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Tom McCutcheon

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Everything posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. I know others have said this, and I tend to agree. About 8 years ago we moved and had our records transferred to the new Dr's office. Total charged at that time was $150.00 for the two of us. I thought that was outrageous. When I asked about the charge it was explained to me that a lot of the information contained notes and opinions that the old Dr. had made over almost thirty years of care. $500.00 does seem out of hand but for a family of four, maybe the costs have gone up from $75.00 per patient to $125.00 per patient. I know that is not a solution for you, but it is food for thought. Tom.
  2. You could try here. www.pinevista.com nice resort on Stony in the Kawarthas, which is open year round.
  3. I guess if you are in the process of having a real garage built the one in a box will suffice and tide you over for a couple of seasons. Although I would see if I could find an inside storage facility (barn) for the short term. More security and a lot dryer. Tom
  4. Like a stone and you know it. Sounds a little like a Marxist theory. I wonder whose taxes pay for the ramp you use and the maintenance involved for that ramp when you drive three hours each way. Don't get me wrong here, I understand why guys fish docks. Lets just show a little bit of courtesy, if it is being enjoyed by someone else, and move on to the next piece of structure. Tom.
  5. What the He.. is that? I live on one of the Kawartha Lakes and not another planet. It is the attitude of the weekend warrior which is creating this post. The guy who has No respect for others. I have my dock, I don't want to pay more in taxes etc. for the Government to build platforms for you, and anyone can fish my dock when they want, just give me a little privacy when me or my family are present.
  6. I just planted an MCI "Know The Difference" sign at the ramp beside his store today. Talked to him for probably 30 minutes, really nice guy and helpful. Tom.
  7. years ago when I waded the rivers I used an old Army Surplus canvas bag. It worked like a purse (slung over my shoulder) I could carry two very small 4 or 5 compartment plano boxes in it along with forceps and insect repellent etc. It never got in the way of my casts or release procedures. Tom
  8. That is a great fish. Those shots are neat. You can tell by the size of the head and shoulders that she is very healthy. Congratulations; now you got to get her big sister..... Tom.
  9. Very nice report. I love the detail and explanations. Hey Lew... You'll be coming out just as we're heading in(July 10th) Leave some of those big Muskies for Mike and I. Tom.
  10. Save that one for your Archives Marc!!! It will remain priceless. Tom.
  11. PM me if you wish, ask your questions, and I will answer them as best I can. Tom.
  12. You do not have to be a member to attend the meetings. However in order to participate in the on line forum and receive an electronic version of their newsletter every two months as well as other goodies, you have to sign up. The cost of $50.00 a year goes directly back into research and conservation projects. It is a non profit organazation. I suggest you locate your local chapter, (three in your area) Toronto, Mississauga or Hamilton and attend a meeting or two. Just check with one of their executives because a lot of the chapters do not hold a meeting during the summer months. Tom.
  13. I have used Egan Houseboats in the past and they are reliable and well equipped. You could also try happydayshouseboats.com they have two new ones in their fleet that are 52' long, sleep twelve and have satelite tv and a fireplace. both of those outfitters are on Pigeon Lake and you can get anywhere you want in a week. Tom.
  14. Any of the Kawarthas. Go with the best you can afford as far as tackle. Don't go cheap on your release tools IE: Beckman or Frabil net, Knipex cutters (for cutting the hook rather than pulling or working it out, of the fish and yourself) A good pair of stainless long handled needle nose pliers. Join the MUSKIES CANADA CHAPTER nearest you..... there is a lot of knowledge with these guys and they will help you out with what you need. Check your bank account...LOL Tom McCutcheon Release Director Kawartha Lakes Chapter Muskies Canada
  15. Good on ya Pete. I am happy to see your son has caught the BUG and well done on the aspect of calling it a day when HE gets tired. Nothing worse than forceing them to stay out when they have maybe lost interest Like Lew said hang that picture or post the story and pic on his facebook/youtube. Tom.
  16. After all the sandwiches have been made for lunch for everyone just swap out plain bread for the meat and cheese ones in your pals lunch bag.
  17. That happens in Georgian Bay and the St Lawrence etc but here in the Kawarthas most of the lakes have been formed from flooded rivers or creeks when the Trent locks were established 100+ years ago. The Muskie is the native fish and the Pike are making their way in from Lake Ontario and Lake Simcoe. A number of the lakes formed from flooding have an average depth of 20 feet. There are deeper sections of these lakes but not many compared to the overall lake structure. The Northern Pike "IS" a major concern for the Kawarthas and Muskies Canada is working with the OMNR to find a solution. Tom Mccutcheon Muskies Canada
  18. What happens when the water levels rise? Who is responsible for the garbage now floating/drifting/sunk in the river for some unsuspecting boater to encounter? not that funny.
  19. Great report and well done on the muskie count. PM sent Tom.
  20. They do give you piece of mind. We even put one under the 9.9 kicker. They run between $40. and $90. depending on make of support. Bass Pro has them along with Canadian Tire and Wal Mart. Most marine stores carry them also.
  21. I have been in to Esinagami out of Nakina twice in the past. Eric Lund runs a top notch resort. Very comfortable and all the pike are catch and release (lots of numbers over 40 inches) Walleye are usually easy and numerous. He also has a guided speck trip available. Lots of fun there. Lots of work but worth it. It is a little further and it's not cheap but it is a great trip.
  22. Well said Ron. I can't believe this horse is not dead yet... Keep us informed please. Tom.
  23. I can hear the comment now, when it cleared the water...."we're going to need a bigger boat".... Nice one Corey.
  24. Nice looking fish Mike. From the pointed tips on the paired fins it looks like a small muskie. If you get a chance, next time, count the pores under the bottom jaw. A pike will have 4 or 5 down each side of the jaw and a muskie will have 7 to 9. Tom.
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