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Tom McCutcheon

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Everything posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. Times two, if you have access, remove the screws, drill out the hole all the way through and install stainless bolts and lock nuts.
  2. If I'm not mistaken the compressor is different than the fuel pump. Two seperate components but working together. It is as Hirk says. Once the fuel is pumped to the compressor it then goes to the injectors. I think......
  3. I also had one of the Mitchel 300 reels back in the sixties. That and an original Cardinal 4 were the only reels with the guts to hold a fresh run salmon or large rainbow back then. The one big complaint with the Mitchel was the bail spring. You always needed to carry a spare or two with you. It got to the point where I could change a weak spring in under 5 minutes, in the low light conditions of a fall morning. I have heard that a good French model will get upwards of $100.00 The Cardinal can go for well above $400.
  4. Most damaging to the fish, is the time spent out of the water. After you have unhooked the fish, put it back in the net resting in the water beside the boat. Here it can revive while you rest and revive....and get your camera and smile ready. When you hold a fish up for the photo, please cradle it under the belly away from your body slightly. This does not remove any of the protective slime from the fish onto your shirt or jacket and also supports the internal organs in their natural position One other item I will mention, and it is a contentious one which has been debated. Only legal length fish should be removed for photos. I know you will be proud of any muskie caught and would like to show it but you are leaving yourself open for a fine by a CO if he witnessed the photo of a sub legal fish. As you gain experience you will learn which fish are PHOTO OPS. Good luck One thing I forgot. Do not lay the fish on the floor or boat seats to remove hooks or measure it. This can all be done in the water, in the net.
  5. Don't use the "strapped to a pole" method. We carried two 9.9 motors in to a remote lake once. One person just slung it over his shoulder and walked along. The other motor was clamped to a pole and carried by two people on their shoulders. The one on the pole was a Pain in the ass. It bounced and swung around and the pole wore holes in our shirts in the shoulder area. We had to stop a number of times to switch shoulders and take a break. The other guy who just carried it in to the lake had two pike in the boat by the time we arrived.
  6. Now there is an offer you should not refuse. Dax is a very knowledgeable angler of multi species and is also MCI's Education Director. If anyone can school you, it would be Dax.
  7. As just about everyone has said, learn from an experienced angler. they will show you the proper techniques for specific baits. How to "work it" properly. They will also explain and show you the proper release procedures once you have hooked and landed your first fish. The other good piece of advice others have mentioned is to get out to one of the Muskies Canada meetings www.muskiescanada.ca. There is a chapter in Mississauga. They are open to the public and there is no pressure or obligation to join. Once you have met some of the guys you may feel it is something you wish to become involved with. Oh Ya!!!! Get a bigger wallet Tom McCutcheon Chairman Kawartha Lakes Chapter Muskies Canada Inc.
  8. X2. Lots to do in the surrounding area also. Visit the lock in Buckhorn, the lift lock in Peterborough, Beautiful little golf course right next to the Resort. Etc Etc.
  9. Didn't see any mention of what it was he smokes.....
  10. Probably at the hairdressers while she was making up the summer HONEY DOOO LIST
  11. Good interview Mike...when you get a bathroom in there she will be back.
  12. Gee I don't see where spending fourteen dollars admission fee is a money grab. Parking is free, the seminars are free, the comraderie is free. Everything else is a bonus.
  13. www.scotsmanpoint.com On Buckhorn. This allows access to the try lakes without going thru any locks.
  14. Actually i am a Rangers fan, but haven't done much cheering since the 93/94 season. Not a lot of cheering before that either.....
  15. I think all the TO fans must have been in Ottawa tonight. Even Alfie was getting booed in his own building
  16. Whoops didn't see the other post in time.
  17. What a deal. The motor alone is worth that, and is probably just nicely broke in.
  18. Answer to the kicker question...It all depends on what you want to troll for. If you are only using the boat for Muskie or Pike trolling, you will probably be OK with the main motor. Although it will put excess hours on it, and won't be as fuel efficient as a kicker. If you do a variety of fishing, from Muskie to Walleye, then I would suggest a kicker. 9.9 minimum and also four stroke. That way you can tie it in to the main tank also. As far as control. You can go with regular helm controls with the motor conected to the main by a control bar. Or you can use an electronic control such as the Trollmaster set up. I would also think about an upgrade on the GPS/fishfinder that usually comes with a package deal. Best advice is what you are already doing. Your homework...
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