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Tom McCutcheon

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Everything posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. I'm waiting for his reply. When I talked to him earlier this week he was planning on hitting Rice today. (2 to 2-1/2 inches) The mild weather may have changed his plans. If you know the lake and use caution by spudding your way out it is fishable. There is about 5 inches on the bay where I live and the kids are playing hockey already. Tom
  2. I'm with you Lew, lost our satellite signal also. I just climbed up the tower about 25' and cleaned it off with a snowbrush. I will be moving the dish next summer to a better location anyway. The cedar trees have grown way too big and have started to interfere in a heavy wind. I liked the idea of snowballs though, better than a possible fall. Tom.
  3. That's really a shame. There is a lot of work, both volunteer and student, gone into this project which may seem wasted. It is not. The fact is that the biologists now have another avenue to explore in identifying how Lympho is spread throughout the Pike and Muskie populations. Thanks Dax.
  4. That is a real HANDS ON project. Good on ya for getting the kids interested in our outdoors. You said it best "not sure what will become of it" This is where our future biologists and outdoor scientists come from. You have hatched a few fish with your efforts but also a few minds. Tom.
  5. It is the price of doing business any more. Did the MNR not just hire 8 or 10 new CO's? Now you have to equip them with all the tools to do their jobs. We all witch and complain when poachers etc. are getting away with all their bad habits and say "where is a CO when you want one" I don't mind paying the extra. Most of the license fees are returned to the environment in some form or another. Just my opinion guys.
  6. That is one memory that is truly etched in my brain. Three days with Marc was an unforgetable experience. You have what every Muskie Nut could only dream about Marc and you do it so well. Do you know how many "special coloured" bucktails I have made since then? None of them have accomplished the same thing as that day. Be well my friend. Tom.
  7. Congrats Brandon on your first of many.
  8. Nice fish Dax. I like what Lew did, but he could have just brightened up the fish, now we can see your smile.....
  9. Have you been using the downriggers a lot the last couple of times out? Do a voltage test with the motor running at trolling speed and the radio, graph and downriggers operating. I know that at low RPM the riggers (if being used a lot ie: up and down)combined with the fishfinder and radio will draw a huge percentage off the battery. It could be like you said an alternator problem, check the belt for tension. Tom.
  10. Never thought of that... it was always the dog who caught the blame. I have had my certificate since the late 80's. Only really needed it once but sure glad I had the radio and the knowledge of how to use it properly at the time. Most of the time it was just used to communicate with other boats during the hay days of the salmon derby. Tom.
  11. Just a word of caution, that all of the above mentioned motors are running normal. If for some reason you have a seal in the lower unit leaking, which has allowed water in, then you may be in for a rude awakening when everything is frozen and a crack appears in the housing due to expansion. Tom.
  12. I understand the dilema you feel, however it could be that the parents have been "buying" the little brat out of trouble for quite some time and he will never learn his lesson. This is a firearm so to speak and it is better that the kid learns about being responsible for his actions now rather than later when he may cause serious injury to someone. Good luck. Tom.
  13. Now that is something that never entered my thought process. Very good information Roy Thanks.
  14. I am also with all the others who have said it is likely a fuel problem. One other thing to check is the water seperator if you have one. Very tempermental on our Merc 135 Opti. Same symptoms as you have mentioned and needs yearly maintenance. Tom.
  15. And you thought you had the bug before. Now you'r addicted.... That's nice fishing. Two PB in one trip. Congratulations.
  16. You could try Happy Days Houseboats. They are located just south of Bobcaygeon on the west side of Pigeon Lake. I think they rent pontoon boats as well as houseboats. www.happydayshouseboats.com Tom.
  17. I don't know who the designer is for those suits but they must be between 5'10 and 5'11 and between 195 and 200 lbs. You guys can't get one with arms and legs short enough and I am at the other end of the spectum 6'5 and just short of 300lbs. I have contacted the head office of several manufacturers and the answer at all of them was the same "TOO BAD, SO SAD" Apparently Stacy Ash at Pro Tackle near Belleville has a line on a new product which will be out this fall he guarantees will fit me. Tom.
  18. I was just looking through the TSC flyer for October 1-7 and there is a small wood stove in there for $80.
  19. Terry: google "troll master" it is a little electronic device that is wired to your throttle on your kicker. The control for it is mounted on the gunwale or dash right beside the helm. we have a 9.9 kicker on our boat and this is what I have done. It works really slick and you have very exact calibrations for adjusting your speed. When you get a fish on you just hit a button and it idles back to almost neutral speed. When the fish is landed and you are ready to troll again, just hit the button and it resumes back to the exact speed as before. Tom.
  20. Thanks Guys, I was afraid of that.
  21. I am interested in this answer also. One of the posts on my boat seems a little sluggish and does not rise to full hight. I have tried adjusting the green screw on the top of the post but it doesn't help. SWIVEL EZE is the manufacturer. Tom.
  22. Mike; If Mercman or Matt can get you done up with your banner or logo, if you want I can get you a price from our sign maker here in Peterborough. They do our KTD signs and also gave us a break on our 10 foot Kawartha Lakes MCI banner last year. They do good work. Tom.
  23. Sounds like that was spoken from experience...... Very good point though, something that a few would not think of until the harness wires started to vibrate also!
  24. Another part of the Lake Simcoe Muskie project is to try and establish natural spawning areas. The MNR and Muskies Canada are working together on this and hopefully these spawning areas MAY be protected from future destruction. We can only try. Tom.
  25. What did you use for that Matt? Fish Crisp or Darryl Chronzy's batter.... Tom.
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