, or organizations. Before you can claim the protection of section 15, you must show that you are being treated unequally by a law or by the action of a government official or department or some agency very closely connected to government, such as a school board or labour relations board. If a private individual, organization, or company violates your rights, you may be able to complain under the BC Human Rights Code or the Canadian Human Rights Act. For more information on this, check script 236 – “Human Rights and Discrimination Protection”, and script 270 – “Protection Against Job Discrimination”. Section 15 protects people, not companies Courts have said that section 15 protects people, not companies or other artificial persons, because it gives the right to equality to “every individual”. The Supreme Court of Canada’s approach to equality Section 15 does not require everyone to be treated the same way regardless of different circumstances. Showing that the government or the law is treating you differently, or showing that a law that appears to treat people the same way actually treats members of a particular group differently, is just one step in showing a violation of section 15 equality rights. You also need to show that section 15 applies to the different treatment you received. Section 15 prohibits discrimination because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age, or mental or physical disability. It also prohibits discrimination on “analogous” grounds – meaning comparable grounds not listed in section 15. The Courts have said that something “analogous” is a personal characteristic that you can’t change at all, or you can’t change without great personal cost or difficulty – like sexual orientation or citizenship. The Supreme Court has said that the central purpose of section 15 is to promote “substantive equality” by fighting discrimination. So in addition, courts will focus on whether the law or government action is discriminatory in creating a disadvantage by perpetuating (or indefinitely continuing) prejudice or stereotyping. Sound like we are being discriminated against because of our race, ethnic origin and colour if you ask me. G
  4. Email sent to our Dear. Minister. Thanks again Jason
  5. Jason, Thank you for the post! some great ideas here! My issues are this. The MNR has decided to target only ONE section of the issue at hand negating all others... that being recreational anglers. Leaving the commercial and NFN unchecked and free to do as they please. Why is it a native family can do as they please to feed their families... when us as non-native cannot. This is discriminatory and against our Charter. These changes will prevent NON-natives to put food on the table, while our native friends can have 200lbs of walleye fillets in the freezer... You see where I am going here? I am in agreement with additional restocking! That said are we just giving the commercial interests more fish to catch? and allowing the natives to have 400lbs in their freezer, while we cannot sustain our own families? I mentioned the Cormie problem in another thread, I agree some action needs to be carried forward... but the anti in Toronto are making all the rules here... A very sad state of affairs for the Nipissing region for sure. I feel for all the businesses that rely on tourist dollars to make ends meat... that will be coming to an end I fear.... While the Commercial interests make MORE money.. and the NFN add even more fish to their freezers... It sickens me. G
  6. TSC has the My Buddy portable heater on for 149.99, down from 249.00 Just though I would let you guys know. http://www.tscstores.com/ G
  7. I looked into magicjack..... But couldn't get a local number close to me.... So that means for my nextdoor neighbour to call me it would be long distance
  8. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! Lew I'm saving that one! LOL!!
  9. Well I made the switch after getting so angry with Bell the other day as things are still not resolved... I went with a company called http://www.mysignal.ca/ Decent rates, QUICK response time to answer the phone and they are local Phone is 24.99 with unlimited long distance anywhere in N.A Internet is 44.99 Unlimited and not throttled no contracts, no Bull. Thanks for all the suggestions guys G
  10. Good point! and I have to add... Who would WANT to eat 5
  11. LOL, I've already invited you too brother.. 2 minutes and were fishing.
  12. No doubt.... we have to walk past Viagra-Ville to get fishing... Ugh Brighton..... G
  13. LOL! no need for a motel, we can make my house the FOB... 3 spare bedrooms and I can walk down the street to fish as a bonus!
  14. Agreed Wayne, I too have seen the ponds myself and just how much work the VOLUNTEERS put into it. Kevin took a few of us there during one of the G2G's years ago... There are pics of me pouring Diesel oil into one of the ponds to kill the insects that kill the fry.... Sadly those pics were destroyed with the old board... nor do I remember who took them
  15. Tell that to the yuppies in Toronto willing to pay 50.00 at some posh gastro-pub for fish n' chips.. what the hell is gastro-pub anyways
  16. I wasn't trying to bring race into this, sorry if it came across like that. I was just wondering if the commercial fishing interests were giving back, as you and others are as lodge owners. If you say they are helping with the restocking effort, as are lodge owners and associations/groups, it seems to be there should be an increase in fish not a decrease. Has a study been done to check the viability of increased stocking efforts, to satisfy both commercial and recreational anglers? It seems as though only recreational anglers are the target here... not the commercial interests. I saw mention of Cormorants.. do they plan any control measures to help the stocks rebound? if indeed Cormies are part of the problem.... Seems very unfair to target one group, and not have a level playing field for all G
  17. Capt, It is great that you and other lodges help to stock the lake so your guests have fish to catch. It really is a great thing But I have to wonder... Do the guys running the gill nets help you guys out as well? and are the fish you are stocking, finding their way into these nets? Are the netters stocking at all? or are you supporting their catch with the fish being stocked by you and others that have a vested interest in the Walleye fishery? G
  18. Randy, your looking at 1.5 hours and a bit or so to Belleville..... and the drive will be a piece of cake. Napanee add another 30-45 minutes Look me up and I will join you, I am on your way G
  19. Not feeding her.... Fattening her.
  20. I tried the pills... talk about insane nightmares... I seriously.scared those close to me.... I was a mad man...... it was disturbing... I tried the patch.... I smoked wearing it... my only option is cold turkey..... god help those around me... anyways rich I sent u a pm... perhaps a gentleman's bet? G
  21. And here people mock the fact you try and inform others..... I drove my.son home.early... So niether myself, my.ex... Nor my son had.to.deal with this....freezing rain here... Good luck to all of you who have family out in this weather.... G
  22. And hope no one is seriously hurt......
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