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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Eno tablets wrapped in bread, its effective because they are unable to burp. Don't ask me how I know. G
  2. Wow that's some scary stuff Lew! I have seen plenty of bees that live in burrows underground. Perhaps you disturbed them? They don't have hives per say but burrow deep and that's where they live out their lives...coming and going to collect pollen and nectar etc... Keep an eye out in that general area for bees landing in the grass and see if you can find their burrow and spray the heck outta it. I'm glad to see you are alright! Could have been much worse. G
  3. If you swiped from the bottom of the screen and up a hidden menu will pop up there you Will see a lock. Just deselect it. The purpose of the lock is to lock the screen in portrait mode. You can verify this if there is a little lock symbol at the top right of your screen G
  4. Update: Well I should have medical clearance tonight, just my fourth and hopefully final ctscan. My head is still a little fuzzy and the words I sometimes speak are not the ones I am thinking of.. That should clear up. Physically I'm getting better. Still very weak on the right side and my sense of balance is shot due to that weakness. The brain needs to be trained to compensate I am told, tomorrow (should I get the medical clearance ) I go into rehab. Both PT and OT this could be as short as 1 more week in hospital to 2 months... It really all depends howy body and mind react. There will also be some help with my cognitive functions thrown in there for fun as well. I am lucky I have a great team of doctors work on me when I arrived by ambulance I was rushed by over a dozen people videoconferenced to specialists in the Toronto. Each had a role to play. They determined not to use the tPI (clot blaster) on me because of my age (young for a stroke), it can only be used once in a persons lifetime, and abunance of caution, for one it can kill you. They are happy with my progress so far, and hopefully fingers crossed I start Rehab tomorrow so I can get out of this damn wheelchair Thanks all! G
  5. I wrote this up remind everyone, life can be very very short. I was fit, doing well for myself and probably enjoying to many excesses. This has been a huge wake up call, things could have been much much worse... Something to think about folks. G
  6. Thanks guys. My left side is unaffected. It is my right side that is causing me some issues. I couldn't believe how quickly it all happened... One minute I was walking the next my right leg was drGging behind me
  7. Smoking, drinking not the beSt of diets.... And now here I am holed up at Belleville general in their acute stroke ward Seems I'm not as invinable as I thought! G
  8. What an awesome report! Thanks for taking the time to post it! And I have to say your looking svelt! Been losing a bit of weight? Until the awesome fridge clearing lunch! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today G
  9. Thanks!!! I was a little concerned with throwing it in the machine. Never even thought to check out gore-Tex's site lol! I come here for just about everything!
  10. Well I went out fishing yesterday afternoon and wore my US navy issue gortex rain coat.... Best rain coat I have ever owned! Well I took a tumble on the way out losing my footing on a bluff... I'm a little sore but otherwise ok. How can I clean this jacket? Because it's navy issue it didn't come with care instructions etc. Any advice how to clean this jacket? Thanks! G
  11. Avoid Rogers like the plague! The worst customer service...... 6 months left...... My advice. Anything to do with Rogers network is Garbage
  12. Local place in Belleville...... Might be worth a try. www.maritimelobsterexpress.com G
  13. Joey!!!!!!!!! Talk to us!!!!!! Omg that looks wicked G
  14. Clive that's so cool man! Keep up the good work! G
  15. Omg I just had a food-gasim! So many good eats here! I gotta get cooking! G
  16. One more thought...Not sure if a 2hp has a safety clip or not.... Is there a grove in the end of handle where it looks like a clip belongs?
  17. Is the gas getting to the bowl? And do you have spark?
  18. A quick google search lead me to several listings on Amazon. I've never had an issue ordering with Amazon. G
  19. It sticks me as odd that beta was superior to VHS but because beta was owned by Sony it never flew..... Remember the old top loaders? Ohhh man I am feeling older then my years
  20. VHS? I'm sure 1/4 of our membership have no idea what forgiven language your talking B... You know your old when........ G
  21. Be sure to ask average hydro rates. Geo can be good... But the hydro costs can out weigh the benefits... G
  22. This is one sick report, great pics and a solid back story to back it up. I'm living vicariously through these reports! I have yet to be out this year in soft water.... But that's a story for another day... Thanks for posting this Mike! G
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