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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. He should use concentrated skunk spray, that would really give them away.
  2. No, we use this: https://www.amsoil.com/shop/by-product/motor-oil/marine/10w-30-synthetic-formula-4-stroke-marine-oil/?code=WCTQT-EA
  3. I've been using the Amsoil 10W30 for over 25 years, it meets all the specs.
  4. From what I remember when they get that big, they just taste like bad sneakers, all pumped up from hormones.
  5. Nice video, you sure have a nice piece of nature up there.
  6. Nice ending, I'm sure it would not have been the greatest tasting, maybe a little breeding left in it.
  7. A question, is it legal to play with the GPS while driving? No it's not legal, inputs must be made before driving. Simply holding an electronic device in your hands (hand-held communication during driving is against the law) Using a cellular phone to talk, text, check maps or switch playlists Eating (there may not be a licence suspension, but the RCMP warn you could be fined or given six demerits depending on the food) Reading books or documents Typing a destination into the GPS
  8. I don't have a problem with that. While you drive, turn the phone off, problem solved.
  9. So you have to spend a couple grand more and hump a can of gas around. Seems like we are running in a squirrel cage to catch our butt.
  10. I'm sure they also said they are just starting to make a profit. Until someone comes up with a really high capacity battery, I don't think I'll ever buy one. At present you go on a trip more than there is capacity, then what, especially if you're not at a recharge station. Run out of gas is one thing can be fixed by a jerry can, run out of electrons, hmmm, never tried to get them to get in a jerry can and refill a battery.
  11. Like you said you don't want to throw money in a bottomless pit. My neighbour replaced his motor last spring and within short time, in no particular order other things started going south. I wonder how much sludge is in the engine keeping the oil from flowing properly. That was his problem but he waited too long and it just plain quit. I'm a fan of real synthetic oils, never had an issue with it.
  12. I thought you might be out on the Lake by the condo, 1 walker and 2 huts out on the west end. One was a red hut.
  13. RCMP useless bunch of donut eaters. If they're bona fide public roads, then they must stay open. He can take his ranch and buzz off.
  14. Don't leave home without it, lol.
  15. Just a little poke to remind those who neglect F/F batteries during the long off season that you just might want to check the batteries. You know, those who pack their kit the night before the first outing and it's 8:59pm, the stores are closing and you find out your batteries have passed away. Don't put it off until tomorrow as tomorrow never comes. ?
  16. We are all getting older and starting to suffer from woosie disease. 10 years ago I too would have scowled at seat and steering wheel heaters, but I got to admit, they are nice.
  17. Undertaker and tax collector, everybody goes sooner or later and we all know about the taxman.
  18. That took soooooo long I'm ready for a pizza. Can't imagine doing that in winter.
  19. Seriously I think a lot of countries have "done it" to themselves, 30+ years or so when the big box stores opened, everyone ran to Wmart, Target, etc because your dollar could go further. It's part of human nature to find the easy way, do less work and buy more without thinking of the end result. We are probably all guilty to one extent or another. Years ago you could still find products made at home or quality products to say the least and the prices were not that hard to swallow. Now look where people go, 24 hour stores where the vast majority of the products come from a handfull of countries for dirt cheap. Do we care, no, throw it away and buy another, fill our dumps with their garbage, not realizing we just paid twice for more garbage. Take a walk through any larger store, turn over 10 items to see where it's made. When it comes to foreign autos, ya 40+ years ago if you took the door panel off a Datsun you might find a Coke emblem faintly visible. The joke used to be on a clear quiet night you can hear a Ford rust, well if you bought a Pacific import, the next morning there was just a pile of rust left in the driveway. But, they learned and quality grew in leaps and bounds, that's why they have prospered. Point in fact, last truck I bought had a broken ABS sensor module right from the factory. So some schmuck on the line said oh fuddle duddle it, to bad so sad. I can only say I bought 2 GM products, I didn't learn the first time, shame on me. Maybe the public should have a vote on whether or not companies get handouts, repaid or not. If you fail, some3one else will pop up and possibly prosper. Honda and Toyo seem to be doing well. Remember next ime you go to the big store, where is your money going, offshore.
  20. My family has had a fair number of "Krautmobiles" if you want to call them that and a fair number of N/A products. Without a doubt I would buy VW over any N/A product, reliability and retaining value is one of their good points. Unfortunate they didn't bring their small truck to Can/US, they would have put a good dent in the midsize truck market.
  21. If I was in close proximity, ya I would make a serious effort to go find a different area. CWD and other variants take a while before they actually show up and by the time they diagnose it, too bad. As far as I know there's no known cure or fairy powder that will stop it.
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