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Everything posted by perchslayer666

  1. Kill them with fire. I hate these things, super gross, and stink. I wonder if fish eat these things???
  2. I hate cats for the sole reason that I am allergic to them. Water eyes, wheezing, and runny nose - no thank you, get them the hell away from me. My biggest peeve with cats, are also the owners who don't clean up after them - ie. vacuuming their hair on the furniture/rugs so that it ends up on my clothes when I'm over... Also the fact that they are completely useless domestic animals fuels my hatred.
  3. I always liked Chronzy's show, and his shore lunches, always made me appreciate fishing for what it is, what is can be, and for enjoying the bounty of your catch. A real Canadian show, old school in nature which was always an invigorating show for my self. Hopefully the new breed of fishing show hosts will incorporate more "Chonzyisms" into their shows.
  4. Wow, so pretty much you gat get a sling-shot anywhere.... Do you know what google is?
  5. Just because the tire is "old" stock doesn't mean it's no good.... If the tire has been used I'd be weary, however if the tire hasn't been used, and is last years model, it's good to go.
  6. Ya man, Steelie roe this time of year is waaaaayyyy tight - gotta wait til' she's loose before you get some nice usable skein or loose roe - Try keeping a hen in the Spring if you want trout roe. Brown Trout are fair game now though.....
  7. Man, I would have sold that boat too if I had won it. You could get a really nice multi-specie boat, well equipped, plus some new gear, savings, perhaps a down payment on a new towing vehicle.... Lots of new toys. Besides a boat as flashy as that would be a definite target for thiefs and general morons at the launch every time.
  8. What the hell is Furuno? Never heard of it ever. When you incorporate the exchange, duty, and taxes you add another $60-$80 to the purchase price - if you want to buy new, make your purchase from a Canadian retailer, and buy a recognized brand that has a warranty, and customer service that is easily accessible. like Lowrance - my best customer service experience ever - If that is still too much, buy used from Kajiji or Craigslist - time to time there are lots of good units for sale - lots of time until next season to look for one....
  9. At least they're controlling the dinks.
  10. My god.... What a beast!!!!!! A wall hanger for sure!!!!! That fish must have spawned many times over - no need to worry about keeping it... Lots of little skis swimming around there with its genes.... That's freaking huge! I would have kept it too - a life time worth of stories there. A once in a life time catch for sure.
  11. The drill auger is a good concept, but a bad idea if you want to drill more than 20 holes a season. When your out on the ice, the last thing you want is one of your essential tools (Auger, heater, rod/reel slush scooper, portable hut, ect....) To fail. Do your self a favor, don't waste your time with this idea, and buy either a new or used gas auger which will be dependale, and get the job done when needed the most. Although not a problem with me, some guys don't like it if you come ice fishing, ill prepared and have to resort to asking for a couple holes to be drilled.
  12. Who cares about this crap? It's always been Christmas to me, and when the time comes, it's Merry Christmas to everyone. It think people give this "movement" too much of their time.
  13. The difference is that the Bay of Quinte flows out into Lake Ontario.... Totally different. Don't get me wrong though, the BOQ has it's own problems with pollution from the paper mill, but generally we're also talking about a different area and fish species altogether.
  14. I'd rather eat a can of Tuna or a Swordfish steak rather than a Lake O Salmon or Trout - Even before this article came out the intelligent people that fish and care about their health already knew that Lake O is a dumpster for all the other great lakes, and because of big industry and power generation, the Lake simply has elevated levels of toxins that bio-accumulate in fish..... Duuhhh?!?!?!? I don't care what the size, or how they taste like after you smoke or cook them, I will never eat one of these fish. You can have them.
  15. I know of several people who had an encounter with TC, and all have beat it. You'll be fine bud. Keep er' positive.
  16. Oh I see the boat was flooded.... My bad
  17. Isn't that an aluminum hull? It'll probably be severely scratched and dented up, should still be usable no? Should have came in once the weather started to change, or had a weather radio!!!! If you're going to fish big water, why not be prepared for it? A $100 radio may have saved this from happening.
  18. I've bought the commercial kind (Reel Weeds) and found that they do hold fish like perch quite well. They'll also attract pike and walleye looking for an easy meal. Some days they work extremely well, and other days don't work at all. But I am happy with my purchase.
  19. Recipe Please? How did you make these.... Please tell more.
  20. Actually all rivers are closed until the opener next year. Sorry.
  21. Ban lead all together, it's polluting the environment and a known carcinogen... It's also on obsolete as they're are other materials we fisherman and women can use such as brass, tin, and tungsten. Ya, lead is cheap, and I buy lead as well but I value my health and the environment much more than saving a couple bucks on tackle. Unfortunately this isn't realized by the majority.
  22. Main Line - Raven Hi Vis 10lb test Shot line - Maxima Ultragreen 8lb test Leader - Berkley Florocarbon pro grade 6lb test. As long as you tie good knots, the only time you'll break off is if you get into a good snag. Good luck
  23. Are all the boats gone from the marina yet?
  24. Very nice. I like
  25. These rods look sweet! Kinda have a European feel to the rods themselves. I'd like to check one out cool sponsor
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