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Everything posted by Fang

  1. Palm beach is very close to Okeechobee, a shiner trip will be a bit of money but on my list to do. Also look into Peacock bass. The eastern side of Florida sports many canal system where they were introduced years ago, especially around Miami. I moslty saltwater fish when down there. Day and half day trip out are inexpensive if you go out on the big party boats - BarJack Fishing is right out of South Palm Beach. I do at least 2-3 half day trips when I'm down there. Easy on the pocket book and still gives you time enought with the family http://barjackfishing.com/category/whats-biting/ Go to google maps and type in Palm Beach fishing. It'll show you the charter captains around and links to their web sites
  2. I've got the same lil buggers all over my cleaning block in the garage. Best micro head color today was black and purple. Only a couple hits all day on the flourescent colours. The few weeds we pulled up today off Gilford had these guys on em as well Good job
  3. OK Terry There was still some beer in the fridge. Here's a couple quick ones My Frabill has been claimed by my son. Looks like I need to start shopping for another one My new rod stands. Need some minor adjustments but worked out decent enough After the knife comes out, a neat little bag of fillets in the fridge for tomorrow's dinner
  4. Woke up a little later today than expected. Must have been the wine!! Got to Hwy 400 bait store at 9:30am and picked up 2 scoops and off to Gilford to check what was going on first hand. From the drive in off 89 you could see some portable huts way out. Good sign Unloaded the sleigh and got the survival suit on and headed out. A decent spread of anglers out off Gilford, mainly due east and south of 89. Checked ice at 50 yards and found 8" only 2" of white. Walked out about 15 minutes to get closer to the pack and found 8" again, mostly black ice. Was due east from Kon Tikki marina's big orange roof in about 14FOW (didn't hook up the flasher so just a guess) Picked up 2 9" perch right away on gulp maggots on 2lb test and things got quite. Moved about an hour later and saw more anglers spreading out to the north. Headed north another 15-20 minute walk to get closer to the second line and checked ice a few times. Good solid black ice all the way with a bit of white ice mixed in. Fished 2 more spots north of 89, last one was 4" of black ice. Bite was very slow and 2lb rods with micro jigs minnows/maggots under a float got most attention Headed back south for one last kick at the can and we found a bit of action. Brought home 12 9"ers and only had a few other dinks that got thrown back. Lake was making ice good today, lots of groaning and cracking. One big crack shifted the lake quite a bit. When we got back to Gilford shore ice had folded over about a foot and there was some water. Too lazy to upload the fish porn tonight but if temps hold there's some good ice there now. Lots of sleds running the shoreline and across the lake. Still some guys pushing it though out with argos and hauling big huts. Had one guy drive right up between our holes on a quad pulling a hut and ask hows the fishing. Ice was cracking quite a bit as he drove in. I guess he got the hint when I walked away from him. Portables and a few permanent huts out around the Lefroy and 3rd line but nothing out towards Roaches point. Maybe back out on Sunday
  5. Was out off Gilford today drilled holes at 4 different locations. Started out due east of Kon Tikki and then headed north about 1/2 km. 1 spot was 4 inches of solid Black ice. Most we found was 8" - 6" of black and 2 inches of white
  6. just back in from a movie For all you with kids, Bedtime Stories was OK but I was waiting all movie for the famous Rob Schneider "YOU CAN DO IT!" Kids liked it and I even heard the wife giggle a few times. Has a bunch of the standard Sandler crew doing cameo's Can't say 100% that I'm heading anywhere tomorrow. Just planning a back up if I wake up and my heads not too sore. Most likely will be out on Saturday
  7. Taking the kids to a movie in an hour Back home for dinner If winds die down a nice bon fire later and the junior game Not too late a night, want to hit Simcoe or scugog tomorrow for a mid day bite
  8. Tried calling him a couple of times this morning and line was busy. Probably all the same calls like me Are you open tomorrow? Thanks for the heads up
  9. Anyone now if some of the bait stores will be open. Want a back up plan if I don't get over to pick up some today before they close and I know my local guy is closed tomorrow
  10. caused by the wind fluctuating the air pressure in your plumbing vent/stack. When the wind blows hard pressure builds up inside the stack and actually will push water back up into the plumbing system. My wife calls me a wealth of useless information!
  11. construction is 10% of any project, finishing is the other 90%. I try and put as much time in the sanding and coating stages as in cutting and assembly. I've been looking at the pictures trying to figure out the bottom for heat resistance. I'd figure I'd just use some ceramic tile but the cement board is a great idea. Single peice cut to fit and very heat durable. I'll adapt to replace the cedar with plywood I get free from my brothers work. Real high end stuff used for cardboard box dies. Will check Walmart for the grills Thx Wayne
  12. 90% of my fish come on purple back and green back minnow. I primarily fish clearer northern waters. haven't thrown them much around southern waters.
  13. Wow Wayne, there some skill building there. Some of us that have been plying the hobby trade for years would be hard pressed for a finished piece that nice Let her know I've already saved those pitures and will be planning out a similar build for this summer. I'm looking at picking up a small propane hibachi to use as my burner and then building the box around the bottom half of the bbq. Where'd she/ya get the grills? Save me from looking around if I can get right to the source.
  14. Just got back in from CTC Gas Bar in Oakville. They ran out of regular and are giving Premium now at the same price. 68.9 for premium. I can't remember ever paying that
  15. If you get to the Spring Fishing or Sportsman show, go around the booths and look at their mounts - ask who did theirs. The finished mount really depends on whose doing the work not whether it's skin or fiberglass. Replicas look pretty much the same way from day one. I for one would go replica as the work I've seen is really good. The detail in the molds and ability to spray a realistic colour pattern is worth the money. My buddy has a half dozen from Advanced Taxidermy and not much compares to theirs
  16. I can remeber having 50lb Iron Thread one of the first braids made by Fenwick on a frog rod for about 7 years. Same bait tied on for that time as well. Caught a ton of fish opn that green scum frog and finally lost the lure to a pike on the Trent. Figured after that it was time to change.
  17. Salt, Salt and more salt. Fished a lot of different ones and those that are heavy salt and salt impregnated always do better for me Make sure you get a selection of 3" and 4". I even throw a fair bit of smaller 2" and thinner tubes for smallies on 1/8oz heads with decent success. 5" and bigger for largemouth. If you can open the packs check out how soft they are. The softer the better. Don't forget to get some goby style baits as well
  18. All I can ever remember using up in Temagami was that 2HP Jiffy and we regularly were cutting 3+ft of ice and many holes per day. I just remember it being a bit heavy to lug around. I figure if I can do 12-24 with this lighter one it should do most of where I fish. All I need is someone to pul it in their sleigh.
  19. From the BPS Flyer thread thought I'd post this for those not wanting to line up at 5am on boxing day. SubZero 33CC 8" power auger regular $299. Many stores around Mississauga have it in stock now. Sub Zero Auger Might have to spend all the CTC points
  20. I can see another Extreme bait caster finding it's way home!!
  21. very nice way to end the season. Still working on a relative that moved onto 90 acres. Lots of deer around and hopefully I'll be turkey hunting there in the spring.
  22. just in case anyone was interested potamodromous fish migrate within fresh water only (Greek: Potamos is river). oceanodromous fish migrate within salt water only (Greek: 'Oceanos' is ocean). diadromous fish travel between salt and fresh water (Greek: 'Dia' is between). anadromous fish live in the ocean mostly, and breed in fresh water (Greek: 'Ana' is up; The noun is "anadromy") catadromous fish live in fresh water, and breed in the ocean (Greek: 'Cata' is down) amphidromous fish move between fresh and salt water during their life cycle, but not to breed (Greek: 'Amphi' is both)
  23. 1/2 of my life I won't get back He must have married the daughter of a TV exec. Certainly the show I saw was zero entertainment. When he's on I switch over the Bell satellite to the Xmas burning log.
  24. Read through a post the other day on Orvis Battenkill and saw a link posted by wvfisherm on albright fly rods and reels. Reminded me of a US angler that always came up to Temagami and fly fished for smallies. We fished several time together and he had an Albright reel that I really liked. I went onto the Albright site and wow Year End Sale The selection is getting thin but 70% off on reels, rods and their waders. I gonna pick up 2 - 9/10 weight reels and run them for salmon in the riggers this year. Might even add a rod or 2. I've seen the GP rods and reels and at this price it's a great deal. I just wish they still had my size for the wading shoes @ $20 Thanks again for the link
  25. is this Mavis and Eglington If so I might have to stop in on the way home. Looking for something special to wrap up for a buddy of mine. We like to exchange weird gifts at Xmas. I'll bet a live eel will cause some excitement and then we'll get to eat it
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