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Everything posted by Fang

  1. Just found it Wayne and watched it on You Tube. I felt 12 years old again in the library at public school.
  2. I thought it was the little wooden canoe guy from a canadian documentary. Kid leaves a little wooden carved toy (canoe + paddler) in the snow up on Lake Superior and when the snow melts it washes into the lake and all the way out the St Lawrence. Spent the last hour trying to find the name of that documentary from when I was a wee lad.
  3. Well after seeing what a great fishery was only an hour away I decided to take a trip down to Dunville and see what the shore fishery was all about. After spenindg sevral hours this week hitting different web site and distilling down all the info I felt prepared to tangle wioth a few cats. Malcolm, my son and I pulled into Fishmaster's place about 8am and got what appeared to be a primo spot right close to the marina opening. I went down with my 9ft steelhead spinning rods, 14lb test main line and a selection of 1-3 oz weights, 4/0 circle hooks. We fished all day trying worms, frozen sardines and finally cut bait sucker from Fishmaster and managed 1 fish, a small 4 lber but I took away a world of learning. most all of the shoreline in front of Fishamaters is sand/gravel - 14lb is way too much line most important thing when fishing form shore is to get the longest cast possible. 2 groups hit fish all day and they out distanced all shoreline anglers on the cast. When I head back down I will be rigged with my 10.5", 10 lb braid and 3/4 oz egg sinkers. I know I can chuck those way farther than the rig I had today. Oh yeah the 2 groups that hit fish used strictly sucker meat. The fish I got also came on sucker meat. May post pictures tomorrow of how Saturday lunch went. Good seeing ya Goran. Sorry didn't recognize you when you first went by in the boat. Not used to seeing 2 guys that big in 1 boat.
  4. Turkey season gets in the way of trout for me. Turkey's new but trout is part of me. I'm gonna have to look at the fall season maybe but so little spare time. Kicker is my brother has 90 acres now just north of hamilton, just chock full of deer and turkeys. Problem is wife and daughters have started to name them. No way they're letting the mean uncle come in and thin the herd. My brother said no problem originally but he's out voted now 3-1 BTW nice turkey flyer out this week from BPS. Almost thought about that 20G turkey gun. Nice pistol grip benelli for a starter too.
  5. I finished "Getting Close" a bout an hour ago. Sitting back with a beer now
  6. Washington vs SJ final Washington in 6
  7. I've seen these 3 guys fish. There would have been nothing to report anyways. Glad you got the roof done malcolm. Shame you didn't get Rick back up to clear the trail into my new moose stand though. Looks like it'll be you and me in that new spot unless Rick sells it out to the guys in the first week.
  8. On Lake O the springtime laker (greaser) bite starts on the south shore about now and last's right through May. Even at this time you'll find them more bottom oriented not up top. Spring Lakers up north rise up in the water column with the bait but not so much down here. A real hot spot is the Niagara Bar area now but be careful as I here some time very soon they will be letting the ice boom in Erie go if not already. Makes the river and bar area a little treacherous for a few days dodging all those big chunks of ice. Great springtime bait here is a dodger and peanut (small wobbling plug). If you do a search on Lake Trout South Shore Lake Ontario you'll get some more info. Next few weeks I'll dust the cobwebs off my boat and start getting it ready. You'll need riggers or wire to get down to the lakers, they won't be up top and pick up a few bullfrog dodgers. As the spring chinook bite gets going down around St Catherines the laker fishing also gets pretty good. Watch the sonar and you'll see fish on or close to the bottom in 60-150 fow. Thats the greasers, chinooks will be much higher in the water column.
  9. drove over at 5:30 pm today (Friday). Muddy, high and raging fast at Streetsville. Give it till Monday-Tuesday at least. My little creek beside the house is 3 ft high. When it clears it is 1-2 days and then big rivers west end start clearing
  10. 97.7 in St Catherines has been playing the first single hard all week I like!!!!
  11. Have been looking at a similar set up Lew. We fish evenings on Temagami and for the most part you can get buy but on those moonless nights or when there's heavy cloud cover it sure does get dark. I want to pick up an inexpensive set of halogen driving lights from Princess Auto and rig a clamp system so I can position them on the nose of my boat just like car head lights. That way I can put these lights on at night, plug them in via a 12V auto plug and get a bit of light to make out shorleines and bouys. Most important is to position them outside and below the transom height so you don't get the glare back in your face. I hate trying to drive with a spotlight as the reflection off the casting deck just blinds me. As far as legal, the OPP boat on Temagami has a pretty large set of bridge likes that they run with after dark sometimes and I know there not searching for anything doing 40+ MPH
  12. check out autopark website. They have a location in Burlington that has a fair number of pick ups and SUV when I drive by. I bought my Expedition there in 2005 and was treated extremely well
  13. While I'm not in the picture I live about 5 minutes away and fish there regularly. Way more numbers at bronte. 16 mile just takes a better picture.
  14. Next time I'm on 11 heading to Temagami I'll try and pull in and say Hi. Maybe you can show me how to get this darn 115 HP Merc running right. I think the idle is turned down too low but I'm not the most mechanically inclined when it comes to engines. Takes the cold start to turn it over even in July. Bad day here in the photo business. We've let go about 12 this week. 6 guys just today in our service department and 2 in the purchasing. I've been there now 22 years and a few of them are good friends
  15. Beauty trout drifter. I pay to see the double fist pose with 2 that size. The original post was off base, the subject matter is getting off base. It amazes me that some can actually draw a line in what is acceptable stress to a fish. I fish and accept the fact that I am stressing out an animal for my pleasure. I use a livewell when fishing. I take double fish pictures. I release most of my fish but eat the odd one too. Will I continue, Yes and I'll even let others do it on my boat too! All of our most recognizable fishing media personalities in Canada do it too. They also put countless hours into promoting this sport, doing charity work and teaching the rest of us how to be better fishermen. Pick another topic to get behind
  16. If its lake temagami and surrounding back lake araes, I don't mind sharing what has worked well for me the last 20 years. Bass 1/4 willow leaf spinnerbaits Any 3" topwater plugs Smaller Xraps Jig and Gulp minnow has been a killer #3 and 4 Mepps no special colors 4" senkos mostly white and lighter colors Trout Hot bait is big Storm Thin Fin Ripplin Redfins Sutton 44 spoons Williams 3-4" Gang trolls of all sizes and last year we started playing with the little anchovie heads and Gulp minnows. and last but not least don't forget jiggin spoons like champs, swedich pimples, bad boys
  17. check out the close up at about 1:00 mark. Sure looks like a chinook salmon to me.
  18. Never thought about the smoker Wayne. Maybe a bit of a silver lining. About 8lbs of trout fillets in the freezer and the Leafs won. Maybe not so bad a day after all.
  19. Headed up north with Malcolm for 1 last kick at catching few lakers before the ice gets too risky. Several trips this year have produced very good numbers but we always have to work for them each time out changing locations, figuring out depth and what they want. There was 3 of us this morning and we set up on a new deep water point that looked good on the map and started with 2 quick 2lbers for our other buddy. Both fish hit the bell sinker and minnow lines. Malcolm hits a nice 2 lber about a half hour later and then it was quite. As I have not had a sniff on my jig or minnow line, the ants in my pants get too much and I convince the guys to pull up and hit spot number 2. Another main lake deep point. This spot has a great drop off from shore that funnels a lot of fish through the day. It took a while for the fish to get active but it was a steady pick on both the jig and minnow line for the next 3 hours. Most fish were 1-3 lbs. After landed 3 quick ones in a row, I pulled out a bigger shiner and started to drop back down to the bottom. About half way down the line jumped and almost got pulled out of my hands. No time to set the hook - Fish on!!! For the next 20 minutes all I could do was hold on try and budge this fish off the bottom. Twice the fish almost spooled my Daiwa 1300 with 8lb. The swivel finally came through the hole and all I saw was this big head. Now here's where it went all wrong. I was fishing out of a 6 inch hole as I always have my manual auger packed and it was just faster to get my holes drilled rather than waiting for the 10" gas auger. Our other buddy had run and grabbed the gaff and all that we needed to do was guide the head up and stick the bottom jaw. Pretty easy as I thought to myself. Guide the trouts head into the hole and down the gaff goes. I couldn't believe that buddy slams the gaff into the side off the fish just behind the gill plate. The hole fills with blood and I look down in shock to see one of the prettiest big trout bleeding all over the ice. How are we gonna release it was all I could think of. I guess catch and release is not on everyone's priority. I really should have been more on top of what was happening at the hole and made sure he knew to go for the bottom jaw. Can you tell by the look on my face how thrilled I am at this moment. Well hopefully you all understand and don't rip me a new one. 34.5" laker 17.4 lbs. What really smarts is we meet up with our other buddies who were fishing a deep break about 2 miles away and heard how they landed and released a 36" 19 lber. As they showed me the pictures all I could do is sigh! We get back to the truck and here from a local that a 28 lber was also brought in that day.
  20. Was up 2 weeks ago. there was a little over 12-14 inches on main lake, no snow and by the end of the Saturday top 2-3 inches were really soft and wet. The normal open water around some of the dock bubblers had grown quite a bit since Feb trips would imagine there's been a steady erosion since then. sorry haven't heard any more recent reports
  21. Oh Wayne, defintitely not fair to post this report and me being stuck here in the city. Love Secret lake. It's been way to long since I got to do any ice fishing up there.
  22. Yes, love that old school choice. I use the Tournament (or affectionately knows as Tank) SS700 and 1300 depending on the size of river. Both my reels are over 10 years old and are a smooth as the day they were bought. I missed out on the reel trade in at BPS. Forgot to put my kids old spincast reel in as I was gonna pick up a new 1300. BPS sells the Daiwa Tournament 1300 for $85 or so and that would have been $15 off with the trade in. Gotta love reels that don't have an internal bail spring.
  23. Real simple process we did a ton when my buddy had his big boat on Lake ontario. You can cut fillets into smaller chunks. Leave them on the skin. Never tried smoking a steak but I'm sure there's some reason not to do it. Brine fillets for 24 hours in a fridge Brine is 3 cups water, 1 cup soya sauce, 2 cups brown sugar and 1/2 cup salt. There's a ton of similar brine recipes on the net. Pick one and then keep adjusting to your tatse. Place fillet meat side down into brine and stick it in the fridge. Remove fillets and then I usually pack on a bit more of the undissolved brown sugar, Put fillets skin side down and smoke until firm, 4-6 hours usually - depends on your smoker. Fillets should be firm right through. Watch them regularily until you get the hang of timing with your smoker. Get a bunch of different flavored chips and keep trying them until you settle on the one you like. I prefer the cherry and hickory Call me to help with the next step - eating!
  24. Autopark Burlington http://www.autoparkburlington.com/en/usedc....spy?id=2333241 No supercrews in the Barrie location but they do have an Explorer pick up http://www.autoparkbarrie.ca/en/usedcars/l....spy?id=2543077
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