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Everything posted by moemoe

  1. We tried slow rolling spinners and spoons, but slow twitch baits in black and sliver with long pauses took most of the fish, I used the flat rap and a friend used the new max rap which worked great as well, I wish rapala would send me some free baits for the good press, because the only problem is the price on the max raps, 20 bones, ouchh!
  2. Nice fish, what a pig!
  3. Not a good shot of it, but this one topped 14 lbs, caught on a silver flat rap, great lure! caught many more on it
  4. I used the berkley scale but went through 2, the screen comes on, but no weight would register, I switched to the matzou 50lb scale and it is much nicer, easier to switch pounds and kilos, nice back light, and all for 30 bucks at CT
  5. I pee on the dock in the spring, cause they are there every spring and it has worked every year so far
  6. bills bait was selling power pro at the line sale, which is still today I believe, 6cents a yard, thats 150 yards for $9bucks, I even got a spare spool of 300 yards....for 18 bucks
  7. Can I use 80w90 in my bottom end oil? and what is the difference between the two, I ask because walmart has castrol 4L 80w90 jug on for 12.99, and I honestly do not know the difference between the 2. thanks moe
  8. I had to replace my starting battery as well, I ended up getting a motomaster eliminator, I am sick of burning through "marine batteries", I picked up a group 65 with 160 minutes of reserve capactiy and 850 cold cranking amps, for around 120 bucks at CT, I had some gift certificates and crappy tire money, so it only ended csoting around 30 bucks, we''ll see how it goes.
  9. Not to be a downer, but my brother had a 97 4.2L, 6 cyl, and that engine didn't tow well, it sucked the gas and he needed a rebuild at 120 k, the vehicle was a complete lemon in other aspects as well, but if you had good luck stick with it
  10. I live and hamilton and my last 2 batteries were from acme, great northern batteries, and neither lasted more than a year and half and I take care of my batteries, regular charging etc
  11. Very nice! the people at ringwood make lake O the great fishery that is.
  12. Wow! low water levels in the end of march, scary!
  13. Beautiful, looks solid, what did you do with the last boat?
  14. Yamaha, all the way, haven't had one major issue with mine, I have had good luck with johnson/evinrude and honda's that I have owned, but thumbs down to merc 4 strokes, the older ones anyways, I haven't heard one bad issue from a verado owner
  15. I am pretty sure that through trillium who organizes transplants, that you are not able to meet the donor family, but you can write a thankyou card that they will pass on, I think they try to limit meet and greets to ensure that no funds are ever transferred
  16. Good for you! come on guys, who hasn't stretched a fishing story a tad, and who knows 60 some fish caught could be 100 on the line if you count lost fish, Keep the updates coming Stoty!
  17. I was planning on picking up a tekota line counter, the problem with bps is that there base prices on reels are expensive now, a tekota goes for $234, even with the special it is still $194, I know lebarons sells it for $209 all the time, and my fav local shop bills bait, always gives me great prices, I looked into BP because I got a $50 gift certicate to blow.... Same thing on other trolling reels, they sell okuma convectors for $99, where as most place are low $80's
  18. That was priceless in the interview afterwards when he was auctioning off the pitcher of beer
  19. mine said 38.70 total, I hate ups but what can ya do
  20. I called and ordered one, the sales rep said they were shipping an unbelievable amount of these to canada recently and was wondering why
  21. I have the foster grants from walmart, they are polarized, look decent, as they are my driving glasses as well. Last year I scacthed a pair from sitting in the boat lense down, took them to wallymart and exchanged, no questions asked. and less than 20 bucks, I have used the rapala and matzou glassess and wallymart's are much better
  22. This all great info, I am looking to build next year and this hasn't made the choice any easier
  23. At work right now, I don't mind the nights, but working friday and satruday night always makes me dislike my job....that being said I work 4 days on and 5 days off, I wouldn't trade anything for my 5 days off
  24. Holy smokes! I can't believe I was first on the draw for one of these, whenever I see them with multiple posts, I always think what are the chances of logging on at that exact time? Thanks TJ!
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