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Everything posted by perchslayer666

  1. Truck looks pretty clean, I bet shes great for hauling groceries.
  2. Bruuuuuutal hit.... Patches could have been killed.
  3. It's a lot easier to store your boat at a remote access facility, where you can go anytime you want to pick-up your boat.... Sucks, but unless you can store it in your garage your outta luck. It's Bull, but if your neighbor hadn't seen it, someone else will and complain about it.... If I were you I'd host Hell's Angels meetings at your place on a weekly basis and then no one will mess with you. Plus you might get some nice extras out of it...
  4. This year it'll be a late winter, hopefully you can still be on cooks bay ice until early april this year.... Nothing beats late ice Yellows and Crappies... But yea, can't wait for open water pickeral and bass fishin' and really just the feeling of cruisin on the boat on a nice summer's morning.
  5. They are the ultimate Smallmouth lure in my opinion. Cast them around gravel beds, boulders, not in the weeds.... Pike love em too so put on a floro leader so that you don't get bit off.
  6. You guys want a real Canadian Tire store to check out??? Go to the one in Belleville, it will blow your mind.
  7. This guy's in the dark. Buy a $200 BPS reel and tell me its junk....
  8. Looks Great. Love the grain.
  9. I say we go to his business and throw eggs at his place. That is the LEAST we can do.
  10. My bad.... Lol. I was thinking it would be kind of nasty to have a couple dudes fishing, and another guy dropping a deuce behind a blanket a couple feet away.
  11. Why would you put a toilet directly inside the hut??? Obviously #1's are done outside, but #2's inside where you are fishing???? How did that work this year? Did you end up coming home "skunked" more often??
  12. The Art of War.
  13. Funny how they call gator hunting "fishing"
  14. These kind of look similar to the BPS JM spinning reels, do you know if they make them for BPS?
  15. Personally I have had great success by using a Shimano Convergence rod 10.5' it's a med-hvy, fast action rod with good back bone for chucking spoons up to 1oz - great for Steel or salmon - it's about $120 I believe - check this rod out.
  16. Never personally had any sucess when using live frogs (1-2 frogs lifetime) but I hear they work great for buckets and Pike... I don't think we need to use them anymore since lure manufacturers are making frog lures look better than the real thing, but hey if it's part of a tradition, or childhood memories, then go for it. I'd rather leave them alone as they are a good indicator of environmental health in some areas, and they eat bugs of all different types.
  17. I think he meant a 2 stroke is lighter than a battery operated auger.... And just so you know, batteries and ice do mix just fine... Do any of you use a flasher/transducer/camera when ice fishing?? What do you think they run off?? Another factor would be the battery type, the Ice Gator and I believe the Strikemaster electric auger run off lithium batteries which are not as effected in freezing temps. Electrics are great for early season/shallow water applications where you have to be stealthy, and also for use inside your permanent ice shanty. I would have bought one, but I like the weight and efficiency of the SM 4-stroke, and if the ice is thick I would feel more confident in a gas powered auger over battery if you are run and gun fishing. The season is almost over, and it might be a great time to get an auger at a discounted price.
  18. The Walleye batteries are great, price wise they're $120-$160 ish range, but they are worth the money for a battery with longevity. I personally bought a costco house brand (Kirkland) deep cycle for my trolling motor for like $80 all in, and it seems to hold a charge well, and have never drained it fully after a couple days out on the water. If you are looking for a good economical battery, check this may be a good option. I also have a energizer deep cycle battery I bought at Walmart, and it's a great battery for the price as well, when they came out a couple years ago they were like $70 for a 800 amp size I believe.
  19. south bend med action 6'6
  20. Yes, you can lay them on there side without gas spiling everywhere. I paid about 5 hundo for mine, the going rate would be $549-$599 cdn funds.... If you want one, and can't find one up here, make the trip to Buffalo (call ahead first) any buy one from one of the retailers down there. Or, order it from and amercian dealer (reeds, cabels ect...) And have it shipped to a UPS store in Buffalo... Save a ton of cash in shipping. BPS had them up here, and may still do, but didn't see one there on display a week ago. You will not regret this auger.
  21. There was a thread on this not so long ago, look it up. I got a Strikemaster strike lite (4-stroke) this is the auger you want, not a 2-stroke!!! I'm going on my 3rd year with this baby, and love it to death!!! Starts up on the 1st pull every time, and no mixing gas to mess around with, straight 91 gas ($3 worth) will last you several outings, it's very fuel efficient. I also like the fact there is no black smoke emmitted, and is light (23 lbs). I've had 2 stroke augers before, and thank god I got rid of them, too many problems, and stuff to worry about. Buy this auger if you can find it anywhere.
  22. Next time tape a baggie of crack to the inside handle (drivers side) and the crack head will leave you alone. Works every time.
  23. Nice, were you using the Quick Draw rig?
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