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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Ok great Bernie thank you! I am nervous to turn on any of the electrical components until I get this replaced. The previous owner was blowing out bulbs. I will pick one up in my travels... Thanks again! G
  2. Picked this up for a song... Should serve me well.... In good shape Only one issue.... it needs a voltage regulator as the head light gets brighter the more gas I give it..... and blows out the bulb.... how hard is this to do myself? does it attach to the main off the engine or the battery? the part is around 40 bucks... any advice? G
  3. Merry Christmas to you as well Lew. G
  4. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8UVNT4wvIGY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dxytyRy-O1k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zP50Ewh31E4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/C_-Hpb0I_bE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8w6lsHduT58?list=UUb6xGA0vrCAbF06MMoVY-kA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  6. http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/archives/sunnews/canada/2012/12/20121218-120505.html
  7. or the 10.00 scrappers will pay for them each...... I hope they wind up in a boat. and not a scrap yard. Good on you Steve! G
  8. Almost identical I have some weeks with 3 days off, some with two... And alot of overtime available.... They do something called averaging, which we had to sign a form for.. I understand and it seems more then fair. My hours are averaged out over two weeks. so If I wish to pick up overtime I am best to do it during the 36 hour cycle. I want to thank everyone for their advice, It has been helpful. I know I can handle this as I could fall asleep standing up (and have) 3 days of training out of 8 under my belt...... safety safety safety. Thanks again folks, I have printed off this whole thread for future reference. G
  9. Wow bunk thank you! Especially when it comes to the sleep aspect.... I'm not 100% on the schedule... Bit I know I flip every 2 to 3 days.... 36 hours one week 48 hours the.next... Thank again I am going to print this post. G
  10. Old boys club? No such club exists .... That said I am not trolling I am voicing my opinion. I would rather not support the commercial netters, by purchasing their products.... But if you want to buy all your fish at sobeys..... That's your choice I suppose.. My point is simply we are being targeted. While other groups are not. I would rather NOT support the commercial fishery on nipissing plain and simple. Nor do I take my limit home.... But if I wanted to take 4 fish I would..... 2 fish wouldn't cut it if I wanted to sustain my family. Take it for what you will. G. Edit to add. I never called anyone a name.
  11. I hope we can keep it together..... This is an important subject, a lot will be affected
  12. Thanks so far guys.... Once a month it appears I wind up with a three weekend.... There are 4 "teams" and we rotate through the shifts.... So each team per month's works get the same hours and the golden weekend... Lol... I will need to figure this sleep thing out....
  13. Well I landed a great new job with a major producer of consumer products. Good wage, benefits and a pension! 100% company paid.... Almost unheard of these days.... 2 year contract with option to renew after... Started today after a a exhausting medical last week..... 2000 applicants..... 20 hired... But however it will be 12 hour shifts on a rapid rotation... 2 days of days, 2 days off, 3 days of nights...2 days off back to days... I have read all the medical mumbo jumbo about cicaden rythems etc.... I need real life examples of how you coped, and how you slept to prepare yourself for the switch to nights or to days so you could make it through the next 12 shift... I know a bunch of people work shifts on here so I thought I would ask for you expertise in this matter.... Thanks! G
  14. Gerritt


    I think the media has alot to do with this.... these crazies trying to outdo one another... knowing that they will be remembered... talked about... the anti-hero... it is fame, infamy, martyrdom... and the sad thing is... others will follow. trying to out do the last. Media has a big part this.. G
  15. Problem here is three fold... either they buy off the bands (setting precedent) for all other land claims.... Or they give them the lands (Setting precedent again) for all other land claims.. Or they drag this out in the courts forever.... (Most likely to happen) The government is POWERLESS against this group....(except to stall the inevitable) in the end they will get what they want..... Do you really think the Government is going to just hand over Toronto? (Yes part of a land claim made by natives)... An end will have to come.. I just hope it's not with violence.. (Not the first time we have experienced a civil war....) G. Edit to add.. I lived in Caledonia when DCE happened... and I know all to well, they will fight to the death... and the people of Caledonia stood up against their tyranny.... sadly our government let them down... caving to the minority yet again. Caledonia now has racial based law... they are instructed NOT to arrest the illegal occupiers of DCE (even in near death beatings!)... but to arrest the regular towns folk of Caledonia should a problem arise... Seen it with my own eyes.
  16. We all know where the problem lies..... But the problem is this.... no one dares to speak up against it in public due to fear of being targeted as a racist....(Even here on OFC) But race has NOTHING to do with this.... Its the laws as they are applied that are the issue. Not Race. Until the laws change (which won't happen because the governments are cowards) We will continue to be restricted by our own government repeatedly...Why? Because we are sheep.... we do what they tell us.. They can cram ours ear full of Manure and we will ask for more... At least our native friends have the balls to stand up and fight for what they believe in.. As do those in Quebec.... However we have lost our voice and the governments know this... We are lazy and weak and under control... and not capable to make a stand... Sadly we allowed this to happen, Target the many.... for the more vocal few... (The cormie Issue follow along the same lines here... we let the few dictate to the many) G PS... Great post B
  17. Go to a store??? Are you serious? You want to support the gill netters! Insane.
  18. Gerritt


    22 children stabbed in China today as well... http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-attacks-22-kids-knife-china-school-article-1.1220230 sad. G
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