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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. It is a Rooster Tail, but it's made by Wordens of Yakima Bait Co. It is the Greencoachdog color pattern Rooster Tail.
  2. Very nice fat healthy lookin fish!
  3. I once dreamed I ate a 5 lb. marshmallow, and when I woke up... my pillow was gone!
  4. By those figures, and given the U.S. Canadian price difference... it looks like you could use more inflation. Then funny thing about inflation ( that isn't really funny at all) is that prices never go back down. They may hold steady, but rarely drop. ... and just going back to '95 isn't nearly far enough back. Edited to say: I did some checking myself, going back to 1970. The average annual inflation rate for the U.S. was 4.63% over the 37 yr. period The annual inflation rate for Canada was 4.72% for the same amount of time. Not a big difference, but yes... inflation is part of the reason.
  5. ...and your past rates were? ... and what would your explanation for higher operating costs be?
  6. ... and your explanation for the price difference is??? it's not necessarily the current inflation rate that have the prices higher, look at your past rates.
  7. ... and they will continue to refuse to bite as long as you're raisin' hell on top of the ice.
  8. So we'll see you at Lakair in June?
  9. Let the CAD rise to $.75 = 1 USD and see what happens.
  10. I've seen the talk on here about the Ca./USD situation. Even though they are neck and neck in currency exchange, the USD still has considerable more buying power in the US than the CAD has in Canada. Can y'all say "Inflation"?... sure!... I knew you could!
  11. I would say it was a reflection off of ice crystals in the atmosphere.
  12. Did you ever party with Timothy Leary?
  13. Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it (Mark Twain) Y'all quit yer fussin' about the snow... you don't hear me complaining do ya? Y'all have your boats prepped and ready for the 21st of March, I'm gonna send a blast of warm air up there starting the 15th of March and everything will be iced out and melted by the 21st!!!... for a nominal fee of course, y'all can pay me in Black Label rum at Lakair this June
  14. That is the "Bait Stealer" Joey, they can be a PITA sometimes!
  15. That little turd was pretty fast too!!!
  16. ...
  17. Just think back and remember all the stuff you did when you were their age... yeah, they're doing it too!!!
  18. I know what you mean Ramble!!! I'm sick and tired of having to bundle up like an Eskimo so I can take the boat out and molest these little turds!!!
  19. Aww c'mon Dan!... it wasn't that cold!!! I mean it was kinda cool sometimes when the sun would go behind the clouds and the wind would blow.. but not really that bad.
  20. You tried to do it, didn't ya?
  21. I would hate to have to feed that thing!!! With the price of gas nowadays you can get a bigger motor for less, and the smaller motors are fetching top dollar. I was browsing the new Tracker boats the other day and a 115 4 stroke was about $300 cheaper than a 90 4 stroke. I'll stick with my little ol' 50 4 st.
  22. No... but I can touch my nose with my tongue...
  23. Really great news Jack!!! I knew you whip that ol' crap!!! If you were a little younger, you might look kinda cute with a set of Moobs!
  24. I'll take function over form any day!
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