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Everything posted by Fish4Eyes

  1. What suprises me is that the fish had the strength for that long. Goes to show their healthy up there I guess.
  2. He must of had a heck of alot of line on that spool since he didn't get spooled.
  3. He's too valuable for that. We need him to persuade people into scraps by using his humour to tell the opponents what has been said about their baby momma's.
  4. Honestly, who cares what other people think about you ESPECIALLY on the internet? We should set up "OFC Fight Night" to settle disputes like this ridiculous one .
  5. I would of just asked him to give me some space, politely. If he refused, cast and get tangled with him, and maybe then he'll get the point. If he still refuses, proceed to getting tangled and then cut his lure off
  6. Law of attraction, be positive and believe in yourself.
  7. Tell him you will give him that $400 to shut his mouth and carry on .
  8. ummm shouldn't they have checked whether it meets the standards before putting it out on the market for sale?
  9. Pretty sure they would require MNR or Police officers to do that, which means the government would be paying the staff at the conservation areas and plus require an authorized individual to check for skin on fish fillets. Most people take the fish home and clean it anyway. Regardless, they would make more money charging entrance fee's. I don't know about the soo, but conservation areas in my neck of the woods get pretty busy especially on the weekends.
  10. I used to use a coupler lock on my trailer, but I find I can BARELY get it off. I have to put a cloth or something under the latch how much force is required to open it. and I'm strong like bull too .
  11. If you want to scare youself away from it look at the fuel consumption specs.
  12. Somebody once told me that if you rename your boat it is bad luck. Has anybody else herd this?
  13. They sure are expensive too
  14. They would never be able to cover the costs of employing people at the conservation areas if you didn't have to pay admission.
  15. If you want to fish Mountsberg it goes on a trust basis. You park near the reservoir, and are expected to fill out a paper which states your license plate. This little paper is dropped into a deposit box and your are expected to pay 10$. They do check the deposit box.
  16. If you want to do the job right, go with a bow mount. It gives you better boat control, but is more expensive. I would recommend nothing less than a 50lb for that size boat. I have a 14.5' with a 36lb thrust and it really has to work to get it moving, especially in a current. When I upgrade it will be a 55lb thrust. Whatever you decide on make sure it has maximizer technology.
  17. Not much of a deal. Keep looking, you will find something with less headaches.
  18. I fish in deeper water at all times on nipissing 17-23'. I don't slaughter them, but I do catch some every morning and evening. I never really fish at night because I can't tolerate the mosquitos, but I would assume they go shallower at night. During strong light hours, some stay deep and some go to the weed beds. Don't be fooled by the winds on nipissing. Last summer I had my best pickerel outing in a 1+' chop at 10am. Caught 6 in a 1/2 hour.
  19. BPS because its a one stop shop, has good prices, and makes me feel like a kid in a candy store.
  20. LMAO Hes obviously kidding around. Some of you follow the board enough to know. Infact he makes my day everyday. Keep up the good work . Laughing prolongs lives!
  21. Good on ya
  22. Crooked store owners could care less who it comes from, as long as the price is right, which im sure it is if its coming from random fisherman.
  23. Hrmm....my brother just payed $63 dollars in Muskoka at one of these. I told him he was an idiot for paying that much. They must of jacked up their prices because folks who vacation in Muskoka don't really worry much about how much things cost.
  24. http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sc/boat...surecraft.shtml have a read through here. Might be something that pertains to you. When I registered my boat, all I remember was that is was a pain
  25. I did not recommend for him to use 10lb Power pro for fishing in cover. I was just giving him an example of how I set my drag. Its way too dark to see any grass beds.
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