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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. I ain't worried about the boat, its motor theft that I am worried about. Just bought a new 40hp yammy and Terrova and the boat sits at the dock at my trailer. Not worried about liability either.
  2. Hey guys, shopping for boat insurance. Who is giving the best deals these days? Boat sits at dock all spring, summer and half of fall. TD will not insure as boat is older than 15 years.
  3. Thanks for the responses guys.
  4. According to the marina it should be 2 gauge for that length, sounds excessive. 6 gauge started 40hp evinrude just fine. Thoughts?
  5. Thanks Raf. You dealt with Hasting's Marine for your used motor if I recall from years ago, correct? Good experience with them? They are right near my trailer so it would be convenient.
  6. In terms of durability, which one would you recommend if considering new 40hp? I am considering Etec, Yamaha or Merc. The Merc's are almost 2k cheaper which has me wondering why? I am partial to Yamaha due to the raving reviews over the years, is this still the case with their modern day motors? What kind of maintenance intervals are involved with a Yamaha? Are they expensive and frequent? I understand the Etec's don't need maintenance for the first 3 years/500 hrs which is attractive to me. What has their reliability been like though? Bottom cylinder on my 96 40hp Evinrude showing 40PSI less than top, so a rebuild would be in order. Dundas Marine says 2-3k for rebuild and new Etec/Yammy is around 7k. Anybody have any suggestions as to where I could get a more reasonable quote that delivers good work? Open to suggestions and does not need to be local. Thanks in advance.
  7. Thanks for the advice guys. I think I might go with the Hummingbird. 730$ with Navionics at Bass Pro. I want a Terrova eventually too which will really come in handy for working the weedlines on Rice.
  8. I'm on the hunt for a new sonar/gps combo. Was looking at the Lowrance Elite 7 HD and Hummindbird 859 ci HD. Anybody here own these units? How do you like them? I come from a Lowrance lcx 27C that never worked properly out of the box and completely failed after 5 years of light use. Very disappointed given it was a 1k investment. I am also reading reviews that the Elite 7's periodically shut off. What has been your experience with these units and how long have you owned them? I never really put my electronics to their potential. I am basically looking for a decent size screen, GPS to mark spots and reliability. I am open to other suggestions in the 700$ range.
  9. There is definetely no parisitic draw as the car starts fine during other seasons (for the past 2 years issue is only present in winter months and only when below 0). If its the greace in the starter, how do you explain it starting up when boosted? It starts up instantly when boosted. I will have to check the battery cables.
  10. I thought about this but it doesn't sound like its it. When the engine bay warms up or if its above 0 ish, it starts up everytime. It also starts everytime in the spring, summer and early fall which would rule out the alternator. As mentioned, the car did the same thing last winter ever since I got a new battery put in. I was told that the Interstate battery had slightly less CCA than the battery it replaced but was assured it should be fine. Like mentioned, costco book recommends 700 CCA for my car and thats what I put in.
  11. I have a brand new Kirkland 700 cold crank amps battery in my 4Runner and it doesn't seem to want to start in the mornings when it is coldest. My previous battery was an interstate 700 CCA and the car did the same thing. I thought the battery may be on its way out, but after buying a brand new one same thing. However, when it is not cold it does not give me these issues whatsoever (car did this last winter as well). I had a guy boost me this morning and it starts right up with the brand new battery, after repeated failed attempts without a boost (never tried a boost with the old battery). Does this sound like I need a higher cold crank amps battery? The book which suggests which battery to buy in Costco recommends a 700 CCA. If I repeatedly keep turning the ignition to the on position and hold it there, after a 2-3sec delay I can get it to start sometimes without a boost. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  12. Rod Caster: split them in half first to reduce the weight and then you should be able to lift it onto splitter.
  13. I think its Memquisit that has a guide on staff. Call and ask, you don't need to stay there to book him.
  14. I once herd that smoking is so bad for you that it is the equivalent of gaining 100lbs. When you quit, get on a exercise routine and take a natural appetite suppressant such as magnesium. Feeling good from the exercise will motivate you to keep the butts away. I have a buddy who has been on that e-cig or whatever for like 2 years. I don't believe it works. What has worked for me in the past is mental meditation. Look at a calendar and set a date a couple weeks or months out, and then remind yourself daily that this is the day you are kicking the butts. Also, for the first few weeks, don't do things that drive you to have a cigarette. For example: drinking, keeping your stress as low as possible, moderate or no coffee consumption, etc.
  15. I can provide some help on the walleye. White, pink and orange jigs (in order of my preference) tipped with worms has worked for me, as well as lindy rigs. I also had luck adding the same colour twister tail as the jig and tipped with worm. The key is to keep the bait moving. I like to put my trolling motor down and crawl along as slow as possible. Focus on depths in the 17-25' range and move shallower as night approaches. On bright sunny days in the afternoon, look for areas where trees cast a shadow in 25-30'. Fish all the narrows in that area, they all hold a variety of fish. If you are catching perch, it is usually a good sign that walleye may be around. If your catching rock bass, move on as there will be no walleye around. To get your hopes up, a co-workers father owns a place on the West Arm and says walleye fishing has been pretty good as of late. Good luck! As for night fishing, be very careful if you dont know the area as others have said. I got spun around once at night in Warren Bay and had no idea where I was. Thankfully, I knew that there was a bridge near Lakair, so I waited for a vehicle to pass over so I know where I need to go. I would recommend you stay near the bridge at night for this reason. You may want to hang out there anyway at night . Just watch out for the big rock on approach to the bridge (Lakair side of the bridge). It is usually marked with a bleach bottle.
  16. Are you reapplying the blistex every few hours? Having a bite to eat or something to drink will smear it off as well and you should reapply directly after.
  17. Will do, thanks. It appears amazon offers quite the savings, but unfortunately you don't know if your in for brokerage until it arrives.
  18. This is how I fish 80% of the time.
  19. Check costco. I bought the bigger size Kirkland battery and noticed it was easily half the weight of my old interstate, which was a smaller battery. Costco warranty and pricing are also factors.
  20. My Lowrance Lcx 27C will no longer turn on after only 5-6 years of use. Unit is getting power. May have used it 60 times. POS didn't work properly out of the box. I am now in the market for a new GPS/Sonar combo with a 5-7" screen. I am hesitant to purchase Lowrance again due to reliability concerns, but after doing some reading it seems that both Lowrance and Humminbird have their issues. Any members currently running the HDS7 gen 2? If so, how long have you had it? Any issues? Do you recommend the structure scan and is it worth the extra money? Would you recommend the unit? I was also looking at the Humminbird 859ci HD. Any feedback on this unit? I am open to other suggestions as well, feel free to suggest.
  21. To add, also make sure the type of sunscreen you are using is labelled "broad spectrum". Sunscreens that don't have it will not protect you from all types of UV rays. It takes sunscreen about 20 min to "activate" so keep this in mind before heading out.
  22. I'm redoing my boat floor and am at the point where I can start securing things. Can I get away with only screwing down the perimeter of the boat or do I also need to screw the middle of the floor as well? Trying to limit number of visible screws. Thanks.
  23. He probably got the ticket because when the cop asked him to confirm what he did, he admitted it. Me and a friend watched a guy back into my brand new car and when the police came, they said that is not enough evidence. Luckily the guy admitted to hitting me and was then deemed at fault.
  24. Any ideas which type of hinge I should be looking for so it looks clean?
  25. I am currently redoing my boat floor. The carpet and plywood being used is thicker than before and I'm noticing my compartment doors are recessed below the floor line a litte too much for my liking using the existing offset piano hinges. I seem to be having a hard time finding a offset piano hinge with a bigger offset. What are my options in terms of hinges so the compartments sit flush with the floor? I would prefer not to have the hinges visible on the top of the floor. Where can you buy this stuff in the Hamilton or surrounding area? It would need to be stainless steel.
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