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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I think ya got a bad link there bubba!
  2. Here's some reviews on the Tiger Lite rod from the Cabela's site: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...roductid=120975 For $60 you can't go wrong!!! I've used mine to push the boat off of rocks, fended off an 8'Alligator, and flogged a couple obnoxious bass tourney fishermen with it!
  3. Does it look like a green/gold one to you?
  4. Nice report and pics Justin! Does it take an Alabama Redneck to figure out that the first Walleye is a Blue Walleye? Doesn't look like the nekkid fishin' lasted very long, but I'm sure the sun felt good!
  5. Yup! another wet dream!!!
  6. ... that's what she said!!!
  7. Well if mine blew up in the rod rack tonight while I'm sleepin', I'd still say it was a darn good rod and wouldn't hesitate to buy another exactly like!!!
  8. Real nice lookin' Bow Jack!!!
  9. Yup!!! ... just keep telling yourself "everything is going to be ok!" Lookin' forward to your reports and maybe a tourney entry eh!
  10. Now that's a Walleye!!!
  11. I have one and love it Rich!!! It chunks the big baits real good!... it's a BWCL 2200 7' rated for 14-40 lb. test and I believe 3-6oz lure weight. If I ever catch a Musky on it, I'll let you know how it handles the big fish... but first I gotta catch one on it.
  12. I'm not worried... becaus I didn't enter! ... but anybody that enters a contest like that should know that's what they're after... that's why I didn't enter. Everybody knows that!... roight?
  13. I wonder what's going to happen to all those other email addresses now?
  14. Congrats to Rick O!!!!
  15. So you think you're an artist? I swear! The crapola they pass off for "modern" art these days really makes me wonder Take this guy for example, he got paid good money to do that! Not quite as bad as the guy that canned his own feces and then sold the cans to museums, after which several of the cans of poopie have exploded... thereby raising the price and value of the ones that haven't, the last I heard... they cans were going for about $12,000.00 a can! Or how about the "artist" that bit himself every place he could reach (too bad he couldn't reach his nadz eh!) and took pics of it and sold them It's a weird world we live in I'll tell ya!!! Anyone else have any "modern art" stories?
  16. Whew!!!... I'm glad one of the two wasn't you Shawn!!! ... just think about it though, you fish with more OFNers more often than I do... so your chances of getting one of the two in your boat are greater than mine!!!
  17. He probably Googled this thread up so he could post the link to his site. It is a good thread Cliff! ... are you going to do another one this year? Your ice age is a comin' Bubba!
  18. There's something fishy about that Ariel girl!
  19. We'll see how he does, my guess is at this time next year you won't be able to find anybody white or black that voted for him... kinda like after Clinton's "don't ask-don't tell" policy and the monica blewinski oops... couldn't find a soul that voted for him then... kinda makes you wonder how he got elected.
  20. Excellent report, pics, and fish Moon!!! Good on ya for helping the folks in distress with or without the fish!
  21. Yeah, a big'un and a little'un... the little'un is almost nearly dead and the big'un is ruint!
  22. Maybe Chronimids? (Midge Fly) We have a huge hatch down here all winter, it amazes me that they hatch out in 45*F water and even lesser ambient temps! They're the main forage for most species in winter here. The Crappie will absolutely stuff themselves with them, making them even more size sensitive to my bait presentations... wanting only the smallest Fathead minnows I can find. They'd rather eat 100 Chronimids than one big fat minnow!
  23. They're all very true!!!... but... I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon, and all the pain in the -es just never go away. I find this one to be very profound!
  24. What do YOU think? You may choose multiple answers.
  25. Congrats on your PB Musky!!! That is a very nice fish and I'd go along with the 48" guesstimate!
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