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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. There is a sign off the QEW just East of Brant St saying something along the lines of "Sail opening spring 2012". Store will be located in the area behind the Costco.
  2. If your willing to pay, i'm sure you can play whenever you want. Call up the insurance company and ask.
  3. Given that you have time before the freshwater season is open, I would wait and look for a bow mount.
  4. I herd a cab driver in BC got 325k on the batteries on a Prius hybrid. Thats good if you ask me. It would be well worth the purchase if you plan to drive the car in the city alot.
  5. IMO it all depends on the condition of the home. If not much work is required and most of the interior is up to date then I don't see why a realtor is required as the house will speak for itself. But if it needs alot of work, it will be a much harder sell privately unless the price is REALLY right. From what I have seen in my area, people are just downright ridiculous when it comes to asking price on a private sale.
  6. I looked into one of these and the reviews on them are horrible. There is a reason they partnered with Mercedes to make a diesel engine to go in the Cherokee.
  7. Good advice above by GYPSY400 and John. I would go VW Taureg TDI or Cherokee CRD if I were you Mike. I have personally driven and towed my boat with the Taureg TDI and it is amazing. I did not even feel the boat on the back, whereas with my 4Runner I know damn well its there. My brother went on a road trip to Florida in the Taureg TDI and averaged 11L/100km driving 120+ish almost the whole way. Mercedes makes the engine that is in the Cherokee CRD, enough said. If you decide to get a Toyota, make sure you don't take it to Red Hill Toyota for anything other than an oil change as they have tried to screw me around. Miraculously, every single bolt "seized" on my 4Runner when they went to change my timing belt and water pump. Lets just say they were quick to reverse the 6 additional hours of labour they tried to charge me. I wont even get into inexperienced "mechanics" not being able to diagnose a problem. Good luck with your purchase.
  8. To decrease your chances of headaches when you move in, have the foundation poured in the spring, summer or early fall. You would hate to have a crack in a new build. Sounds like your picky like me so this would certainly drive you nuts. Best of luck with your purchase and build you are certainly making the right choice. After doing reno's myself, I regret not buying new. The only advantage of buying a fixer upper is that if your smart and patient you can save alot of money by looking around and getting multiple quotes instead of the contractor having you by the balls when it comes to upgrades like granite countertops, solid wood vanities/kitchen cupboards and hardwood floors. Almost always it is cheaper to just get the builder grade stuff installed and then upgrade when your budget allows for it. All depends on your taste and preferences in a home.
  9. I've seen police cruisers driving with burnt out head lights.
  10. I'm no tree expert, but looking at my pine in the backyard, it appears as if the roots are near the surface. When we had that wind storm last year it was all pine's that were knocked over in my area (from the base), which to me implies that a pine's roots don't go deep enough to support the tree sufficiently during high winds. If the pine is approx 20 feet from the foundation, can this pose a potential problem? I know my neighbour has had issues with his maple growing roots which are pushing into the foundation walls.
  11. Congrats on the new rig Mike, looks good. Not suprised at all you got a good deal, given the time of year. Best time to buy IMO.
  12. If it were me I would consider how good you are with the neighbours. Afterall, they are the only ones that can trigger an inspector to show up.
  13. Given that young children will be in the boat Mike, I would not even think twice and get the riveted hull.
  14. Do Canada Goose jackets even cut it up there?
  15. I hope to god that pic is fake.
  16. I have herd of a guy who invented a engine that runs on water. He disappeared shortly after. Interesting
  17. I would keep in mind the fact that if you are replacing the tub, chances are the tile is old as well and bound to leak at any time (assuming it is old). My bathroom L-Cove tiles lasted 30 years before they started to leak, which is considered excellent. As a result of the leak, I was into water damage on the ceiling beneath. Something to keep in mind.
  18. I remember thinking how the heck is this legal when I'm so smashed
  19. I tell people that I don't recommend you do that and remind them that it is not allowed. If they insist, I let them know that they will be paying all fines associated with a potential incident.
  20. I have a 96 4Runner and can vouch that it is very reliable. Mine has 315k on it. I will admit it could use some more power when towing, but given that I tow the boat 15ish times a year, it does good enough for my needs. On trips to Lakair, I get about 13L/100km towing 1500lb boat/trailer and full camping gear. In the city (not towing) I will get about 14L/100km.
  21. I'm stuck with having to organize my work christmas party this year. Any ideas? I was thinking piano bar. Don't feel so bad guys, zilch is paid for on this christmas party.
  22. Maybe you should just remind him that if you notify police he will face a 6 point offence (failing to remain).
  23. I would request money from the guy just because he thought he could pull a fast one and NOT repair the truck. If you really want to be a prick, call the cops and he will be nailed with faling to remain at the scene of an accident. Almost positive that is 6 points. That will really make him learn his lesson and I bet he wont drive away again.
  24. To each their own I guess. I payed half price when comparing quotes to what the dealer wanted. Even without the core return I thought the price was reasonable and I consider myself a bargain hunter. Alternators/starters purchased from CT are still working after 5+ years.
  25. This is when you pat yourself on the back for buying an import and not North American
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