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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. I'll take rainbow over a laker any day, almost like comparing your favourite potato chips to having to eat turnips or brussel sprouts. ?
  2. Pretty sure PA has a pretty big assortment of bushing, I've got mine there before.
  3. From the Seafoam site: Sea Foam helps to stabilize stored fuel for up to two years by resisting evaporation, preserving ignition vapors, and preventing the formation of gum and varnish. Hahaha, Smitty types faster than me.
  4. No water, non ethanol gas, maybe it was the shelf life.
  5. SeaFoam. I used the regular Stabil a few years ago in a 2 stroke mix, following spring there was a mass of blue goop at the bottom of the gas can, sort of like runny honey. I'll never use that again.
  6. Snowed not far from Thorne this morning, last couple night were frosty.
  7. People can run but the animals are unfortunately left behind to suffer the tragedy.
  8. Part of the internet phenomenon, where do I fish, how deep, is there ice yet and it goes on and on.
  9. I'll bet mama mia isn't one of them, lol.
  10. Well, got to admit he's nice enough to make sure he's not ruining the yellow lines or the pavement.
  11. No doubt there are some gullible ones out there. I got into my truck sat there for a couple minutes and watched him circle through the parking lot for a victim. Bad thing is, I don't think it's illegal until the transaction has completed, (maybe fraud).
  12. Off to HD this morning to buy a new pressure washer, in, out and while loading onto the truck, a black Lexus SUV pulls up beside me. Fellow rolls down the window and starts to babble at me in Italian, I can understand a bit, he asks me if I speak any other lingo, yes, German and French. He switches to German and tells me he won some big cash at the casino last night, bought some watches that he now realizes he will have to pay big tax on when returning to Italy later today. I'll make you some gifts, one for you, the wife, your kids and friends, totaling what he claims around $5000 but, I need $500 for one so I can pay the rental for the SUV at the airport. He shows me a dot matrix printed agreement for $500. He's trying hard, you have any cash, can we go to your bank, etc. No thanks, I was born early in the morning, but it sure as hell wasn't this morning. So for those that might just get sucked in, fools and their money can be parted.
  13. Looks like Ottawa and Gatineau area got wacked pretty hard.
  14. We had that wind all afternoon, wore lead boots just to keep from flying away. Took a quick drive around the neighbourhood and expected to see a bit of tree damage, but absolutely nothing, dead calm this morning.
  15. Well what dud ya'll think those holes in your bumper are for?
  16. Lol, almost expect to see Capt Kirk chasing some Klingons across the sky.
  17. Nice pics, especially the night one.
  18. It keeps the public union employed. But, the last thing I'll submit to is autobilling.
  19. Oh boy, I'd be investing in a box of those special patches when you're 2 miles out. All your luck you'd have a squadron of XL mosquitos on steroids trying to poke holes in the toon.
  20. I've heard that saying before, something to do with a 23 HP Kubota backhoe, and won't say no moe, lol.
  21. Maybe read some of the reviews, nothing is bulletproof.
  22. I'm almost sure if you got out a shovel with a 20 foot long handle and dug up info, you might be surprised. It wasn't that long ago when they were still together they had received well over a Billion in subsidies. They claim that some has been repaid but they still get more so that's another white elephant.
  23. Well they do(did) have that jet powered 4 seater fun craft, one of the guys at the camp had one for one season, drank gas like a drunken sailor. He promptly got rid of it. No sailors were injured.
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