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Everything posted by Fang

  1. Gulp 4" minnows on a jig head or drop shot rig. I like the chartruese and pumpkinseed colors. We do well with them in temagami. Leeches also can be run on the back of a worm harness or jig. Jerk Shads 'll work good for the pike but you can probably spend less just buying the zoom flukes with same results
  2. Someones been watching OFC. Shows that product placement really does work. That rig can be used for dragging over rocks, light wood and swimming over/through medium dense cover. Too soft for real heavy cover as the hook point gets pulled out of the bait. For heavier cover put it on the back of a flipping jig with a good weedgaurd. I prefer to run these baits with a worm weight and texas rigged hook as I've had varied success with the little spikie thing
  3. I just sold 14 rods to clear out some room down stairs Team Diawa 6'6" and Diawa SS1300 Extreme Woo Davies 7'2" M Trigger and Extreme LH high speed Fenwick XTR Downrigger and Abu 7000 7'6 Fig Rig H and Shimon Corvalus 401 I can catch em all on these 4 rods. OK I cheated to add another set up but that always seems to be the case with me.
  4. Go for it Stoty, A choice I messed up when I was younger and now wish I could go back. A demanding job but great satisfaction and it's never boring. My cousin was in sales and marketing and made the switch. Loads of training oppurtunities. Get in young and you'll have a great retirement ahead of you. I used to fish with 2 retired captains from Arnprior area. Wish I had there life. Fish all summer in Ontario and then follow the nascar through the south in the motorhome!
  5. We catch em in the trent with a 3-4" slugo run just below the surface. White works good. Like other say, you'll miss a ton before you actually get the hooks to stick
  6. Work has kept me hopping the last year and a very slow start to 09 has kept my fishing time down . Finally launched Sat morning at 7 out of 16 mile with my son. Headed out to 150 and started with wire and braid dipseys and 2 riggers. Moderate marks at 60-80 down. Broke the Cannon temp probe setting the first rigger. By 9 we had 2 - 5lb chinooks off the fixed sliders - Dreamweavers SS - blue/pink. Picked up another 8 lb chinook on green yellow chucklet 80 down over 220. old school lure !!! Watched the fish drop deeper as the day went on. Had 3 more small chinooks down 100 over 220 and then a nice 30" fat chinook 140 deep over 250 to end the day. My son fought that bigger one for 15 minutes, several good runs and he asked me if I could help and reel in in for a bit, just till it got close and then he'd take over again. Can't think of spending a better Saturday morning, The 8 lber My son holding the fatty. built like a tank - nasty lamprey mark all up the one side. producers today, Dreamweaver on the far right was tops The OFC tag for team 8 must have blown out of the boat somewhere just off 16 mile creek
  7. Rob I run a Crestliner 1750 with I think the same gunnels. I have 6" wide Aluminum brackets (1/8" thick) very similar to Dara post. They bolt in to the gunnel and then tie into back deck. I'll post a couple of pics later. I run cannon mag 10's with the old cannon swivel bases and the plates are very solid.
  8. doing the same as John. Betting heavy on Detroit but I hope I loose!! I figure the only real way Pens can win is if I bet. I never win!!!
  9. both rod and reel are BPS Extreme brand. I have 5 of the Extreme reels and really like them. Never have any problems in 3 years now and have started to replace my older bass rods with the Extreme BPS web site is selling last years reel (1 size left) for $39 USD and the combo for $109
  10. This is always a fun discussion around the campfire in temagami. We'd have a fair number of US guests and always joke with them that there is no pieckeral season there and if they got caught calling them a pickerel the CO would be able to write up a ticket for using the wrong name. The joking would go on for days about walleye vs pickerel. I use both terms and sometimes in the same sentence Bottom line I call em good eating!!!
  11. Check out the Extreme rods and reels. Well worth the extra money. Rods are still on sale till the 21st and call to see if they still have any of last years reels at $39. You'll never regret it
  12. If the trolling motor is on the left side, then your fishing partner gets all the water spray and weeds from the trolling motor flying back in his face when your running from spot to spot. I like to leave most of the weeds on the trolling motor for just that reason, especially when the person that's with me is catching more fish
  13. Usually mounted on the left to give the driver a better view while under power
  14. why some animals eat their young
  15. Hey JB I run 2 different setups for lead core. First one is the typical for great lakes. You'll need a downrigger rod and a reel that is for 300 yds of 20lb. Most MH rods will do fine and that reel will take 10 colors of 20 or 30 lb lead core. I run the 30lb out on the lake on an Okuma 45 and it gives me enough backing to run 10 colors of lead core. The other setup I like is 4-5 colors on a round baitcaster like a Abu 5500 or Dawia 27 size level wind. This is a handy set up for trolling flutter spoons or spinners for walleye. The rod I run on this is a M or MH steelhead casting rod. You want a bit of play on the rod just to keep the hooks from pulling out. We even run this set up with offshore boards in the fall at Quinte with lures that need help getting down to 20 ft or deeper Bronte had a couple deals going on the bigger reals last week, line counters too I think.
  16. lure selection and recommendations will all work for big bass. Location in my mind is the biggest thing. There's a number of runs I've fished including quinte that I have classed as big bass spots What I like to look for Docks that have deeper water that but up against areas with slop weeds. Love slop that stretches from one dock to the next Overhanging trees (more than just 1 though) with deeper water and wood that extends off the banks Bull rush banks with undercut and blown in weeds If you ever find old dredged out channels that have grown over with weeds in the summer these are big fish magnets.
  17. Saw this at the landing one day in Temagami. Was dropping some guests back at the landing and saw a beauty big Lund Tyee pull in. Guy gets out and he's immediately "look at me and my new boat" . Undoes the winch strap and backs the boat in with only a 6ft rope tied to the front. It's a very deep ramp there and the boat comes firing off the trailer once he gets a bit of water under it. The 6 ft rope is way to short and gets pulled out of the wifes hands. To top it all off he forgets to put the plug in. Here's this 20 ft Lund drifting about 50ft off the ramp and you could tell after a few minutes the back end was starting to get lower in the water. Lucky for him it was a saturday and there was a number of boats in the water waiting to get to the ramp. Someone pulled up beside his boat and guidded back to the dock. He did have to jump in and swim to the back and get the plug in. Probably not that odd but always amazes me what stuff goes on at the ramps.
  18. Fang

    Bass Box

    FB just beat me too it. 3-4" Rapala Rainbow Trout, then brown trout colour . Rebel wee craw is a must have Mepps black fury and gold Tiny torpedos Wooly buggers and muddlers under floats 4" berkley power worms on a 1/8 jig head 4" senko, white, pumpkin and black I don't think there need to carry any more
  19. Storm Kickin Minnow 8" Perch Rapala SS Shad Gold Silver Black Blue Fox bucktail and some leaders
  20. just got the call back from the shop. Before they started to pull the lower unit off they put the air hose into the water line. It blew out a huge big spider weband crap from the water intake (lower unit). Started it up and instanlty it started pumping water again. Wow never thought that a spider web would block it that much. I never thought to check it that way. Good news no charge for that but I do need new plugs.
  21. Was walking through Chapters on the weekend, letting the kids pick out some new reading material and stumbled on Ted Readers new book The Art of Plank Grilling Spent the next 20 minutes lost in the book and had to be pulled out of the aisle by wife and kids. I made a very strong suggestion on what Dad would like for Fathers day just a couple of pages to drool on Cedar Planked dinner rolls Planked sirloin burgers with blue cheese Smokin beer planked St Louis Ribs Cedar planked sweel potatoes w/ bacon, beer nuts and flaming marshmallows Planked chocolate chip cookies
  22. One on the hat and back of both ankles and I think you'd never ever get bit again. I hate wearing the heavy wool socks in the summer up in Temagami but that's the only thing I've found that prevents the ankle biting.
  23. Yeah I checked the pee hole and the water port off the engine block. I fish Scugog a lot so that's something i need to do often. When I checked the outlet port off the engine a could see a bit of smoke coming out so it was time to shut her down before it got too hot
  24. Put the water mufflers on my 2001 - 115 HP Merc in the driveway last night. Full blast with the hose and fired up the motor for the first time . Good news is the boat fired up right away and ran smooth as silk. Bad news is I could not get any water to come out the outflow line. Switched from water mufflers to big tub and completely submerged the intake holes on the lower unit. Still no water. Pulled the hood and checked the water line from the top of the block to the outlet port and no blockage. No problems last year with it pumping water and it water was drained fully before winterizing. Last resort is to take it down to the boat ramp and fire it up while on the trailer and put it in gear for a bit. Would the impellers be stuck or slow to engage while in idle in the driveway. Didn't want to rev it up for fear of generating too much heat Any other ideas???
  25. Up until last night thast was my plan as well but the darn water pump on my 115 Merc has decided otherwise. Put the water mufflers on and stared up with no flow. Dropped the whole lower unit in a barrel and still no flow. Looks like I'm dry docked for a bit. I'll be listening in on channel 72 so keep the chatter going guys
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