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Everything posted by Fang

  1. Funny you mention that. I have a raincheck for the 18 ft Princess Auto tarp in my wallet. I phoned Hamilton and Mississauga today and still out of stock on that tarp. The cover I had narrowed it down to is a Sharkskin model from iboats. $238 US but ~$450 CDN by the time it hits my door. I'm thnking about the generic one and then buying myself a Stradic to even out the difference.
  2. OK I know that there's a few Crestliner owners out there with the same boat and I'd also like to here from any Lund, Princecraft or other 18ft side console type boat owners that have recently purchased a mooring cover. Been in need of one for the last year and finally this weekend got fed up with the canvas cover that came with the boat. Have looked on line at the various US dealers and by the time exchange, shipping and duty/taxes comes in, a basic fitted cover for my 2001 boat is at $450-500 CDN. I've tried one of the all purpose CDN Tire version for BAss/Walleye boats and it just didn't fit. I need a port trolling motor option as well as the motor hood Looking for someplace more local (Oakville). Open to suggestions guys. First and foremost needs to be breathable and waterproof for storage outside in the driveway. Don't care if it can be left on while trailering on the highway. Any aftermarket suppliers?
  3. I hear ya Raf, Nothing like coming off the water and having your eyes hurt all the way home in the car. I too was a user of $15 fishing glasses for way too long. About 2 years ago I bought a decent pair of Bolle from LeBarons. They were wrap around style, Had light amber lenses and kind of a 2 tone coloured frame. Wish I could remember the model name and of course Lebarons doesn't sell them any more. They were only $50 or so which fit in my budget (famous for sitting on my fishing glasses at least 2-3 times a year) I have a back up pair of the H20 Optix Bermudas and like them just as much. Of all places I found them on sale for $40 in the Optometrist store in Walmart. Check some of the online stores and you might come across a good deal.
  4. That would be Etobicoke Creek. Way back in the 70's when I was a wee lad I fished that creek from lake Ontario right up to Dundas. Every weekend in the summer I did the Tom Sawyer thing. Packed a sandwich in the morning and take my fishing rod down to the creek. Spend the whole day messing around. In all those years only saw a couple of wayward rainbows in the spring. Mostly chub, shiners and suckers. Down by the mouth at Marie Curtis you'll hit the odd bass but mostly carp
  5. my guess is that they're smallies starting to climb the river. The credit is a good spawning river for lake smallmouth and it's about time they started to show up in the pools north of Dundas. Always hit a few when drifting for late steelehead end of May.
  6. Hikers Haven in Oakville has a big tent sale this weekend. Loads of yaks and canoes out front today
  7. I'll throw my 2 cents in. Great comments to get started so far. I've spent a few years up on Temagami and as a bass guy first I'm limited to jigging the lake if I want to catch any lakers. We do alright but I've learned a few things up there. You need structure to jig on. Find deep shoals, bluff cliffs with broken rock or rocky deep points and watch the finder for bait and fish. I tend to target 70-100 FOW in the summer months and will always use a marker when bait or fish show up on the finder. Lakers on flats or humps seem to wander but on deep fast structure they hang around. Let the trolling guys plow the deep water flats, it's too long between hits for jigging Standard baits like crippled herrings, white tubes, williams have all worked. Last year I experimented and caught some nice trout on Gulp minnows either on drop shot rigs or tipped on the back end of a bad boy type lure.
  8. We've been doing this for a couple of years now. My 2 kids like it as well. I use an old Garmin GPS12 and it seems to do an OK job. Love the hide and seek features on the geocaching site. Easy to see the caches around our house with the Google map feature. Not sure if its me or my cheap GPS though but we do run into a few time a year where I know I'm way off base. Was trying to find a cache in Oakville a few weeks ago and my GPS said it was hidden on the side of a bluff cliff. Would have needed a rope, winch and a billy goat to get me down there. gets us out of the house in the summer and adds a bit of fun to routine outings. Hate trying to find micro caches though. Like the bigger easier to find ones. There's a great series of Go caches across the city. Check them out
  9. Fiddle heads and brook trout creeks go hand in hand. If you know anywhere local that has brookies, browns or rainbows take a walk and have a look. My spot is the credit river just north of Inglewood right through to the forks. Since they made it artificial only I don't get back up there too much.
  10. Fang

    Foam Sheet

    Look in the carpet section in Home Depot or Rona. The sell some decent underpadding that might fit you're needs. It's also a neutral black or brown colour so it won't stand out.
  11. The catfish I took home from the grand was as fresh as ever after an hour long trip in a shopping bag in the back of the truck. I had a funny thought of slipping down to the creek beside the house and seeing if it would swim away But then I ate it!!
  12. West Marine has a decent selection of sizes and material. Was just in there looking for some of the fold away cleats that hide in the gunnels. Trafalgar and QEW in Oakville
  13. After a stab in the dark in a google search I actually just found a few references Type in Organic Bait and then the river you're interetsed in. Here's what Credit River Conservation site has. *Rainbow trout, brook trout and brown trout catch and possession limit of zero and only artificial lures (no organic bait) with one barbless hook can be used when angling the Credit River and tributaries upstream of Old Baseline Road in Caledon. Found another similar reference on the Grand River. Any section that is artificial lure or fly and catch and release only has a ban on organic baits. - Only seems to make sense to help with C&R
  14. Fish in a pail or cooler with no water won't usually ever get you in trouble even if there still flipping around (never say never though). What will is fish in a livewell/cooler with water being transported across land. Basically a no-no to prevent anyone from introducing fish into new water.
  15. I've searched the fishing regs and then searched this site and a few others for any clarification on what constitutes an artficial lure. On the reg site I get the definition An artificial lure means a spoon, plug, jig, artificial fly or other such device that is designed to catch fish by means of angling. But then they provide a definition for Bait There are some areas of the province where the use of any form of organic bait is not allowed. Organic bait includes live or dead animals, plants or parts. See Bait (page 10), or exceptions to the Zone regulations for the Zone where you are fishing. I check the Exceptions and can find no references to organic baits anywhere. Only mentions Artificial lures. Some kind of endless loop?? Go to page 10, back to Exceptions, back to page 10,...... I'm looking at doing some trout fishing this year in Southern Ontario and sections I'm interested in are posted as artificial lure only. Has anyone run across any problems being on the stream with Gulp or power bait? There seem to be no clear answer that I can find for this and would prefer not to debate it on the stream with a CO
  16. Opener turned into a special trip for me this year. About 2 weeks ago my 10 yr old son told me he was coming trout fishing this year. We scouted the river prior to opener and real quick he started picking out the long shapes of the steelhead resting in the current and on spawning redds. To add to this my fishing bud Rob (family guy) made the trip back from Trenton to do opener. Something we haven't had the chance to do for 5-6 years now With last weeks rains I had this nagging feeling not to expect much and sure enough the river was crystal clear and the levels were a little low for spring. I woke the boys at 4 am this morning and we headed out. First look at the parking lot showed us we were first to arrive and we headed to the one big deep pool that always holds a bunch of post spawn. As first light approached I put my son on the bend and he started casting up a worm to the head of the pool. Second drift he tags into a nice 4-5 lb trout which wraps him right up in the wood. About 5 minutes later he hooks another bigger trout and same things - right into a big log jam. Third times a charms. We changed set up and added a small float and on the first drift he sets the hook onto a nice spawned out hen. Great fight and he handled it start to finish. A moment I'll remember for a while We spent the rest of the day scratching through the river with little results. A few small trout 6-10" and a couple of chub.
  17. Marks work warehouse!!! good selection of product in store. I see 3x and 4xl there often. Usually back in against the work clothes
  18. Oh Yeah!!!! Top Bass tournament on Rice Lake in the mid 90's. Had all the things happen to us Line was floating in the air after the cast Graphite rods ahd a tingle to them Hair on the back of the arms was up when you touched a rod. Took shelter up the Otanabee and when the lightening came through it struck several time within a few hundred yards of us Absolutely the wildest time I've ever seen out fishing. Storm went through, we went back out off the Otanabee and caught 14lbs of bass in the next 30 minutes.
  19. LD Swith the bulb inot a similar light to check it is good. From there the ground on that light would be first stop. what vehicle are you towing with. If you've got other lights working and you've checked your grounds it could be a fuse. I drive a Ford Expedition and my fuse panel has 4 dedicated lines that run to the towing/wiring harness. I'd check here too as I ran into a similar probalem a couple of years ago. Spent 2 days in the driveway with extra bulbs and a 12V tester and finally found a dead fuse inside the truck. Grab the manula and look for the fuse panel display page.
  20. Fang


    Is Lindros making a comeback????
  21. take main st east past the arena and KFC. Just before you get to Taylor side road you'll see Fishmasters sign on the right handf side of the road. Turn right, go over the railway tracks and follow right to the store. Make sure you have a rod/reel that can cast a 1 oz egg sinker a long ways out.
  22. Lil Angler, If you're looking for a family dog that is better suited for city life then I think you're making a great choice in deciding to look at a number of breeds. I bought mine as an outdoor dog and to hunt deer. There's some great breeds out there. Do your homework and make the right choice. Too bad this weekend had the pet show up at the international center in Mississauga. I went a few years ago and learned a lot about several breeds I was interested in. Decide on what size is best suited for your environemnt and lifestyle first and then go from there.
  23. By the sounds of it you'll need a reel better suited for the lighter side lures for walleye. I've been using bait casters for a long time and for any finesse type fishing I still prefer a spinning rod. For a walleye trip I will have a couple baitcasters with me but usually rigged for bottom bouncing and trolling bigger baits. My crankbait rod is a BPS Extreme paired up with a 7FT 12-14lb M rod. On 10lb test this set up can easily toss the lighter shad raps and bombers but it does get a little hard to handle in the wind. I've been turned onto the BPS Extreme reels for the last few years, Great $ when they go on sale for $69.99. Many sites I've run across rate the Daiwa Procaster PT33 as best rell for under $100. I think a few on this board also have given this reel thumbs up.
  24. Yep Wayne your post made me laugh. We had the beagles run off at last years deer hunt and it started pouring rain before we could track em down with the radio collars. That night my dog found a warm farm house, got invited inside by a freindly group of hunters who phoned the number on the collar. Wel my wife answers and they tell her they have the dog. Malcolm and I get several voicemails that night and all the next morning. She's trying to find out if I'd found Copper yet. When we zoned in on the radio signal and pulled in the driveway my dog was sleeping on the couch next to the fire in their hunt camp. Here I was worrying all night that I was gonna come home without the dog and get blasted by the wife and kids
  25. Be prepared for every stereo type you've ever heard about Beagles. Malcolm and I have dogs from the breeder outside of Port Perry. Great hunting and family dogs. Just no manners and the most stubborn things on 4 legs. Copper and Nikita a week after bringing them home 2 years ago. Mine's the loudmouth on the left Never leave any food out Never leave anything chewable out like watches and steelhead floats Never turn your back on the dinner table for even a second Get obedience training from the very beginning. I didn't and have my hands full now They pull like crazy on walks There brain is in their nose and when they get a scent their ears shut down. They bark and howl louder then most dogs If you let them off the leash expect them to run after anything, even a leaf blowing down the street. If it smells like food their all over it A beagle is a commitment. loads of energy that needs attention. Walks and play time everyday. All said, my buddy follows me around the house all the time. He's snoring at my feet right now and I wouldn't trade him for anything else.
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