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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. If y'all are real nice to me, I may sing Creep at Lakair! Great vid and music Cliff!!!
  2. Just asking/begging for money from me isn't going to get it, I don't appreciate being put "on the spot" at a traffis light or being accosted in front of Wal-Mart. I always tell them "Oh, no thank you" as if they were offering me a big slice of cheesecake and I'm on a diet. If you're offering me a product or service you have a little better chance... especially if it's the High School Cheerleader summer car wash... of which I am a staunch supporter of!!!
  3. Congrats on the win Bernie! I can't help it, I have to laugh every time I see a sweeper at work in a Curling match!!! ... but that's what makes it entertaining enough for me to watch. Curling is the Ice Hockey of Shuffleboard.
  4. ...
  5. Great report and pics Rich!!! Looks like you've got those fish addicted to that canned corn!
  6. Great report and pics!!! Those are some excellent fish!!!
  7. Great report and pics Joey!!! Fishin' is lotsa fun when the fish want to play and keep you busy! Those are all nice looking fish, and I'd say that Terry caught a Whopper of a Smelt!!! WTG y'all!!!
  8. Nothin yet, but there's a touch of Granny' rhumatiz medicine in the fridge that will be good in a few minutes!
  9. Excellent report and pics Bubba!!! All good healthy lookin' fish!
  10. Great report and pics!!!
  11. Great report and pics! Those BOQ Perch look very healthy... nice and fat!!!
  12. Creative text is only vulgar to people with vulgar minds. How many times have you seen the acronym "LOL" on this board?... and what do you think it stands for??? Please don't tell me laugh out loud... because thats not it... it stands for "Lasciviously Ogled Lesbian"!... and there's hundreds more!!! So for Purity's sake, I think this board should ban all acronyms... because they're all filthy and foul!!! Just my 2 cents, and just tryin' to help... BMV!
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  14. The best thing goober could do is to go fishing where there isn't anyone else around if he doesn't like rough talk.!! We do not live in a Puritanical society and most of us Heathens take a pretty dim view of them trying to ram their beliefs down our throat. Kids are gonna hear it and they're gonna say it too! I don't speak much different now than when I was a kid, all my friends and the other kids in school spoke that way too. Sure I got my mouth washed out with soap when I was a kid, and it taught me a lesson... never cuss when grown-ups can hear you. What do you think kids are looking for today on the internet? A fishing message board where they might see a cuus word? I don't think so. I'll bet big money they're lookin' at lots worse stuff than that!!!... they're on Youtube watchin South Park and Jay and Silent Bob clips Walt Disney is dead.
  15. I tote a Case knife Bill. Like anything else, you get what you pay for. Stay away from the Case CV (chrome vanadium) they WILL rust. Go with the 6.5 stainless, much better knife!
  16. ...
  17. ... ask Spiel about his skien of Trout roe he forgot! Those decayed and fermented minnows would have made a dang good stink bait for Catfish!!!... and the hurl you make when putting it on the hook is an excellent chum!!!
  18. Not necessarily.. some folks just ACT that way...
  19. I feel that is a courtesy type thing, and it works both ways. If I'm out on the water or ice with some buddies joking and cutting up, and you decide to bring your little crumb-snatchers and wimmim folk out and set up next to us... it's too bad for you if you can hear what we say and don't like it! You can move on down the line because we were there first! On the other hand, if you are there first with your family and we should decide for some reason to set up within ear-shout of you... we will keep it civil out of respect for your family. Normally though, I would not set up next to a family... because I do like to joke and cut up with "colorful" language. On the open water I keep my voice down (especially at night) because I know how sound carries, and I remind others to do the same.
  20. Don't forget to cover your Banana trees Lew! I hope everyone up there makes it through this storm with no difficulties.
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  22. if it wasn't up to the shank you could turn it thru til the barb poped back out and the cut the barb off. Since it's up to the shank, you may want to seek professional help.
  23. Here's one for ya that already has the hole in the bottom!
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