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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. Good to hear you got it all set up properly
  2. Awesome report Mike, thanks for sharing . What makes the trip most memorable is the look on your little guys face in the pictures. Bet ya can't wait till he gets a little older to take him on your epic portages. I'm sure he is already asking.
  3. Beauty eyes, thanks for the report!
  4. bump
  5. What he said. Instead, get what you would like to use, and then buy her some fisher girl apparel .
  6. When traffic demands call for widening of the highway, they are left with no choice.
  7. Rolly: see PM and you will be on your way with a generator.
  8. Thanks, I will keep an eye out for your report.
  9. Interstate Battery System Hamilton 11 Garden Ave, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2Y8 905-664-9464 They sell refurbed Interstate deep cycle's. Their refurb's are usually batteries that have a little nick in them from the assembly line. Should be around 50-60 bucks and they will give you $5 for your old one. They also come with the standard 2 year warranty. Can't go wrong. Call them first and see if they have any. Let me know how much you payed.
  10. I am looking into a trip first week in July and wanted to know how people's experiences were at Lake Mattagami? Was thinking of staying at Minakwa Lodge. I primarily fish for pickerel and sometimes pike. Is this a numbers lake for the pickerel? I am looking to camp and must have hyro on my camp site. I will also be bringing my own boat. I am open to other suggestions and am willing to drive further, so long as the fishing is good. You can PM me if you like. Thanks in advance.
  11. Woman working and you at home, your a legend in my eyes . Congrats and good on ya for making the effort to be home with your family and working locally. Being around for their childhood is something you surely will not regret.
  12. Looks like a good time and great eye fishing . That bear is massive.
  13. It's not the dog, its the owner in alot of cases.
  14. If I was you and seriously considering it and the weight on the plane allowed for it, I would bring my own brand new generator with me. Of the outfitters that do have a generator(s) at camp, I bet they are old and unserviced. I would not be relying on them to keep you breathing at night.
  15. Not looking to stir the pot, but your tone was pretty nasty to a poor woman who has done nothing but try to assist you as best as she can. I have come to learn that being firm but polite goes a long way in this day in age. Don't be fooled, if you were the Bell CEO, your call centre would be in the Carribean too
  16. Very cute pup! I have a 16 month old black lab myself. Unbelievably smart and loyal breed. Feel free to PM me if you need tips or advise.
  17. Had this happen to me when looking into a car for the gf. I even went as far as taking the car to my mechanic and paying to get it checked over and then I confirmed I would be buying it and returning with the money the following day as banks were closed at the time. Lets just say he locked his doors and threatened to call the police when I did return
  18. Edit the pic to blank out your buddies face and we wont even know who caught it . Don't tease us like this
  19. I would put on mono backing to use less of the power pro which is way more expensive. The first bit of line you spool on never really gets used anyways so it would be a waste of power pro.
  20. The winter jacket I had said that too. I have been eying this for a while but hesitant because of my experience with the winter jacket. Heck even the reg price $70 is good for a 2 piece rain suit, 40$ is just a bonus.
  21. I bought a Wetskins winter jacket that is 100% waterproof and later returned it because it didn't breath at all. I was sweating like crazy inside because of lack of ventilation. Bill/mistaredone: does the rain suit breath or are you soaked in it? icefisherman: is that the Burlington Costco? If reviews are good I may even get one for the wife and then try to convince her that we are not crazy for fishing in the rain .
  22. You make a good point here. But you have to agree, a transom saver will extend the life of your transom when compared to not using one.
  23. It sounds like fogging oil. Run it on the muffs for about 10minutes. If it continues to smoke I would say its more than fogging oil. My motor usually smokes for about 1-2 minutes after start up the first time in the season. It will smoke if your on the throttle, but should smoke very little, if at all on idle.
  24. I use one and I have a 40hp.
  25. Dependant on where you live I have seen outdoor storage for 50-60$/month in my area, but it was a few years back. The cheapest deals will be found by looking at listings on kijiji, etc where people have property and are looking to make some money and not established boat/RV storage facilities. If you got seniors on your street (assuming you live in a house), work out a deal with them to shovel their snow/cut their grass to be able to leave it in their garage/driveway. This is what I did until I bought my own house. As for maintenance costs, it will depend on how new of a package you buy. I found myself buying a new trailer and putting in easily 3000 into the motor for maintenance over the 6 years i've owned the boat because I bought a well used package. Gas costs will depend on how frequently you fish and how far you need to travel to fish. I run a 40hp and filling the boat is the least of my worries, its filling the SUV that kills me. To give you an example, when fishing locally, I drive 30min and usually troll. A day like that may cost me 25$ including 5$ boat launch. However if your on the throttle alot then yeah your boat motor will suck the fuel. When up north, I run WOT constantly when moving spot to spot and go through 25L of fuel every 2 days. I do fish a solid 12+ hours a day though too and don't really move around too far as my spots are fairly close to each other and the lodge. If you plan to fish from a lodge even camping is expensive IMO. Everytime I'm faced with a 350-400$ bill for a weeks worth of camping I want to bash my head off a wall because I have yet to buy a generator and camp on crown land. Another important consideration is your tow vehicle. Is it capable of towing a boat and can you still expect a few years out of it? If not, are you financially stable enough to afford a tow vehicle when and if the time arises? When I was young, stupid and in school I wanted a boat so bad that I just towed it with my Jetta, endagering my own life and others. I wont get into traction issues at the boat launch. It has been mentioned here before, BOAT stands for Break Out Another Thousand. If you have breathing room financially, go for it. Life is too short to not do what you want to do
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