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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. One final addition, don't squander your money on Optimas, you can get 2 regular name brand deep cycle of the same size for pretty much the same price and have better output.
  2. So all of you that go to the local ponds have no idea who owns it, that you are trespassing on private property and make comments about going to the guys pond when he's in court.What gives you the god given right? Why should anyone have to put up a $2.00 sign to keep your creepy asses out of private property, it's not yours, keep the hell out. Maybe he should come into your house when you're not around and help himself to everything in the fridge and bedroom. You'd be the first to Pizz and Moan that someone trespassed and used your stuff, maybe you should have to put up a $2.00 sign too.
  3. Tell the angry landlubber to kiss your bollocks and eat your shreddies. There's nothing they can do about it unless you are standing on his land on placing your equipment on his land.
  4. That's the prime reason I will never bottom bounce or drag my cballs. It's also wise to properly adjust the cluches or brake mechanism to allow freespool when snagged.
  5. Well if it's hydraulic lock, remove the plugs and see if it will turn over all the way. Beyond that, there may be something broken.
  6. Hey Percher, you have a twitchy finger...
  7. Is it a console or tiller model? Some use a full side to side mount (wooden plank or actual rigger mounts) attached to the gunnels, others use individual mounts along the side, again, depends on how wide your gunnels are. I have mine mounted on 14" high pedestals which are bolted to a 1"x8" maple board that spans the center bench seat. No flex action whatsoever.
  8. Just to clear up your description, does the motor(flywheel) turn over completely, more than a full 360 degrees, or only part way?
  9. Glen, you have one other option that hasn't been mentioned, maybe you don't like the idea or don't want to go that route, I never trailer mine with the motor completely vertical(up/down), I use a transom saver, the motor is tilted at about 35-40 degrees up, gives about a foot of clearance, and, saves a whole lot of wear and tear on the transom, no motor flopping around. This way you can still go with a wider drop axle and 12/13 inch tires with no loss of clearance for the skeg.
  10. Ya, went from a light breeze to over 70k winds in two minutes. If you were done raking the lawn, better look again in the morning, probably inherited the neighbours pile of leaves. Only a light rain now, temps went from 26 to 16 in short order.
  11. Man, if we did something like that around here, P3TA, the fuzz, the by law girl, and the local chapter of witches would pounce on us, but it sure looks tasty. I might have to try that with a chicken at the campground this summer.
  12. Every fall, when the lower unit oil gets changed and twice during the rest of the fishing season. I caught a piece of monofilament once just trolling around, saw the tag end of the line when the boat came out of the water, had about 10 turns around the prop shaft but nothing under the seal, thank god. That's what happens when some people cut line off to retie and throw the piece overboard.
  13. Usually when line gets wrapped around the prop shaft, it "burns" the seal from friction, if in doubt, for the price of a cotter pin, pull the prop off and check it.
  14. All depends on the current, try maybe 4-5 BB splitshot about 4-5 inches apart under the float rather than 1 or 2 big ones. Watch the others for a couple minutes.
  15. If you see steam, is that hot enough..
  16. 1. Did you actually remove the lower screw where you fill the lower gear oil and see milky white oil coming out of there? If you have milky white oil coming out of there, then I'm having great doubts that it was changed last fall. If not, then that oil you're seeing could be be oil and condensation mix coming out of the exhaust port. At worst, there may be 3 seals, one behind the prop, one on the driveshaft where it goes into the lower unit from the top and on the shifter rod going into the lower unit. 2. If you blew air up the pee hole and there's no restriction, yes you need a new impellor, the "wings" are probably broken off or have "set" and not flexible enough as the impellor pump body is offset. Oh, and if it's not peeing out water, I wouldn't be going trolling until it's fixed..right.
  17. And here I always thought the first number was the diameter or...
  18. Sandy Cove at 400 and Innisfil Beach Rd has these: http://www.sandycovemarine.ca/link/?link=8 It looks like they're a bit lower. To achieve that, the tires and fenders have to be outside of the sides of the hull, makes it a bunch wider for storage(in the garage).
  19. How about "pike chowder recipe" in Google, there's over 39,000, oh wait you might run out of fish. They are all pretty much the same.
  20. Don't know if your e-mail gets hacked, then there's 2 of you and who is the legitimat one.
  21. Check the date on the battery, some of those things have been sitting on the shelf for a year. There will be a tag with something like 3-9, that means March of 2009. First number is the month, second is the year.
  22. Yes, definitely would get one if I didn't have one already.
  23. They usually go for about $140+ so it's a very good deal, just don't scrimp on the antenna.
  24. Princess Auto has a 3 1/2 and I'm sure I saw a 6" somewhere.
  25. Terry, you've just shot yourself in the foot, if your wires need replacing, replace them, if your choke doesn't work right, get it fixed, maybe some people need a battery the size of a Terex truck cause their motor is a POJ.
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