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Everything posted by Fang

  1. Looks like they did it again. A few weeks ago the Nanook was on sale for $279. In that flyer as well as this one they've shown the Nanook Thermal. I was there first day of sale and picked a Nanook up for $279 and at that time they had just received a truckload delivery. In the warehouse there was pallets of Nanooks everywhere, the regular one not the Thermal.
  2. Made the mistake of signing up on line a few years ago to get a free DVD from them. Neat Muskie DVD but it was a 30 minute commercial for the Jackpot lure. Still have it and watch it from time to time, has some great footage of lure follows and boat side hits The problem was I could not get out of the endless loop of emails about surveys, sales, and so on and so on........ The number of emails was absolutely insane and no way to stop them. Even though I opted out I still get the odd one about signing back up - NO WAY! I just re-read their original post and it is exactly the tone and solicitation for ideas/thoughts of those emails I used to get!!!
  3. best to do this with the engine running (need water mufflers). You basically spray into the carb until the motor starts bogging out ready to stall. Shut the motor down and then take out the plugs and spray a bit in each cylinder. I crank it over once more just to move the pistons around - don't fire it up again though or it will brun off the fogging. With that you'll be good till spring. Don't forget to add gas stabilizer to the tank too!
  4. Water temp dictates everything. As it creeps down to below 40F fish will be hard pressed to take a spinner or wobbling bait. A couple of weeks ago when I was last out river temp was 52F still plenty warm enough for hardware. I bet it's dropped a bit since then
  5. Brian I'm pretty sure transferring is only for group allocations like moose. As far as I know transferring of deer tags is not done.
  6. If you're gonna be out in the cold nothing works as good as down. I wore my CG out after years of wear and when looking to replace it I came across a copycat coat at Marks in North Bay. Coat was on clearout for $75 and matching pants for $50. When it's Temagami cold out I can see the guys in the survival looking for shelter after a few hours. Most days I have to open up the coat to let the heat out. I have a survival suit and gortex and fleece but when it's cold it's down for me. The Marks coat has the zipper sides for riding atv/snowmobiles, a great hood, but no fur and the reflector bars. I'm sure I've seen these coats still on the racks at Marks.
  7. none at LB's was there this week and they didn't know when they would be getting them in Mississauga store
  8. like what?? Picked about 30 tonight while cooking steaks!
  9. I'd pay $5 more a year per license if I knew funds would be used for CO hiring and equipment. At 175K that's 35000 license. Last I had heard there was almost 10x that in resident license sold and almost the same $ in non resident licenses.
  10. What GBW said!! I was over this summer and hit Dicks and Gander mountain. Prices in Canada are just as competitve and I think in the GTA we have way better selection in the stores. I had the urge to buy when I was there but couldn't find anything worth while deals or in the quality range I wanted. Dicks has some interesing off brands but I don't think I saw any better Daiwa or Shimano on their shelf. Hit the classifieds here and check out some of the recent posts (hint hint!)
  11. For cold water steelhead I'd get yourself a selection of small spinners up to #2 size, some flatfish/kwikfish in dark colors. One of my better big pool casting lures has been small sized hot shots. I also keep a few small crankbaits with me. Don't forget some maribou jigs and streamer flies. Better rigged under floats but I have thrown them on their own in warmer waters
  12. If you were going to leave it out for the season I would cut 1x4" and screw in on top of the tarp going from the front to the back sides. Probably would take about 40 pieces but its the wind and piled snow that will wreck the tarp. The strapping will also help keep heat in a bit and take any snow load. At the beginning of the season take out the 12V drill and bang them on with one screw in each end and you're good for the season. Last time I looked a 1x4 8'ft long was about $2 at Home depot
  13. correct, crossbows and compounds are not governed under the PAL
  14. After reading a few lines I don't know what happened I turned into a 12 year old boy and can't stop giggling First beaver 7 beavers on a one night soak Frosty beaver record sized beaver Love these reports and what wouldn't I give to tag along for a weekend. Looks absolutely top notch guy fun. That area has some huge beavers.
  15. I left out half of those hoity toity ingredients. Salt, brown sugar and just enough of the other stuff to not let the liquid get too overpowering and turn it into a poached roast. I like to precook the bacon a bit before adding to get the salt going. hate pulling soggy bacon out of the roasting pan. I can give another 2 thumbs up for BPS Cajun marinade sauce. It's more sweet than spicy and has been working great on ribs and such cooked in the oven.
  16. I've doen this one before. feel free to improvise as list of ingredients is long. As long as the bacon is there it'll be fine. The other ingredients tend to be there to enhance making the gravy at the end http://baconshow.blogspot.com/2005/07/baco...oose-roast.html
  17. I guess I'll be putting some miles on around Fort Erie. What I thought would be a Nov-Dec bow hunt has been pulled as the property I was working on getting access too has never called me back. I'll take this as a no!. Actually thought I might get out in the stand a few times this year. Worst luck for me. Over the last few years every place I've bow hunted has now gone off limits.
  18. Saw a number of clearance signs on reels when I was there on Thursday night Pete Mania Muskie reel $69 BPS Pro Qualifier Spinning half price $49 (I have several of these already and like them) Browning Medallion Spinning (one size only) $39 There were a few others but I can't remember.
  19. We'd catch dozens each night ice fishing on temagami. My wife hand lined up 2- 10 lbers, hooked both at the same time on a 2 way spreader with a salted minnow. Any of the hut operators on Temagmi can tell you there's no end to them when fishing at night. The scour the bottom in areas where the ice huts are as daytime chumming will attract them. I've caught 10's and seen a 14lb er on temagami but most are 3-4 lbs. One of the nicest fish I've ever eaten. side by side just as good as walleye or perch. Great bear bait too!
  20. Congats Goran Any girl who let's you fish carp all day and then brings you subway is a keeper!! So where are you registering - Bass Pro and Dundas Marine??
  21. One question first, what are you pushing for a boat? talked to alot of boat owners over the years staying at my nephews old place on temagami. I'd say I've driven most models over the last 20 years up there but except for a 20HP evinrude on my first boat I and any of my folks have only every owned Mercs. Very reliable parts and service anywhere you go. We try and forget the experiences we had with 1 Yamaha 115 and only chalk that up to poor service from the marina that failed to diagnose a simple electrical problem after being in the shop 6 times. All I can add to this is that for the most part 4 stokes are great on gas and no oil needed. But if I had any money to spend on any motor it would be a Merc Optimax now. Fast on the top end and they idel down to do most trolling. Do yourself if your looking at at higher HP motor purchase. Buy a seperate trolling motor. Who are we fooling outboards have only 2 speeds. Idle and wide open!!!!! There's never enough HP under you. Spend the money and get one suited for your boat. DO NOT UNDERPOWER!!
  22. 2 cats and a possum are clawing at my back gate trying to get as far away as possible she's just plain awful, and I like wierd music but as I always said love is blind and there must be some talent hidden there (just not singing)
  23. Lots of buzz about this reel from industry people. Was told by the guys at Lebarons to watch out for this soon. Again I'd be very interested in where you saw it and what the retail $ was. For those that clicked the link to the Rapala site, the R-Reels are available in both spinning and baitcasting. Click the spinning reel icon top right hand corner of the screen.
  24. When the rivers are low and clear it's a tough bite. Gotta be there first light or scale the line and baits down to really small. Any kind of traffic on the river tends to push fish up into cover. When it's tough fishing and you know the fish are in the river look for wood. Fish that hang up in cover tend to not be as spooky as those resting in pools with lines going by all day. Make sure you're using 4 lb flouro leaders and small roe bags until the water gets some color and flow. To fish wood be prepared to get snagged up and retie every 5 minutes. It's worth it though.
  25. pending on other outcomes the leafs have gone from 2nd worst to 5th worst. Looks like they will jump 3 teams with another win. Fire up the ticker tape boys I feel a turnanround on the season coming!!! What a nice night to sit out around the fire pit, drink a few beers and listen to the game. I'll be right there next Saturday again when calgary comes to town> might even get the jersey back out! Oh!!!! to be a blue and white fan
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