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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/RzQIuP1Tcqo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/V5UOC0C0x8Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NjNn4bbbgSw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/953PkxFNiko" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Very nice! I was waiting for this report, looks like you guys had an awesome time! .... and you didnt break Will either! G
  3. Given this fellows grasp of the english language, I would say he is NON-Native, and born elsewhere. He actively promotes sturgeon fishing on his website. Taken from his site "World class fishing and hunting in the aria for Pike, Bass, Walleye, Sturgeon" with additional pictures of him with Sturgeon... Even if he was a native... he should not be promoting this sort of behavior.
  4. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aaKMAhPQ54g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> and we have our answer.... because Bill Nye says so
  5. Im Jealous... I wish the ice would hurry up!
  6. Guess you missed the two dead sturgeon on the dock.... when you are not allowed to keep sturgeon in this FMZ..
  7. http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-real-estate-land-for-sale-Waterfront-Cottage-for-Sale-W0QQAdIdZ436250547 G
  8. OK... so all the thousands of lake are pristine? remember this FMZ borders the USA.... I don't think anyone intentionally put Bass into these lakes... I think they have migrated from the south up... we are not talking about one or two lakes here... we are talking about thousands! will a death warrant placed on the heads of Bass eliminate them? I dont think so... So why the need for such a reckless change? ... 4 Bass per day per person... really? This is sickening. Kemper is right... if this were to happen to Steelhead heads would roll. G
  9. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/stdprodconsume/groups/lr/@mnr/@letsfish/documents/document/stdprod_100475.pdf proposed changes...... G
  10. I made the 4 fish a day in bold so it would not be over looked. I will remove it. This is a very small number of people wanting to change the regulations for an entire Zone, Not one little back lake and wipe out a species that has been there for a hundred years or more. and I am sure this small minority is not the sole shareholder of all of North Western Ontario.... we are talking about THOUSANDS of lakes rivers and streams here... I for one do not agree with wiping out a species, are we top of the food chain? Yes.... are we gods? No. What gives us the right to cause such harm to something that has been a living, viable resource for so many... to please a few Sad to see you not opposed to this as an angler. G
  11. All drains have already been placed skipper, and being a condo I not sure the legalities of altering base building plumbing. I know in some buildings you have to use their plumber or their electrician... or they will not allow the reno. G
  12. Yes I have done many and my pricing uses the absolute basics. 100.00 toilet, 100.00 sink, 50.00 faucet Zero frills. it can go from smooth to a nightmare in a hurry if you dont know what to expect or look for. I can see the waste and overflow being a pain in the ass for the average home owner especially because you don't have access from underneath... Other then that its straight forward enough.... but then again I haven't seen the space.
  13. If you don't know Gord he is an award winning writer for Canada Outdoors and In-Fisherman magazines. In the north bass are not as popular as they are in southern Ontario and in many areas they are seen as a nuisance. They already have a year round open season and they now have a proposal to increase daily limits and allow unlimited daily possessions through the winter and spawning season. Here is his request. From Gord Pyzer Hi folks ... I have a huge favour to ask of each one of you. The Fisheries Management Plan for Zone 5 in Northwestern Ontario is currently under review and what is being proposed for bass is extremely troubling. A small group of folks, who are opposed to bass, have persuaded the MNR to include the option of killing four (4) bass, <35 cm in size, every day of fishing during the critical winter and spring spawning periods. In other words, from November 30th to July 1st. All of the major research into managing bass populations - especially fragile northern bass populations - that has been carried out by OMNR scientists like Dr. Mark Ridgway and Dr. David Philip, clearly shows that targeting bass in the winter and when they are spawning in the spring has major negative effects on both the over all bass population and the age class structure. Quite simply, the research is very clear that there are absolutely no redeeming qualities when anglers fish for bass in the winter and during the spawn. Indeed, Dr. Philips research in southeastern Ontario, where the bass season is closed during the winter and spring, shows that in some lakes 100% of the nesting males exhibit hook wounds and were the season to be open, it is conceivable that the entire population of spawning males could be killed and harvested. Unfortunately, the small pocket of anglers in and around the Atikokan area have attempted to "hijack" the process. Quite frankly, they do not like bass and wish to see bass eliminated and removed from the lakes and rivers in the region, despite the fact that bass have been present in NW Ontario for over 100 years. What is even more incredulous, however, is the fact that maintaining the "status quo" and keeping the regulations we currently have, is not even an option that is being offered to anglers during the planning process. This is akin to asking ... "would you prefer to be hanged, electrocuted or killed by lethal injection" ... without offering the option of staying alive! Indeed, without the status quo option even being offered, the process is completely flawed. I would not presume to tell you what to say, but I can tell you that the science is crystal clear: Killing bass when they are most vulnerable over the winter, and especially when they are nesting in the spring, results in severe negative consequences. As Ontario anglers, these are YOUR FISH and you have the right to provide input before the process closes on November 30th. I would ask but one favour, simply send an email to the following two OMNR biologists and tell them what you think. Barry Corbett ... [email protected] Darryl McLeod ... [email protected] Barry and Darryl are both great guys, who have advised me that they will ensure your comments are taken to the planning committee. All you need to say is that you do not support the harvest/killing of bass in the winter and spring when they are nesting and that a protective winter/spring bass season needs to be implemented in Northwestern Ontario, identical to that which is in place in southern Ontario. And remember, the deadline for comments is November 30th so send the boys an email now. Thanks folks ... but more importantly, the bass thank you!
  14. I have read an article on a plan by the MNR to increase catch and kill rates as well as extend their season as well... are Bass considered invasive in the northern ontario Zone 5?
  15. I would say he is a tad high but not out of the ball park... Removal of old floor, new underlay, mesh/backer board, mortar, tile, grout fix/repair holes etc, 1 gallon primer, 2 gallons finish, roller sleeves etc Removal of old tub, New tub, waste and over flow, what is the surround? more tile? removal of old sink and counter top, new sink.. probably new flex lines etc, new faucet removal of old fan, new fan installed removal of old toilet, new wax gasket, new flex line, new toilet, more then likely a new shut off as well. plus the dumping fees, use of his truck, his insurance, his workers comp etc Labour. He is supplying all the materials and fixtures I would without seeing it.. ballpark around 5200-6200 G
  16. As Dave said.... Sheet metal work will be needed... New plenum etc... Not something u can just buy off the shelf at home depot
  17. Cracked heat exchanger....... Ouch. There are deals out there. I picked up A Bryant HE for 1500.00 installed..... However I knew someone in the HVAC trade.... Time to ask some guys if they do side work... Most do. Cash talks. Don't even try to do it your self.... As u may run into issues later..... Especially if u try to sell the house and it is not tagged. Add to that u may not know current HVAC codes.... Example chimney liners. Hopefully danc sees this and can offer more advice. G.
  18. Wow! That is amazing. A true testament to determination!
  19. Very nice report CK, well written and nice pictures to help put the report together... We really need story/report of the month here.. I would vote for this one for sure Well done G
  20. Gasoline Gallon Equivalents Fuel Type Unit of Measure BTUs/Unit Gallon Equivalent Gasoline (regular) gallon 114,100 1.00 gallon Diesel #2 gallon 129,500 0.88 gallons Biodiesel (B100) gallon 118,300 0.96 gallons Biodiesel (B20) gallon 127,250 0.90 gallons Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) cubic foot 900 126.67 cu. ft. Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) gallon 75,000 1.52 gallons Propane (LPG) gallon 84,300 1.35 gallons Ethanol (E100) gallon 76,100 1.50 gallons Ethanol (E85) gallon 81,800 1.39 gallons Methanol (M100) gallon 56,800 2.01 gallons Methanol (M85) gallon 65,400 1.74 gallons Electricity kilowatt hour (Kwh) 3,400 33.56 Kwhs http://alternativefuels.about.com/od/resources/a/gge.htm G
  21. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9bZkp7q19f0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  22. I Should have mentioned it would be registered in manitoba with Manitoba plates... Get the vin, model number and get the dealer to give u a bill of sale and register it here in Ontario before u go to Manitoba. Then u have your ontario plate.
  23. Dealer should have everything sorted out for u.... Including registering the plate for the trailer.
  24. Sad to say... but my sons first rod was a Spiel custom LOL, and ice fishing rod as well! they are perfect!
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