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Tom McCutcheon

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Everything posted by Tom McCutcheon

  1. Johnny; the last time I saw the fish jaw spreaders with the T was at fishing world in Hamilton. I believe that was just last summer.
  2. The Brammer Dr. address is correct. Picked up a new foot pedal there two weeks ago.
  3. Don't lose sleep over the price you got..... You'r happy and the buyer is happy, that's all that matters. Congratulations.
  4. Stoney is a great lake. Lots of variety in fish from crappie, bluegill, perch, bass and walleye to muskie. It is known as Stoney for a reason though, so until you are familiar with it stay in the charted areas and go slow. Welcome to the board and good luck. Tom.
  5. Steve; I don't expect that will get you up to some of the speeds for Muskie that you MAY wish. We run a 9.9 Merc. four stroke on an 18' Lund and we get upwards of 5.5 to 6 MPH. and right down to 1 MPH (it is not a bigfoot.) In heavy wind or waves you might be regretting your decision. I know they are a lot of money upfront, but it would be well spent. IMO.
  6. I told you Ron; that this hasn't been put to bed yet. All we (you and Mike) and the rest of us who have an interest in this can do is stay vigilant and try to keep on top of the RLTA and their short sighted agenda. Please keep us informed as you have been. If you need me and my POINTY WHITE HAT just let me know. Tom.
  7. Sounds promising Ron. I too would like to thank yourself and Mike Brown along with Dan and all the OMNR staff for sticking with this from the start and seeing it through to a conclusion. (I hope) Tom.
  8. I will either be there or at Balsam looking for pike.
  9. Time to contact Northumberland County Council and inform them that several thousand area anglers will be annoyed if they continue to support the half dozen RLTA members on this issue. Please let us know how you make out Mike. Tom.
  10. Thank you. No dumb(mine)question goes unanswered. Makes sense to me now. Tom.
  11. I have to ask the question WHY?
  12. I just heard a Wolsley Bay Muskie say "Holy CRAP" Boys we're in trouble now" Nice rig Rich. I am sure you will enjoy that. Tom.
  13. I have used both Sub Troll and Fishhawk in the past. This was back in the nineties and technology has changed since then but I found the sub troll to be a bit Mickey Mouse and way to cumbersome to use. I then purchased the fishhawk and it performed well. I have heard good reports also on the cannon line of products.
  14. Didn't that Wiley Coyote buy from ACME all the time?
  15. And now it starts..... I can see this mushrooming to the other Kawartha Lakes and having them all designated "SDW" How many fish can a person eat? Is 300 not enough? Why do I, have to travel to Simcoe or Scugog to fish thru the winter when I have a lake at my back door? Why should the Kawarthas be any different as far as seasons than the rest of Ontario? Why should one group of people who are upset with the changes to their lake have so much say in what others have worked so hard for over 3 years? Everyone involved with this decision supported it origionaly (including the RLTA) The fire department in the area has already purchased a rescue vehicle of some sort, this would have been in last years budget, before the change in regulations. If the rules get changed why do they need it? It will probably get used by the RLTA to haul new docks and gazebos over the ice. I will be speaking to my council again and my MP and the OMNR to make my views known. Tom.
  16. BAAWAAA HAAHAAHAA!!!!!! What the heck was that.. Sorry guys... My pointy hat slipped over my eyes. Tom.
  17. Geeze Mike!!! lets not sugar coat it, give em BOTH barrels. by the way well stated, and I know you have held your tounge in check as best you could. Tom.
  18. Just a guess Daryl on age; depending on the forage base for a 40 inch Muskie you are looking at between 10 and 15 years old. I can't do better than that without scale samples for the MNR. Tom.
  19. Can't help you there fellows. All I know is that The tri-lakes are NOT open enough yet to put a boat in.
  20. geeze I love that sense of humor. I Live in the City of Kawartha Lakes, on Pigeon lake and I have already notified my council of the RLTA shennanigans. Tom.
  21. well put skud; keep your baits small and if you do catch a Muskie please release it without pictures boatside and move out of the area. One of the easiest ways to tell a Muskie from a pike is by the Pores on the underside of the jaw. A pike will have 4 to 6 down each side of the lower jaw whereas a Muskie can have as many as 7 to 10 pores on each side. A Hybrid Muskie will be similar to the Pike and more difficult to tell apart. Good luck.... Thanks fellows and be safe out on the cold wet water.... Tom.
  22. Minnow; Thanks for posting; I am with Muskies Canada and would be very interested in confirmation of Pike either caught or sighted in any of the Kawartha Lakes. We are currently working with the OMNR to precisely identify lakes where the Pike have managed to invade the system. Up to now we have only been able to comfirm that they are in as far as Balsam. Please PM me with pictures if you have them and the locations where they were caught. (location does not have to be exact GPS coordinates but that would help) along with time of year. Thanks Tom McCutcheon Release Director Kawartha Lakes Chapter Muskies Canada Inc.
  23. Get on the GO train in Port Credit. Abut $10. each round trip. No worries about driving or parking downtown.
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