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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. Seeing as you were still breaking it in, I imagine that you were not driving WOT as much? This makes all the difference.
  2. I would be contacting the local police detachment and making his staff sgt aware of his lack of effort by the sounds of it.
  3. Anywhere between 10-11:00am you will be okay getting to 400, assuming there are no lane restrictions due to collisions. Not sure where you are leaving from but it sounds like Hamilton/Niagara area. Take QEW and then 403E. You can ride the carpool lane all the way to the 401 which increases your odds of not being delayed. Once you are on 401E, the 400N ramp is not far. If by chance you notice the 401E is busy, take 427N to 409E, then 409E to 401E. You will merge back onto 401E about 1km west of the 400N ramp, so make sure you are in the far right lane to be able to safely access the ramp. Keep an eye out for the large overhead electronic message signs for traffic delays.
  4. I was wondering the same actually. I suppose you could always bring a fan up. Then again, other than when it rains or if the bugs are real bad, there is no real reason to be in the tent until night time anyway.
  5. Awesome report as always Mike. Amazing how you guys consistantly caught large pickerel. Please PM me how much the trip cost per person.
  6. Thanks for the report. Always a good time up there. T-3 weeks until I'm up there again this summer.
  7. Not deep at all. Deepest I found was like 8-9'. Most areas are 4-7' if you are away from the shoreline.
  8. Fishmasters in Dunnville offers camping right along the water. Casting out a worm on a hook and leaving the line in the water can get you on carp, cats, sucker or drum. The camping is on an open field though.
  9. There are services available that offer postal boxes that hold the item for you and you go and pick it up. The name of the place escapes me, but I'm sure someone here will chime in.
  10. This was my impression after talking to her. I herd some places pick worms at golf courses because they are watered daily. Must be an agreement with the club.
  11. Agreed, but certainly not a cheap option like the OP was asking for.
  12. Could of sworn I saw signs on that Malcolm guys property in the past saying that a dozen was like 2.50 or 3$. I would assume a flat would not be cheap in that case. $45 sounds like a great deal, I payed $60 a couple weeks ago at Danny's Live Bait on New Mountain Rd. They were the fattest worms ever, although it was $50 last year . She sells half flats too for 30$. Lady claimed lack of rain is causing prices to increase, which makes sense. Let us know where you find them cheapest, I'm hoping to sneak one more fishing trip past the wife this year .
  13. IMO it depends on how far you need to travel when you fish. If you are travelling long distances and your storage facility can accomodate a 18'+ boat then go with console. For the style of fishing I do, I fish 90-95% of the time and drive the boat the remainder of the time. That said, I would rather have more room in the boat since I spend majority of the time fishing as opposed to driving the boat.
  14. As portable as they may be, I'm not a fan of inflatables simply due to the sense of security. Fishing requires sharp hooks and sharp hooks and thin inflated rubber just don't mix with me, especially considering the amount of money I have in my gear. I would personally get a small 6-8' alumimum boat and transport it on your roof or a Porta-Bote (portable folding boat). The Porta-Bote's come in various lengths. A quick search discovered they are plentiful on kijiji: http://ontario.kijiji.ca/f-porta-bote-Classifieds-W0QQKeywordZportaQ20bote
  15. EWWWWW
  16. It is a real shame how people allow their labs to become pigs. Not to mention increased risk of hip displatia associated with being overweight. I would say 90% of labs I see in my area are overweight, sickening. I was already aware that swimming is best for labs and she sure as heck confirmed it during my 8 day stay on the West Arm a couple weeks ago (her first time up north). She couldn't stay out of the water. Bugger scratched me all over my body while swimming towards me, until I started redirecting her with a light push when she came near me. I will have to work on not allowing her to come too close to people when swimming in the water with her.
  17. I can see it already, license to own a pet. They are already legislating us to death, but this actually wouldn't be such a bad thing as there is alot of people out there that don't have a clue what their doing, or simply don't care enough. After owning my lab only 2 months, I was walking her in my neighbourhood and another chocolate lab pulled the leash out of the owners hands and attacked my dog. After asking the owner how often do you walk it, he replied a couple times a month. After I educated him a bit, he had no clue that you should walk a lab atleast once a day, preferably twice for about 30min.
  18. Why not stay in Noelville where there is an abundance of deep water?
  19. It could be in their DNA but ALOT of it has to do with their owners. Another factor could be if the dog was taken away from its litter before being 8 weeks old. I have seen a show where not even Caeser Milan could rehabilitate a dog that was taken away from its litter too young. I know a guy who works for the SPCA in Mississauga and he claims that labs are the most frequent breed to bite. Although, I'm sure it has alot to do with the fact that labs are probably the most popular dog among families. No problems with mine, but ask me how much effort I put into her .
  20. Enjoy your stay guys. I just returned from there last night after a 7 night stay. Pike and pickerel fishing was pretty good.
  21. Welcome aboard Luke, very inspiring story and good on you and your bro's for stepping up to the plate when needed . Knowing very well the effects MS has had on my mother, I consider yours a miracle.
  22. Looks good man. Did you use that plastic place I referred you to in Hamilton?
  23. Good on you for helping out your oma and opa . Man are the years flying, last time I saw you Liam was too young to fish, and now hes right in there. Thanks for sharing G, nice pics and report.
  24. Sounds like bad karma for not taking your kid out. Wait till you take her out next time and she whoops you in fishing .
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