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Everything posted by perchslayer666

  1. The Muskie dies, a guy goes to the hospital, and your boat gets dinged up..... A lose, lose, lose situation. At least the 'ski earned its spot on the dinner plate next to the canned beans and potatoes.
  2. Killer rig man, perfect for those Quinte Eyes. Deep V's are waaaayy more versitile than Bass boats. She'll handle nice out there.
  3. I recall reading his posts on the Simco board, and keeping everyone on the board up to date with his battle with Throat Cancer. Very sad news, cause it seemed like he was doing good, and on the path to a full recovery. Just curious, but was he a smoker? At least the guy will be fishin in paradise for eternity. RIP Slytv
  4. Nice boot.
  5. Hi all, I'm headed up to the moon river area (The Massassaga PP) and was wondering how the fishing was going at this time of year? Would anyone be able to give me an idea of where the eye's could possibly be in this area? Does anyone catch pickeral in this area? (Never seen or heard of any being caught) I went there last year, and all we caught was pike, largies, and a my PB smallie (5lber) Never found the eyes or skis. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. Without a doubt, check out The Waltonian Inn on Lake Nippissing. I've been going there for the past 4 years, staying in a cabin during the nights and shuttling out to the huts during the day. The cabins are clean, and have everything you need to be comfortable, plus the lodge it's self has a restaurant/bar that occasionally has live music on Friday and Saturday nights. Fishing was ok, lots of perch, herring, Ling (caught a 13 lber this year) pike, mud puppies, and the occasional pickeral. Huts are nice and roomy, and the service from the staff is friendly and prompt. Can't ask for a better place to stay.
  7. I love eating Simco Perch...nothing like it, almost that time of year too, can't wait!!!! As for cooking the little tasties, I usually fry em up in peanut oil, and my batter of choice is BPS Uncle Bucks original - I tried them all (Fish Crisp, Chronzy's, Club house, home-made ect...) And by far the most flavorful batter is Uncle Bucks. I don't think I cooked them any other way, but I want to try em out this year in a chowder with other various seafood.
  8. Your wife needs to get into SALES. Many companies hire sales positions which work from home, however it may be a "eat what you kill" format, meaning it's commissioned based. I'd look into selling promotional items (shirts, pens, mugs ect...) to businesses through cold calling or networking. I've known of a few people that have done this and made some good cash once you build up your client base (5-10 years) I'm talking a 100k+ a year, plus you can deduct your car, fuel, entertainment, computer ect.. as an additional benefit. The promotional business is a 3.2 billion dollar a year industry in Canada alone, lots of money to be made! As with any sales job, it's how much time you put in it, will net re$ult$. Good luck
  9. If there's one invasive specie to come into our waters, I hope this one flourishes. I've never caught one, but I heard that these things absolutely crush lures, fight like a smallies on steriods (circa 1978) and are freaking delicious. These things make muskies look like a pussy cat, I'd love to be able to fish for something that a 'muskie' guy has nightmares about. I say bring em on!!!!
  10. Not this crap again. Some people can't mind there own business... Who are you guys to make assumptions about another person fishing? If they are fishing within the law then who cares if they are keeping fingerling sized perch or sunfish? They obviously love it and are having a good time fishing. PLEASE DON'T POST ANYTHING UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE OF YOUR ACCUSATION, AND DONE SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
  11. Good thing this virus is killing some off, saves me from catching them and tossing em' on the bank for the 'coons.
  12. Tell you wife to suck it up, and put your foot down. It's as simple as that. What is more important, social life or paying off the mortgage? Tell your wife to make new friends unless you both want to live in an over priced dump. Sorry man, the common sense and rational of you scenario as described drives me nuts.
  13. ^^ Epic Fail.
  14. I tow a 16.5 foot Smokercraft with a 50 hp 'rude full with gear and I get 11.5-12 liters per 100 kms with my 09'pilot. Can't be more happy with this truck. Without a boat I can get 9.5-10.5 liters per 100 hwy driving.
  15. Didn't he donate like 5 Million to charity from the advertising $$ from last night's interview?
  16. I know exactly who you are talking about, I thought the same thing, then I dealt with him on a few things and the guy was surprisingly pleasant to deal with. I can see how his demeanor might turn some people off, but c'mon he's been there for many, many years so he must be doing something right. Not everyone is as privileged to have an occupation outside of a retail setting - give the guy a chance.
  17. You are correct - I got my model years mixed up. Sweet ride though.
  18. Is this the jeep with the dual exhaust on the middle back? Where did you put the hitch? I thought these were only for show and not meant to tow b/c they are supercharged? I heard these are beasts.
  19. Cleveland will fold and be relocated to Vancouver. Miami will be the biggest flop to happen in NBA history - 3 heads are better than 1 but what happens when they all want the ball at the same time? In the words of Hedo Turkaglu - "Ball"
  20. Honda Pilot dude, you will not regret it. 3.5 liter, 250 HP, tows more than you'll ever need effortlessly. Tons of room, great on gas (VTM engine) very smooth ride with great acceleration. Had the Jeeps, and had nothing but problems and costly repairs.... Never again. Also forgot to mention I hate their dealerships, freggin rip off central.
  21. I am no racist brah believe you me. Funny how the fishergirls on this board get their panties in a knot because something is taken out of context. Lock this thread up now oh great bearded one.
  22. My American friend, you should be the last guy on here to chime in with regards to gun control. Some places in the USA make the violence in Scarborough look like a game of bloody knuckles. (Not to down play the people that got shot today) We can thank USA for our gun problem, that is a fact.
  23. Typical fo' dis hood. Where else can you find great jerk chicken?
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