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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I think the yal'ler one is just a little sexier!!!
  2. Care for some raw sewage and toxins with that Wall-ice dinner? Don't pay any mind to Gerritt, he's just "ill" 'cause Bernie gave him a "strappin" on Nip last weekend!
  3. The prices "Yo-Yo" down here between midweek and weekend, with weekend being the higher of the two.
  4. No offence taken RR, I was just kiddin' around too!
  5. Here's a link to a post I did on this one earlier: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=15307&hl=
  6. I've been called worse! ... just don't call me late for the Biscuits and Gravy!!!
  7. Great report and pics HH!!! Does a frozen Wall-ice weigh more than one that's still alive?
  8. A Red Ear Sunfish bench!
  9. Hoof Arted?
  10. That is very noble of you to donate that fish to Mike's Skunk cause Glenn, and that's what good friends are for! How many other fish have you donated to this cause that we don't know about? I've noticed he doesn't ever hardly catch fish unless he goes with you....
  11. Maybe in Canada, but not here. I catch plenty of fish I mark in 20' of water here, with just a dual beam transducer! It does depend on what presentation you are using and what you're fishin for, casting for Bass... you won't mark fish unless you're using side imaging, but if you're drop-shotting for Crappie with a standard transducer you will mark and catch fish... if they're biting.
  12. Where to insert the needle is a debate in itself Nelson, some like to go thru the mouth (not good with a fish with a mouth full of teeth), some like to go just ahead of the anal vent, we go in about a half inch behind the pectoral fin. You need to study up on that particular species of fishes anatomy so you'll know the exact shape and location of the air bladder. Like I mentioned before, it'll be "trial and error" until you get the hang of it... but bringing the fish up slowly is the best option.
  13. You're welcome! Two finger typer, yes... but also copy and paste whiz kid (as our bubba Rick O says)
  14. Just because you see fish on a sonar unit doesn't mean they're gonna bite, and just because you don't see fish on a unit doesn't mean you aren't going to catch one! Like others have said, they're very useful tools for finding bottom structure, drop offs, creek channels, thermoclines,schools of suspended fish, bait balls, bottom hardness (rock to soft mud), and water temp. When drifting or trolling the unit will give you a picture of what your bait or lure will be passing thru. There are many different transducers available now that can give you the ability to see to the side (side imaging), see a very detailed tight (small) cone circle very deep, and transducers with up to 8 beams for a huge picture in relatively shallow water.
  15. Excellent report and pics Bernie!!! I can't believe the ice held the FF up! Those Asparagus thingies Joe makes are excellent!!! I dunno which is worse, usin' an outhouse when it's -26 or +105 ? Why are you the only one holdin a fish in the pics?
  16. Great report and pics Mike!!! Ice sculptures are always beautiful and amazing! It looks like you make a great servant to your children As far as the ice fishin' goes, give GlennK his damn fish back You just did as you were told when you brought that fish up, nobody told you to claim it Skunk-Boy! You must really be desparate to try to claim somebody elses fish like that eh! You can have all of my share of the snow, ice, and cold Mike! Glad you had a great time!
  17. I think you had one of these: Wet Dreams by Kip Addotta Lyrics: It was April the forty-first Being a quadruple leap year I was driving in downtown Atlantis My barracuda was in the shop So I was in a rented stingray And it was overheating So I pulled into a Shell Station They said I'd blown a seal I said, "Fix the damn thing And leave my private life out of it Okay pal?" While they were doing that I walked over to a place called the Oyster Bar, a real dive But I knew the owner He used to play for the Dolphins I said "Hi Gil" You have to yell, he's hard of herring Think I had a wet dream Cruisin' thru the Gulf Stream Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Wet dream Gil was also down on his luck Fact is he was barely keeping his head below water I bellied up to the sandbar He poured me the usual Rusty snail, hold the grunion Shaken not stirred With a peanut butter and jellyfish sandwich on the side Heavy on the mako I slipped him a fin On porpoise I was feeling good I even dropped a sand dollar in the box for Jerry's squids For the halibut Well the place was crowded We were packed in like sardines They were all there to listen to the big band sounds of Tommy Dorsal What sole Tommy was rockin' the place with a very popular tuna Salmon Chanted Evening And the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers Probably there to see the bass player One of them was this cute little yellowtail And she's giving me the eye So I figured this is my chance for a little fun You know, piece of Pisces But she said things I just couldn't fathom She was too deep, seemed to be under a lot of pressure Boy, could she drink She drank like a . . . She drank a lot I said "What's your sign" She said "Aquarium" I said "Great, let's get tanked" Think I had a wet dream Cruisin' thru the Gulf Stream Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Wet dream I invited her to my place for a midnight bait I said "Come on baby, it'll only take a few minnows" She threw me that same old line "Not tonight, I gotta haddock" And she wasn't kidding either Cause in came the biggest, meanest looking haddock I'd ever seen come down the pike He was covered with mussels He came over to me and said "Listen, shrimp, don't you come trollin' around here" What a crab This guy was steamed I could see the anchor in his eyes I turned to him, I said "A-balone, you're just being shellfish" Well, I knew it was going to be trouble and so did Gil ‘Cause he was already on the phone to the cods The haddock hits me with a sucker punch I catch him with a left hook He eels over It was a fluke but there he was Lying on the deck, flat as a mackerel Kelpless I said "Forget the cods Gil This guy's gonna need a sturgeon" Well, the yellowtail was impressed with the way I landed her boyfriend She came over to me, she said "Hey, big boy, you're really a game fish What's your name" I said "Marlin" Think I had a wet dream Cruisin' thru the Gulf Stream Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Wet dream Well, from then on we had a whale of a time I took her to dinner, I took her to dance I bought her a bouquet of flounders And then I went home with her And what did I get for my trouble A case of the clams Think I had a wet dream Cruisin' thru the Gulf Stream Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Wet dream Cruisin' thru the Gulf Stream Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh Wet dream Cruisin' thru the Gulf Stream Ooh Ooh Ooh Ooh
  18. I like to fish around bridges when shore fishing, they're a great fish hold structure! Public launches are a good place too. Thye best places are the places you discover yourself because you put the legwork in to find them.
  19. Sure it is!... if you cut a tree for harvest, plant one back! If the loggers of 100 yrs. ago had had the foresight there wouldn't be any problems... you could cut 100 yr old trees every year!
  20. Forrestry is a renewable resource... if you plant it back! You gotta love a mean green machine like that!!!... John Deere Rules!!! Can you imagine what that thing would do to a "Tree Hugger"?
  21. White Bass, Striped Bass, Wiper Hybrid, Spotted Bass, Largemouth Bass, Bull Bluegill and Red Ear Sunfish will tear them up in the summer down here in 'Bama! I've also caught Channel Cats, a Flathead Cat, Skip Jack Herring, a Yellow Perch, and Gar on them. They excell in clear water conditions with light line.
  22. Good report and great pic of fat fish!!! I kinda like it when the fish tear up one of my lures!
  23. It's best to just bring them up slowly. We do fizz fish when deep sea fishing, the mate usually does it but I've watched and done it a few times. It's like anything else, you have to practice at it to get the "sweet spot". A few won't make it on your first tries, but they were dead anyway. You'll feel the air hiss out of the hypodermic needle when you hit the correct spot and the fish will take off for bottom when released. Here is some info on it: http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/Fizzing.pdf
  24. ...
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