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Tom McCutcheon

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Everything posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. Only when he comes to the "BITTER END"
  2. That makes me feel better
  3. Can't use them up here Bill
  4. Heres one Lew and other emergency responders can relate to. I have always thought that there should be some way to alert drivers that an emergency vehicle with sirens was within a 500 yard radius. In this day and age of loud music, earbuds for cell phone and rolled up windows for air conditioning, it is hard to hear the siren until the vehicle is almost on top of you. A simple warning light, heads up display or drop down flag would be all that is needed. It could be wired and triggered to the alert by the emergency vehicles strobe which changes traffic lights to red. Of course all the auto manufacturers would have to be on board with this. Is something like that feasible? I don't know.
  5. Try googling "Luggable Loo"
  6. I have been using the same pair of Big Jons Captains pak since 1987. Not a hint of trouble from them. I have changed the cables twice in that time just to be on the safe side, not because I had to. I am sure others will chime in with their favourites and most of the name brands are pretty compareable regarding function. Some have features which would benefit your specific type of fishing. Do your research and get what you feel works for you. Good luck and be happy with your choice.
  7. I too am waiting to see this Finny.
  8. I guess you didn't read all of this report from the 22nd. I had planned on moving it this Tuesday...but am thinking next Tuesday will be better. That way I'll be doing it at the beginning of my days off, and not at the end. It will give me time to do a few more things too.
  9. SOOOOO....Any updates? Enquireing minds want to know
  10. I have some of those which I bought from Dennis at Bass Haven on Mitchells Bay a few years ago. My understanding was that he made them himself. I know he is still in business, but I am not sure if he still makes the Jig A Whopper. Good Luck
  11. Guess you don't need to worry about that with glass eh Lew? Back at ya...
  12. Same here. Don't use the rear livewell at all. We just RED GREENED the overflow on the exterior with duct tape. Of course it was colour matched
  13. It is always wise to have the second battery, especially when using all the electronics you have. Also install a battery switch or isolater so that you can use/discharge one battery (deep cycle) only, when not using the big motor. This is the one I had all my electronics connected to, (radios, graphs, additional lights, Fish Hawke temp probe, etc. etc). This saves the main battery for start up and then switch to both to recharge when running. Of course that all depends on the size of the alternator on the big motor.
  14. Braggin or complainin
  15. I have always found it a great place to look at and compare similar products from different manufacturers. If you know in advance the retail prices, then you know if there are deals to be had or not at the show. I haven't missed a show in probably 25 years.
  16. Talk to Wayne (irishfield). I believe he did a Lund project paint job a few years ago before he bought his new boat.
  17. "I'm comin Lizabeth"
  18. Soooo.... any progress? Just asking cause I'm looking out my door at a very slushy Pigeon Lake.
  19. [quote name='Michael Brown' date='26 D Be careful and have fun. Kawartha's ice fishing season round 3 has begun. So what you are saying Mike is, someone like myself should wait a month or so?
  20. The one photo of the pool from below the waterfall is so clear I believe I saw some Specks in it.
  21. The sooner it is finished the better I envision a City Building inspector making points by coming around and asking for a permit Looking good.
  22. Is this the same Paquettes Camp that is just a little North West of Chapleau? Maybe 15 miles down the fire road from town. We passed it every year on our way into Happy Days on Windermere. This was back in the late 70's early 80's. It had a pretty good reputation at that time and looked like most of the buildings were in good shape. However I can not tell you what the fishing was like or what shape the camp is in now. Good luck.
  23. Thank you sir. I suppose that a person unacustomed to flying into remote lakes might think that you were a very wise pilot to carry his own life boat
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