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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. I recommend tiller, especially considering you don't fish the big lakes. Keep in mind you spend 90-95% of your time fishing and 5-10% of your time driving the boat. I would rather have the convenience of more room while im fishing, as opposed to having the convenience of a steering wheel.
  2. Get a fenwick canadian classic methods (its dark red in colour). Amazing sensitivity. I will pick it up before my compre if I'm jigging, as it is WAY more sensitive. 60$ at BPS last time I checked.
  3. no drooling at boats for me
  4. Lew: do those retractable tie downs loosen on long trips? My "tie down buddies" from BPS loosen like crazy even on a 45min drive and i'm using them at 1/3 their weight capacity.
  5. The old crook owners charged me 60$ to use their truck to put my boat in the water and pull it out, as my jetta could not handle the steep slope of the launch . As for fishing, I only fished there in the spring, with mild success.
  6. Keep the van for towing, and get yourself a TDI VW. The van only needs to be insured may to december'ish. Start the van and drive it around the block once a week in the off season. This is what I do.
  7. Don't quote me on it, but I think as long as somebody in the boat has the license, your good. Not sure if there is an age limit though. Can anybody confirm?
  8. 1. Warn him that what he is doing is not authorized. 2. If he persists (assuming he is on your property), have a tow truck tow him away. Or you can just charge him a parking fee
  9. I stopped watching halfway.
  10. Generally speaking, I find that stores that have recently opened obviously give you better customer service. For example, when I ask an employee where something is at a CT location that has been around for years, they say "between aisle 20-25 somewhere around there", whereas the new location I went to earlier this week, the employee told me exactly where I could find what i'm looking for, and she even followed me to ensure I found what I needed.
  11. Amen.
  12. Spectacular scenery thanks for posting.
  13. Maxwell house is terrible.
  14. You sir are truly nuts You only live once right?
  15. Expanding on what bushart said, back home in Europe my house (which was rather large) was heated by firewood that sent heat through ducts. I think only a fan was used to move the heat better, and i'm not sure how the smoke was filtered out. If your interested, I can ask my dad for more details as I was real young when we left. Im sure you can find info regarding this online too. From what I can remember the fireplace or furnace if you want to call it was approx 4' wide, 8' long, 3-4' deep and you would jam it full of wood, and you wouldnt have to worry about reloading for up to 12hours. It would be the perfect set up for you, especially considering its a cottage and it is not your permanent residence. Besides, utilities aint cheap in the bush. Just a thought.
  16. Shoulda pitched a tent outside in the lot with a sign saying "wake me up when lobster arrives". If theres a will theres a way.
  17. Have a energy efficiency inspection done, and you might be eligible for a rebate on that furnace! Look into it.
  18. nothing else to do, as we wait for the ice to be safe
  19. Hrmmm, I could use those extra ponies for when I carpool with 4 people in the car. Does it smoke more? And do you need to get a chip? Or do you just add nozzles, and away you go with more power?
  20. Are you an agressive driver? I got 1000k and I was babying it, with no shifts past 2100 rpm
  21. Thats what I got, mind you we got it when it was brand new. Was yours automatic by any chance? That could be the difference, mine was manual.
  22. Hold onto that puppy for dear life. It is one of the best TDI's they ever made. I got 1000km city driving with the 2001 we had. I can also recall 1300km highway. The models that came out after that were not as fuel efficient I find, mind you they also had more power.
  23. Contact Ford's head office and see what they say.
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