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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. For those who still need to winterize, take a look at your choke switch, the "maintenance valve" is attached directly below it (on some motors) it looks like a tire valve, like mentioned above. Saved me alot of work. Lower unit screws requiring a 2-3mm depth flathead is another story.....lol.
  2. Ive been reading, and its saying to fog the cylinders as well
  3. I have attached a pic, can someone please mark up where I spray the fogger? Does the filter (infront of the carbs) need to be removed to do this (i labelled it with the blue arrow). Do these motors have the maintenance valve to spray the fogger? Thanks.
  4. The first line in your post answers the question sufficiently . Sarcasm aside, find a Kia forum and ask on there, you would be suprised what you can find out. In the past I have noticed there is dealer techs on some car forums as well. Hope this helps.
  5. You studying civil engineering/technology by any chance?
  6. Higher octane=more heat. This is why I use low grade. Can anybody else vouch for using strictly premium on 2 stroke engines? Lunker777: if the sea foam does not help, I would clean the carbs and check for air leaks in the lines.
  7. judging by the topic title I thought you were referring to someone wanting to rape you . Nice shot of the owl
  8. My condolences
  9. I painted this weekend and I hear you its annoying and very time consuming.
  10. Engineers in the ministry make 80k, not CO's. CO's make 40-50k. If they move on to be supervisors/managers then more.
  11. If you know where the fish are, and can put your clients on ALOT of fish then go for it. Keep in mind you do have alot of competition from very knowledgable/skilled charter guys who have been around for years. My suggestion: Don't start out with a monster boat until you really know what your doing and then just upgrade once you have acquired a solid clientelle and fishing knowledge.
  12. I thought the same thing when I woke today, mines filthy
  13. Another vote for Lakair. Is it summer yet?
  14. Bow your head in shame young man
  15. If its being done on insurance, go with Carstar. They are one of the best. They do charge a beating but their work is comparable to the way it comes from the factory. Butcher shops will do a half decent job and charge your insurance just as much as carstar because its an insurance job. I used them in the past and highly recommend them, and thats coming from someone who is particular as hell. The location I used was on Arvin Ave in stoney creek, and no I am not associated with them. You wont be disappointed.
  16. Good going guys. I must ask, whats with this sleeping business?
  17. did you catch anything?
  18. Since were on the topic of animal XXX....check out this trail cam pic, hes definetely hitting that
  19. Go see a doctor bud. 3 hours is considered good where i'm from. People wait up to 8 here. A hospital will take better care of you then a family doctor anyway. All the family doc will do is send you for tests and maybe give you some pills. Why not just cut to the chase and go to the hospital and they can do the tests that day and give you the required medication? For now I would not eat anything with fibre (whole wheats, whole grains, whole grain cereals, fruits), but strictly foods that are high on the glycemic index ie) white bread, white rice, pasta, potatoes. These foods take longer to break down, thus your less prone to bowel movements.
  20. Like someone mentioned earlier, he does this for a living and if he refused that the guest keep the fish, that guest would more than likely not come back for his services. Im sure slayingm would not of kept it if he caught it. Get off the guys back!
  21. how do you become a club member, and how long does it take?
  22. http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2009...1658081-ap.html
  23. My driving school instructor once said "driving is easy, its looking out for idiots that is the challenge". Keep this in mind, especially those that have their eyes only glued directly infront of them, instead of being aware of their surroundings.
  24. Ahh yes, I remember this far too well 2 weeks ago.....damn Italian weddings
  25. Its a possibility that he under estimated how far away the other car was, and didn't want you to get the wrong impression about him being a bad driver so he made that comment. Its also possible that the driver behind him was speeding and caught up quickly as you guys were accelerating and didn't bother to slow down in advance.
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