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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ...
  2. Et tu Brute?
  3. ...
  4. I aint nothin' but nice to y'all... and y'all treat me like dirt!!!
  5. If I want any crap outta you "goat-boy"... I'll squeeze yer little punkin haid!
  6. ...
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. I sunned myself in 65*F weather... looked like an ol' Turtle on a log.
  10. I'm actually lookin' at getting another transduce for my new Humminbird. It came with the dual beam, but i want to get the Quadrabeam as well. Not sure if I wanna put it on the transom or trolling motor. I'll also be purchasing the "splitter" that lets you run 2 transducers on one unit ( not simultaneously) so I can switch back and forth... yes! I'm playing with it!!! A Quadrabeam transducer is about $80 USD and so is the splitter.
  11. 1. Build a snowman 2. Have a snowball fight with Marv against the neighbors 3. Harvest those Bananas 4. Go ice fishin
  12. We use heat tape down here to keep some exterior water line from freezing Cliff. It wouldn't get hot enough to hurt your shingles, if it's the kind I'm talking about.
  13. It looks pretty and cold... pretty cold!!! ... but y'all have a different kind of cold up there than we have down here. Y'all have that freezinass cold!!!
  14. There isn't... and I do it for free!
  15. It's always going to be a choice between these 2 for me. http://www.larryortiz.tv/video/4265-south-...e-by-blake.html
  16. ...
  17. This so called fishermans actions are dispicable... but more or less typical. Their motto is "WE better get them before somebody else does", and if there weren't any regulations or anybody watching they would catch until there weren't any fish left. Then sit around and piss and moan about alll the fish being gone, blaming everyone but themselves. This so called human being should have his commercial and sport fishing licenses revoked permanantly!!!
  18. GETTING??? I feel the same way about some shows and movies Lew, when it's like that I turn on the closed captioning and turn the sound all the way down. I'm old and miserable too!
  19. Maybe y'all should get a room...
  20. Sheeeeee-yiiiiiiit!!!!
  21. Yer links need a little work Bubba....
  22. The sirens woke me up this morning, but we're ok!!! There was a rather nasty T-storm that passed just to the south of us, everything is well to the East of us now. Thanks for askin Bubba!
  23. With a name like Rene, and she's a he?... He told me she was a she and I was the only one!!! Duped again!!!
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