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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Does it say where they're made on the box? How much did you have to pay for them? $$$
  2. How DEPRESSING is that??? I'll take comedy over a Soap Oprah any day.
  3. No pics... no believe!
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  5. Which is more noxious, WD40 or beer whiz? Which would ou rather drink a teaspoon of? How much of each go into our water? Some Old Timers around here spray it on their hands to relieve Arthritis pain... heck!, you can even take it with you on your Honeymoon!!! WD 40 is the nectar of the Mechanic Gods!!! I'll pick WD 40 over beer whiz any day!
  6. Dat ol' Boudreaux! He say anytin for a laff!!! Thanks Bill, that ones a classic and one of my favorites!
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  10. Glad to hear you weren't hurt bad Paul, at least with snow and ice you have a good excuse! I took a fall at the boat dock last Tues. that I'm still feeling. Feet flew out from under me on a wet wooden ramp and I landed full force on my tailbone/small of my back. Thought I'd ruined myself for sure. Doin ' better now though.
  11. Very nice lookin' fish!!!
  12. ...
  13. We will be getting our share of foul weather tonight, there are Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado warnigs out in Meridian Miss. on the Al./Miss. state line... and it's headed this way.
  14. This one really chaps my butt!!! They just add the fine in as the cost of doing business and go on. There should be license suspensions to go along with the fines!!!
  15. We get wind tides on our coastal water too, they can give you extreme low and high tides. The storm surge of a Hurricane is a real good example of an extreme wind driven high tide!
  16. I'm sure restoring the native trout would be more costly and time consuming than stocking. I think stocking would help the native population by taking fishing pressure off of the natives (if fishing for them is allowed) and give them a better chance to do the reproduction thing.
  17. I wonder what color her hair is?
  18. Gee Whiz Cliff!!!... that sounds kinda nasty! Y'all chilluns play nice in the snow now ya heah? Why do y'all measure your snow in centimeters (forget the decimeter issue ) and measure your fish in inches???
  19. Open it up and lets see!
  20. That wind tide is a "Booger-Bear" aint it? It would be nice if we could reply to those stories in that section and I think it would draw more interest as well... ... or not.
  21. Ribbons and bows in your hair really make the Wall-ice bite on the West Arm... you learnin' anything here Joe???
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  23. Can you imagine the size of the litter box you'd have to have for that thing???
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  25. It's a guilt thing I learned from my mother Bernie Joe better be real careful about bein' mean to me, or I won't show him how to catch Wall-ice on the West Arm in June!... and he'll have to get you to show him how!... 'cause I'm sure he remembers what happened to him last June on the Wall-ice species... Better Luck in '08 Joe! ( I can hear all the Wall-ices in the West Arm laffin' when they read this!!! )
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