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Everything posted by moemoe

  1. Question for Irishfield, How are most of the muscle cars on ebay scams? Just curious as I had looked into boats through ebay.....
  2. Santa was great this year! two captains pak bigjon riggers (manual)with swivel bases, and handheld marine radio, and various amounts and kinds of lures
  3. Nice place, very knowledgeable and super convienient, but in the area I prefer Flats in Port Maitland for livebait......
  4. I have to admit, I loved all the big water salmon pics and reports as well.....Steves reports gave me the itch to try myself
  5. Wow! nice report, and oh how i regret putting my boat away with a five day weeekend coming up!
  6. What did happen to jigs or muskyjohn?
  7. I Haven't ever forgot a fish, but fishing storied seem to be forgotten...For instance my brother, who is one of my main fishing fishing partners, seems to forget how the outings actually went.....Like Spring salmon fishing, He'll say "remember the day when we went something like 22 for 28 for Salmon? That was the best day!" and i'll say noooo, but I remember when we went 10 for 15?....The things we forget as fisher people are the actual story...lol
  8. Here's some of my fish from the year, The musky was unfortunately caught by cousin as well as the walleye, both in the same day img[www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?act=post&do=edit_post&f=2&t=1145&p=9911&st=]/img
  9. From Hamilton in the beginning but mostly (20 years)from Caaaaayuga! Love the place, now unfortunatelty HAmilton Mountain
  10. Those are all awesome pics, I htink as I was scrolling through these, this was the first time my wife had come over to see what I was looking at while on OFC!
  11. I loved that girl! I have seen many times and in Terry post I still have stop reading and stare once again, hopefully not for the last time...
  12. THanks Superdad, thats a great link, I still have one question and that's how do you go about obtaining a title search?
  13. NIce report, all I can say is I am jealous
  14. Nice fish guys! Envious as i bit the bullet and winterized the boat last week, before all the nice weather......good luck next weekend if you make it out
  15. Thanks for the input, and welcome Bob, I'd love to buy your boat, it's a beauty but I have hunch that the price is a little too much,...... was wondering how to go about a title search in the states for a boat and motor, and is there separate title searches for boat and motor or is it one? and if used, do I still need a letter from the trailer manufacturer? Also does anything change if it is a gift?
  16. I was wondering if anyone has ever purchased a boat from the states or has any info, stories or advice. Thanks Moe
  17. I have a bunch of preferences....I know I know lot of people say it's one big infomartial....but I like Fishful thinking, Charley Wray always explains tackle and presentation well,......Extreme angler and next bite, also pretty good, but I am a guy that likes loud music ie Metallica, Audioslave, but I think Extreme Angler would be more enjoyable if the backround audio was turned down a notch... Really I enjoy all shows save Dimestore "Dail It UP!" .....They drive me crazy
  18. NIce job, those are some nice numbers
  19. NIce report! and beauty fish
  20. Beauty set up! Looking for something similar myself except manual!
  21. LOOKs great....real "purdy" !!!
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