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Everything posted by Jds63

  1. wow, nice trip ... thanks for sharing your photos
  2. It is now almost 40 yrs ago that my Dad would take me with him to the local streams for specks, i really miss it ... those are some great photos ... thanks for sharing
  3. those look awesome , Drifter .... looking forward to the epic trip log ....
  4. very nice .... love those stream specks ... nice underwater shot
  5. great report !!! .... saw it over on the AA forum last night ... i laso look forward to your annual AP trip log
  6. thats a beauty ... i have a 14 ft princecraft with a 9.9 ..... but thats reeeeeeel nice
  7. Jds63


    I am also in greement with with what Paul said, this is a great online community and very informative forums.
  8. I don't believe for a second Chara had no clue that there was a turnbuckle coming up .... he used it to his advantage .... front page of the the Sun today has a close up of Chara's arm driving MP's head into the turnbuckle .... cmon people ... do you think these guys play nice ? ... give me a break... if they can get away with this they will If this was your kid or relative in the NHL I am sue we would have a different opinion. What really confuses me is that the NHLPA never seems to stand up for their players. Where is the union ?, why do they not stand up for the players welfare? When a spectator got hit by a puck several years ago, every NHL arena put up screens behind the net within weeks, I understand that is because it was a spectator , but they need to take the same swift action for there players to fix these turnbuckles before it kills someone.
  9. Thats awesome Ryan, and what a beautiful baby !!!! Congratulations !!
  10. if I may suggest something having been through this process a few years back .... I had been searching for a waterfront lot for years, but was not ready to commit the cash ... when i was ready and narrowed down the area i wanted to be in, i hooked up with a real estate agent in the that area and told them what i wanted (price range) and just waited, almost a year later the agent sent me a listing and we had to act quick ... like within days of the listing made the deal and never looked back... no cottage yet ... but thats the next phase ... if its a decent listing they never last long on the market ... thats why you really need an agent keeping an eye out for you , otherwise they get scooped up .... 2 years ago a waterfront lot came up for 50K in the Haliburton area... 13 acres and 200ft frontage but on a small no motor boat lake, i forwarded it to my friend however it was sold within days ... I think having an agent on your side really helps (it doesn't cost you anything) ... you may just get lucky all the best and good luck on your search !!!!
  11. hey drifter .... those old obscure 80's tunes bring back some good party memories
  12. my favorite version of this song, Dave Matthews / Warren Haynes (Cortez the Killer)
  13. Beautiful pics and simply awesome !!!! I have a couple of those Lindy darters thought they were walleye lures, just didn't think they would work for greater depths (80 fow)
  14. Thats got to be the biggest Walleye I have ever seen. Congrats !

  15. beautiful fish indeed, great story as well brookies have always been my favorite species as well, my dad would take me to the local streams to catch 12 inch brookies back in the 60's and 70's, i never get tired of their beauty
  16. Thanks Malcolm, i tried Innisfil last winter , maybe I'll give it another shot again
  17. Thinking about trying Simcoe on foot this Saturday, any suggestions where to walk out from ? species does not matter given the latest amount of snow fall not expecting to get very far ... if anyone else is going perhaps we can meet up if possible thanks
  18. awesome job again Simon ... I would love to have a day like that just targeting whitefish You and Ben should do a fishing show up there in God's country ...
  19. geesh now you got me thinking of all the other locations I could use it, I got the yellow one, but I think i'll go back and get another for my teenage son for camping trips, so he keeps his paws off of mine
  20. bought the Garrison Flashlight at CT, wow it throws some major light should come in real handy on Temagami later this month
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