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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Nothing even remotely close to flooding, the gentle thaw seems to be working just fine.
  2. Hope you marked the hole...
  3. I haven't been around to the area yet - but does anyone know if the marina ice has melted? Thanks in Advance, http://www.barrie.ca/City%20Hall/Webcams/Pages/default.aspx Now you can see for yourself..
  4. I see those vehicles almost every day where I work, I'm sure they are quite useful for what they are designed for. The cost of operating them is off the deep end for fuel alone. As for the "tactical" uniforms, I strongly believe thats a complete waste of money. Dressed up in camo uniforms in the middle of town does nothing more than intimidate people, even the dark or black uniforms do not instill trust. Somewhere a while back there was a study done, the first word that came up to describe them was Gestapo.
  5. Ya, better check and see how many of those items are available and camp out at the door early. Then there's others that I got for 1/2 of their sale price.
  6. Sure thing, everyone wants their toys up front without saving. Like Old Ironmaker said, if it's not work related, it's not needed.
  7. Okay so all in all this appears to work wit some modicum of reliability. The question still remains, how much bandwdth or GB per month do you need at say 6 hours of TV per day?
  8. Bang bang, that's too slow rat tat atatatatata.
  9. Somewhere out there is a gadget that allows 2 lures like Lymans to be run side by side, keets the about 6 inches apart.
  10. I remember a couple at the campground screaming bloody murder one night when the coon was trying to rip the vent lid off their travel trailer. Took a whole lot of coaxing to get that varmint off there. Couple weeks later it broke into another one, couldn't get back out, ate everything inside and you can imagine the rest. Wrote the trailer off, too much damage. A year later one got into a Dodge caravan, window was down a bit, hid in the back eating the dog food. Later the owner rolled up the window, didn't see the coon, they wrote that one off, poop everywhere and everything that was plasctic covered was shredded. Where I used to work, momma coon ripped out a piece of soffit, hatched her young ones in the ceiling space. Unfortunately one died and in the heat turned to liquid. I've never seen sooooooo many maggots fall out of the fluorscent light fixtures. Thousands of them. Had to replace part of the ceiling. Do I have any use for coons..sure, dead on my head after tanning...the coon.
  11. Bahahaha, ghosts in the closets come out to haunt you now and then, good one!
  12. https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-paperwork-paperwork_boat_licence-3212.htm
  13. Oh ya, she's smokin, but Joeys right up there too..
  14. Some of you guys have some awful low standards. Nature gave us two hands to hold utensils and other crafty "tools".
  15. Ya that would be it, just a bit too short for a musky though. ..
  16. Have to look fopr yourself, damm work computer won't allow the link.
  17. Oh.. must be a frugal motor to use such small amounts of air.
  18. Cabelas sells/ or sold them before, saw one in action at the Orillia Perch Derby when there was no limit, full freezers in motorhomes going to sell them. https://www.google.ca/search?q=electric+fish+scaler&client=firefox-a&hs=81J&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&tbm=isch&imgil=qnMzBLgsTl1uBM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcSAgAJHzTAM3WsEjKiBI8YLH1E-zlLGAt6RpVHNTcZfNo3rPLKn%253B930%253B666%253B4QfJcyFRhsKO5M%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.wedgeoutdoors.com%25252F&source=iu&usg=__YsNX05jQ6dPCLE4IuOsu5FjIa8I%3D&sa=X&ei=JWkzU732FcnYoAT4q4CwBA&ved=0CEUQ9QEwAA#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=qnMzBLgsTl1uBM%253A%3B4QfJcyFRhsKO5M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wedgeoutdoors.com%252Fimages%252FFish%252520Scaler.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wedgeoutdoors.com%252F%3B930%3B666
  19. I bet you played with a tonka dumptruck when you were a kid last week eh? Not a bad price.
  20. You always have the great photos for the story.
  21. We got a good 8-10 inches here last night, time to wind up the blower.
  22. Give him a nosefull of XXXLimburger and he won't be babbling, he'll have a deathgrip on the white O phone.
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