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Everything posted by moemoe

  1. So after a year with northstar, I got an addenum in the mail, outlining that now they will cover me for a distance of greater than 300 miles from my home? I said pardon? I guess that means the month or so I spent at the cottage in manitoulin last year, I wasn't covered, goes to show you REALLY have to read the fine print
  2. I thought about getting one, but the last article completely changed my mind
  3. I went to lowrance in mississauga this spring with an issue I had with my Lowrance lcx colour, I wasn't getting any signal from my gps puck, they told me to bring it down and they could check if it was the unit or the puck. They told me my unit was fried and I could upgrade to an HDS 7 for 900 bucks. I told them I would think about it and in the meantime I was able to get a second puck off the previous boat owner. Hooked it up and no problem at all......glad they "checked" into the problem for me... On many other boards, there are many gripes about the new hds units.
  4. I love the spring fishing show, I take my boat out in the beginning of april, so february is a good half way point to dream about the spring, plus I always enjoy the Scotty Salmon Seminar, but I don't know if that is on the agenda for this year
  5. I think that for 25 000 +. you could find a cheaper option, I know its a 16 ft'r but this seems ok.... http://sudbury.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-b...QAdIdZ153127539
  6. I prefer lowes to the despot, opps I added an s....... I replaced my eaves troughes this year and lowes saved me about 50 bucks over the despot, plus if you do need help it is a heck of lot easier at lowes....
  7. I like the show, mostly muskie and pike, and he catches big fish, He does talk down to his guest though
  8. another thought, you know times are changing when the big first look at an international companies new product, comes from you tube
  9. Looks great, feel free to upgrade my yamaha!
  10. I have a yamaha 100hp 4 stroke for 3 years, it's a nine year old motor, and it has been a dream, not one issue, starts right away, powers off well, I also have a 6hp yamaha kicker, great, motor, sips gas..I can troll for 6 hours on lake o for about 4 bucks
  11. if you look at the site http://www.stevesugrim.com/blog/2009/01/big-moose.html, the second photo definitly looks photoshopped
  12. Never thought of that, Thanks!
  13. Hi Guys, I am helping a friend redo a Starcraft Islander, and we were redoing the floor, We were looking at putting some marine spray foam back in, any suggestions on brand to use? Can I use regular outodoor (Tuff stuff) expanding foam or will this become waterlogged? thanks Moe
  14. It 's amazing how much bigger the michigan fish looks than this one, yet only 3lbs difference....
  15. Fair enough, but the last line is key, if you live withsome or have close contact to a person in a highrisk group, protecting yourself is just a as imprortant, and I am sure most of us would fall into this catergory
  16. Just because a flu shot isn't an exact match, i.e every other year inlcuding this year, doesn't mean that you don't get any added protection, as your body can still develop some antibodies....and the other thing to consider the cost is cheap to you....percentage wise 1/10 people develop influenza and 1/3 children develop it, and this was before the more virulent h1n1 came about, the risks of serious side effects of the flu shot are like 1 in a million, you have much better odds to get seriously hurt in car accident driving home today......risk versus benefit is a no brainer to me, epecially if the 1/10 people who are likely to contact h1n1 can become seriously ill........but you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
  17. I work in ER and we have had our first case already, if the swine flu mutates in January, bet you wish you would have gotten the shot in october.....immunizations can take up to 6 weeks to build resistance
  18. Great Job! I think Dave could have wheeled it in there from 90ft away!, too bad about the attendance at the game though, yikes..
  19. A question, and honestly I don't know, but how do you know that the QL82's run hotter and why is that better for trolling? Because I do like to troll
  20. Thanks alot guys!
  21. Near shore fish are still there, fish 50 -70 fow for an early bite, with baits near the bottom, We caught 8 this morning with the biggest 24 and change, but no fish after 8:30, Spin doctor dipsy fly did much better than spoons.....
  22. Hi guys, I have a question for you, I am going to to my wifes family's cottage this weekend and they have a motor, a 20 hp Johsnon that hasn't been run yet this year, I was hoping to bring up some new plugs for it, anyone know the model of plugs? I know, I know, noone knows the exact year but my guess would be late 80's to early 90's, Thanks!
  23. 2.5 on gps is usually close, baits change by the day, I prefer nk's and michigan stingers in spoon, in monkey puke is usually good and hawg wild is another safe bet. spoons, run a 25-50 ft lead and play from there, but then we haven't talked about spoin doctors, flies and meat rigs, go to spoonpullers and check out the section on questions about salmon fishing
  24. For strictly salmon info and reports, check out spoonpullers.com
  25. Nice report, just goes to show, don't leave fish to find fish.....
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