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Everything posted by moemoe

  1. Bills bait in hamilton has amazing prices and service, lot of good suggestions here though
  2. I have a Navionics sonar plus chip with the one foot contours for a garmin to part with if you want a chip
  3. I have a 225hp yammy and thought same issue after 5 years, took it to bay city marine who i trust and have had good service, they said only replace of necessary and if not cracked or loose like the majority are save your money and dont replace
  4. sent a pm
  5. Just be careful wear you store it, i kept mine in a old live well, that i plugged up....moisture got in I guess and opened the compartment to use it, and it was blown
  6. The brown green runs to the back but also is used for the clearance lights on both sides of the fenders
  7. I did put led lights on last year and shrink tube/soldered connection, the power splits off mid trailer to supply clearance lights and it is a 5 wire plug instead of 4 wire going to the lock out on the surge brakes
  8. if there is an issue with compliance with the regs and with garbage pickup, i see no issue with the town charging extra for policing and garbage cleanup, many pics always surface in sept and is a well known place that gets repeatedly abused, everyone mentions it needs extra enforcement, and i believe last year the local police started to assist with that
  9. Have a 2004 trailer, that is causing me grief, keeps blowing my fuses in my truck, had issues with the ground last year that i redid all the ground wires, figured might as wel rewire the whole thing.....looking to have it done right and last for a long time...wondering if anyone has dealt with a quality trailer place they could recommend, live in hamilton area but will travel to k/w area as well.....thanks moe
  10. I have a new with tags shimano compre 2 piece rod, 8ft6 xh if your interested
  11. Bills bait in Hamilton has some amazing prices right now on helix units all the way up to the 12s
  12. stick with the interstates! most marine batteries only have a one year warranty.......I still have and use one of your old spares!, i am on year 5 on my interstates, i put nautilus batteries in a cottage boat as was the only choice at the time are they were terrible from the get go, same as great northern batteries, deka or interstates is my recommendation
  13. Beauty baits that run hard and true
  14. Found these large white mushrooms with a grey brown underside popping up on my lawn.....bite one piece and seemed decent with no bathroom incidents.....for the experts on here, would these be edible to fry up with steak and onions?
  15. not a fan at all of the gng great northern batteries 2 in the boat and one in the car that all went after 18mos, no warranty on the boat stuff either....interstates down the street for me now
  16. Strong family and even stronger individual. I hope you and your family have a truly enjoyable and blessed christmas together
  17. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Interstate+Batteries/@43.237129,-79.734709,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x759c55ce4418d142 picked up Interstates from here for a good price, starting battery and 2 group 29's, 4 years still going strong
  18. straight out of nanticoke
  19. went out sat out of lake erie, managed 5 walters and a wack of silver bass, walleye came on bodys baits on boards and 8 colour leadcore, mostly silvers on the harnesses, 85 to 95 fow
  20. trout lake in northbay, landlocked atlantics that are actually self sustaining
  21. On Georgian Bay, if the area is full of gar, usually I move and try and find another area to fish, never seem to be other species hanging with them
  22. Nice Job aaron! Love the camera work
  23. love the new maxxis tires i picked up so far....8ply tire rated for 80lbs........dont forget to check if your rim can handle that though....my aluminum rims are stamped rated for 65lb on the inside
  24. bought the cabelas guidewear on sale based on the advice here and love it, biggest regret was not splurging on the bibs too
  25. One sport I do not understand at all is the 2 person luge, really? It has nothing to do with 2 guys laying on each other, it could be coed, mixed, whatever, I think its goofy having one person, lay on the other going down to the track and the 2nd person cant even grab the starting handles for takeoff at the start......I cant believe it took all the extra promotion to get female ski jumping in the olympics but yet they keep 2 person luge....things should get more exciting with the hockey ramping up though
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